The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) is a science-based elimination and reintroduction diet and lifestyle protocol. It focuses on repairing gut health, balancing hormones, and regulating the immune system. The dietary component includes removing food-driven sources of inflammation and restoring nutrient density, while the lifestyle component includes approaches to sleep, stress management, movement, and connection (both with humans and nature), in order to help best manage autoimmune disease. (If you’d like more details, be sure to check out What is AIP? The Definitive Guide).
AIP has been used successfully alone or in combination with conventional treatments, depending on a person’s needs. Medical research into the efficacy of AIP has been performed with patients having Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, eczema, and psoriasis, with more publications coming soon.
The Autoimmune Protocol has been refined and maintained by researchers studying its efficacy for various autoimmune conditions, and the practitioner community of AIP Certified Coaches who have been integrating the protocol into their work with their patients and clients. In 2024, a major update was announced and there are now two versions of the Elimination Phase, which are known as AIP Core Elimination and AIP Modified Elimination. All of the resources below have been updated to reflect these changes.
By signing up for our newsletter, you get access to our AIP Quick Start Series, which includes the following free resources in 60+ pages of beautifully-designed .pdfs you can use on your computer, tablet, other device, or print out:
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