New year, new name! We have some exciting news to share on this New Year’s Day. We are getting a new name! We’d like to introduce you to Autoimmune Wellness. Mickey first started Autoimmune Paleo in late 2012. Two years ...
If the stories compiled on our site and from the worldwide community are anything to show, the Autoimmune Protocol has helped a great many people with autoimmune disease live healthier, fuller lives. Many of us discovered this way of eating ...
Happy New Year! 2016 has arrived! I’m going to be totally amazing this year. I’m going to make all those changes I’ve been planning. It’s going to be awesome as I just demolish challenges left and right. I’m going ...
The Theory Since many people with celiac disease continue to feel sick, even when they eliminate gluten from their diet, scientists have been looking for the reason why. One theory is cross-reactivity. What does that mean? When your body develops an ...
I’m taking a break from blogging this summer as I focus on my move, but in the meantime I have some great guest posts on various topics lined up from the autoimmune community. This post is by Eileen Laird, who blogs at Phoenix ...