AutoImmune Paleo Articles
Six Alternatives To Coffee While on The Autoimmune Protocol

  Why is coffee avoided while on the Autoimmune Protocol? One of the most commonly missed eliminations during the Autoimmune Protocol is, you guessed it… coffee! But why? Well, to start we avoid all seeds during a Core AIP elimination ...

My Struggle With Exercise and Autoimmunity

My entire life I have struggled with exercise. As a child I was severely asthmatic and therefore banned from doing P.E. or any sports that caused my heart rate to increase. Fortunately I discovered that I could ride horses, and ...

Mickey’s Recovery – Part I

If you are starting here, you might want to read Mickey’s story, parts I, II, and III.  Once I found the “thyroid book” by Dr. Kharrazian, I knew that there was much more to my Hashimoto’s that I didn’t know and I would hopefully ...