AutoImmune Paleo Articles
The 6th Annual AIP Summit!

The 6th Annual AIP Summit kicks off on January 13, 2025 – make sure to register for this event right now, and scroll to the bottom of this post to hear a short podcast episode from the founder, Jaime Hartman! ...

AIP Research Update: A Hashimoto’s AIP Study from Poland

Good news! The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), an elimination and reintroduction protocol aimed at helping those with autoimmune disease identify food sensitivities and increase nutrient-density, continues to be the focus of medical research investigating its efficacy for specific autoimmune conditions. While ...

Core & Modified AIP: An Updated AIP Resource Library!

In January, a new option for the elimination phase of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)  was announced: Modified AIP Elimination. If you are looking for the exact details of which foods are included and avoided in both Core and Modified AIP, ...

Introducing Meals You Deserve by Kris King

I wanted to introduce you to the newest AIP cookbook on the scene, Meals You Deserve by Kris King! Many of you likely recognize Kris as one of the recipe contributors for Autoimmune Wellness (you can view her impressive AIP ...

Announcing Modified AIP: A 2024 Update to the Autoimmune Protocol

Since inception in 2011, the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) has not undergone any major updates or changes and has existed as originally conceived by experts and used by the autoimmune community. Today, that is changing with the announcement of a new ...

AIP in 2023: An Announcement & an Invitation!

Hi Everyone!  Mickey here… I hope this post finds you enjoying a peaceful and healthy New Year holiday! I wanted to take a moment to give you a heads up about an event coming up that is relevant to the ...

A Special Message From Angie

Today I’m sharing that after 10 years helping build and lead this movement and seven years at Autoimmune Welln­­­ess and AIP Certified Coach with Mickey, I have decided to step away from my work in the AIP space. In a ...

You’re Invited to Join the AIP BIPOC Community!

When it comes to living with a chronic medical condition, few things are as important as your support system. Whom you surround yourself with can have a dramatic impact not only on your mental health, but also on your physical ...

Autoimmune Protocol Medical Research Review

The Autoimmune Protocol (AIP), an elimination and reintroduction protocol aimed at helping those with autoimmune disease identify food sensitivities and increase nutrient-density has always been rooted in scientific evidence (see The Paleo Approach, the 2014 book written by Sarah Ballantyne, ...