AutoImmune Paleo Articles
A Discussion on Race, Genetics, and Genetic Expression

Over the last several weeks I have pondered greatly the best way to articulate thoughts and ideas I have had on race authentically and through the lens of a medical provider who is still in the work of educating and ...

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health in Autoimmune Disease

Key Points & Suggestions for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Health Obesity can both put a person at greater risk for developing an autoimmune disease and worsen the course of an autoimmune disease once developed. Treatments should be utilized to support individuals ...

New Medical Study Results: Improved Quality of Life for IBD with AIP

If it seems like every time you turn around we’ve got new medical study results to share, it’s because we do! Today, we’re sharing the results of another sub-study conducted under the original AIP medical study on the Autoimmune Protocol ...

New Medical Study Results: AIP Can Change Gene Expression

We’ve been waiting and waiting . . . and waiting to share the newest and absolutely incredible AIP medical study results. Every time AIP medical study results come in we have a hard time keeping our mouths shut here at ...

COVID-19 Testing

Now weeks into a national lockdown, we have all likely seen reports regarding the challenges in obtaining and performing testing for patients with a suspected COVID-19 infection. Given the inadequate number of testing kits that were available as the number ...

What Your Physician May Not Be Telling You About the Autoimmune Wonder Drugs

There are 100 million Americans who have autoantibodies and symptoms but no specific diagnosis. These people are told by their doctors to wait and see, to come back next year for more tests. They aren’t given any advice about interventions ...

COVID-19 and Autoimmune Disease

At this point you have likely read numerous reports about the COVID-19 Coronavirus and hopefully have started implementing changes to minimize your risk of exposure or transmission of this new strain of virus. I will start off by saying I ...

Understanding Blood Chemistry: Getting the Most Out of Your Lab Work

Have you ever left your doctor’s office looking at your most recent lab work like its written in a foreign language? Have you wondered what your lab tests are really saying about the functioning of your body? Have you been ...