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We imagine you found yourself here because you are interested in the Autoimmune Protocol—an elimination diet that removes grains, beans, dairy, nuts, seeds, and nightshades in a quest to pinpoint food sensitivities and how they affect those of us with chronic illness. We have experienced profound healing and impact after incorporating this in our own lives, and share articles, tips, and recipes on our blog to enable others on their own healing journeys.
We know from experience how difficult it can be to get started with the Autoimmune Protocol, and Mickey has created some free resources to help you get started, like this meal plan!

Download your 2-Week Meal Plan and Shopping List here!
Here are your other free resources:
- Autoimmune Paleo Print-Out Guides—a list of the foods to eat and avoid while on the protocol
- About the Autoimmune Protocol—an article with more details about the protocol and links to resources
- Autoimmune Paleo Recipe Index—links to over 65 recipes on my blog that are grain, bean, dairy, egg, nut, seed, and nightshade free
- Autoimmune Paleo Batch Cooking Demonstration—Here I execute a batch cooking session to prepare for the elimination diet
A quick note for gmail users—if you are wondering where your newsletters are, they get filed under your “promotions” folder unless you manually drag and drop the emails into your “primary” inbox.
Wishing you success as you embark on your healing journey!