AutoImmune Paleo Articles
How to Work Yourself Down When You’ve Worked Yourself Up

Everyone’s experience with autoimmune disease is different, but I’ve found that nearly all my clients report dealing with a bit of a roller coaster effect when it comes to their health. There are countless dramatic swings inherent in navigating the ...

Could Exercise Intolerance Be Impacting Your Recovery?

  Ok, so you have done all the things right. You are following the AIP diet and it’s working. You are feeling better. You are drinking water. You are exercising. But you are still having setbacks. And you are still ...

Think About It: Better Digestion Through Mindfulness

Bloating, cramping, gas, and diarrhea — as a health coach, I spend a lot of my day talking about these things! My clients often experience such intense digestive issues that it’s frequently what pushes them to finally seek support. I ...

How to Make Your Healing Routine Easier During Back-to-School Season

  Finding Structure in Transition No one understands the frazzle of the fall season quite like moms do. Alarm clocks, piles of shoes by the front door, backpack checks, and multiple new schedules to juggle. Maintaining the time and space ...

Analysis Paralysis Conundrum of Autoimmune Management

In autoimmune disease, we often learn the hard way that the decisions we make—about what we put in our body, when to go to bed, which activities to participate in, you name it—have a direct impact on how we feel. ...

Be Mindful of Your Summer Pace

Slow and Steady Wins the Race! Do you remember when you were a kid, and summer meant long days of pure freedom stretching in front of you? You had three whole months away from school! Talk about bliss. Summer can ...

From Victim to Empowered: Create Your Life, Even with Autoimmune Disease

Have you tried shifting your diet, rebalancing your microbiome, detoxing, and everything else under the sun but nothing seems to work? Take a look at your nervous system. Are you living in a fearful, anxious, victim state most of the ...

Maintain Your Social Energy This Holiday Season

The holiday season can be taxing for anyone, but I know from my clients that it’s even tougher on folks with autoimmune disease. Whether it’s grappling with the fatigue symptomatic in any autoimmunity issue or figuring out the details of ...