Core & Modified AIP: An Updated AIP Resource Library!

In January, a new option for the elimination phase of the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP)  was announced: Modified AIP Elimination. If you are looking for the exact details of which foods are included and avoided in both Core and Modified AIP, don’t miss What is AIP: The Definitive Guide which has been completely updated.

A quick summary of the reasons why Modified AIP was added as an elimination option:

  • Many patients in the AIP medical studies saw results before reaching a full elimination 
  • AIP Certified Coaches reported seeing good results without a full elimination using a modified protocol in their practices
  • Recent elimination diet research indicates that stricter does not always produce better results 
  • Increasing accessibility, affordability, and sustainability can widen the reach and application of AIP

If you’d like to read more about why AIP was updated, the research process behind making the update, be sure to read Announcing Modified AIP: A 2024 Update to the Autoimmune Protocol.

Introducing: An updated Autoimmune Wellness Resource Library

The founding mission here at Autoimmune Wellness has been to provide free resources for anyone who wants to embark on AIP. Since 2012, we’ve been delivering a resource library with food lists, meal plans, and other materials as a part of our AIP Quick Start Guide email series. Since inception, over 200,000 of you have downloaded these materials!

With the 2024 update to the Autoimmune Protocol, it was a prime opportunity to take a look at this resource library and give it a comprehensive update. Not only have all of the prior resources been edited and redesigned, but new materials have been added for the new Modified AIP elimination (including dedicated food lists, a meal plan, and reintroduction materials). 

Here is a list of what is included in the updated Autoimmune Wellness Resource Library:

  • AIP Quick-Start Guide 
  • Core AIP Foods to Include 
  • Core AIP Foods to Avoid
  • Modified AIP Foods to Include (NEW!)
  • Modified AIP Foods to Avoid (NEW!)
  • Core AIP Meal Plan & Shopping List
  • Modified AIP Meal Plan & Shopping List (NEW!)
  • AIP Reintroduction Guide
  • Core AIP Reintroduction Stages
  • Modified AIP Reintroduction Stages (NEW!)
  • Food Reaction Checklist
  • AIP Medical Research Review (NEW!)

All of these materials are presented as beautifully-designed .pdf files that you can read on your computer, e-reader, or other digital device. They can also be printed at home. 

How can you download these materials?

1. If you are a subscriber to the Autoimmune Wellness newsletter, you should have an email in your inbox with download links to each resource in the library. 

2. If you are not yet a subscriber, you can sign up here and receive the AIP Quick Start email series, in which you will be sent the resources in a series of emails over the course of 6 days. 

3. If you only want specific resources, you can sign up to receive them individually by opting in using the following links: 

Are you a practitioner that uses AIP in your practice and would like an extended library of AIP resources to use with your patients or clients? Be sure to consider taking the AIP Certified Coach Practitioner Training Program, where you can learn best practices for implementing and personalizing AIP for the population you serve. Graduates are granted a license to use a collection of 50+ handouts directly with their clients, including assessments, journals, troubleshooting materials, and more. 

If you’d like to hear me talk through these materials, listen to the podcast below:

Thank you for being a member of the Autoimmune Wellness community, and I sincerely hope these resources help you, your friends, or your loved ones embark on AIP easily and successfully! 

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Hi! When viewing the website on a smart phone, iPhone, the Submit button at the bottom if the webpages, to sign up for the newsletter, is covered up by the copyright, etc. text. That should be fixed so people can more easily click the submit button. I took screenshots to email but I can’t find an email address to send to. Thx!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Thanks Stephanie! We’re working on this!

      • Robin says

        Hi Mickey! I wanted to inform that I am already a subscriber and mistakenly signed up twice for the new modified information- didn’t know if that would cause double emails or needed to be fixed or anything. And thanks again for all you do!

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