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Why is coffee avoided while on the Autoimmune Protocol?
One of the most commonly missed eliminations during the Autoimmune Protocol is, you guessed it… coffee! But why? Well, to start we avoid all seeds during a Core AIP elimination phase (NOTE – seeds are not avoided in Modified AIP, which is cool! Read more about the differences between the two here). This is because seeds (along with nuts) are a common food sensitivity for some folks.
Fortunately, seeds are one of the categories of foods that are more likely to be tolerated as a reintroduction, so some of us may be able to get back on the coffee train after the Core AIP elimination diet is over. But wait…
Is there another reason to avoid coffee?
Unfortunately, yes. Caffeine, which is contained in varying amounts in coffee, can be a problematic chemical for some people — especially when it causes a dependence and inches us towards adrenal fatigue. Although caffeine gives us energy or provides a “pick me up” when we need it, often it ends up causing more harm than good. Ask me how I know… my former career as a barista in Seattle might offer some clues ;).
Beyond the negative impact caffeine has on our adrenals, it also acts as an immune stimulant, having the potential to cause autoimmune flares in some folks. Because of this, I think it is wise to consider eliminating caffeine in addition to coffee, at least for a trial period, to see how your body fares without it (you can read more from me on this topic in Kicking the Coffee Habit).
Are other caffeinated beverages OK?
While Core AIP avoids seeds during the elimination phase, and thus coffee, there is no restriction on caffeine. That being said, caffeine is an immune stimulant and can be an issue for some people. That means other caffeinated beverages, like tea, are allowed (with caution) during the elimination phase.
Why is it important to wean off of caffeine?
If you are going to ditch coffee, unless you are going to replace it with a caffeinated tea you are likely also going to be ditching caffeine entirely. It is important not to quit caffeine cold-turkey, and instead wean yourself off of it gradually. You can do this by gradually reducing the amount of coffee you consume, by mixing regular coffee with decaf coffee, or switching to another non-coffee but still caffeine-containing beverage, like tea and working your way to less and less caffeine. I recommend doing this over a period of a few weeks, even months, if you have a serious dependance.
If you are thinking about embarking on Core AIP, you will thank yourself later for taking this step to gradually work your way down before you start. Trust me, caffeine withdrawal is no joke, and I’ve personally spent weeks in bed trying to get it out of my system the “hard” way.
What should I drink in the morning besides coffee?
Here are my six favorite coffee alternatives that are compliant with the elimination phase of the Autoimmune Protocol (and beyond, if you are like me and decide to ditch coffee for good!):
- Chicory/Dandelion Blend — If you haven’t tried this yet, be prepared to be blown away – this is an extremely coffee-like alternative! The roasted chicory and dandelion have a similar bitterness and acidity to coffee, but they don’t have any caffeine (and if you are looking for a pre-mixed version, make sure to check out Sip Herbals!). In fact, both of these roots contain properties that aid in liver detoxification, so including them in your routine can actually be a way to love your liver. Try this steeped in a French Press, tea ball, or prepared “bulletproof” style (my personal favorite!).
- Tea — It almost goes without saying, but swapping out coffee for tea is one of the easiest alternatives out there. If you are weaning off coffee and would still like some caffeine, try some black, oolong, or green tea (caution though, as green tea can stimulate the immune system and cause flares in some folks). Great herbal, caffeine-free alternatives include rooibos, chamomile, peppermint, and licorice.
- Bone Broth — For those who are not yet broth converts, skipping coffee to enjoy a cup of warm broth in the morning may seem odd, but it is by far the most nourishing way to start the day. Bone broth contains many nutrients that are healing to the gut, like collagen, gelatin, and minerals like calcium and magnesium. See my Pressure Cooker Bone Broth recipe to make yourself a batch!
- Lemon Ginger Infusion — Ginger is one of my favorite anti-inflammatory spices, and using the fresh root to make an infusion is a great way to start the day. I like to slice a 1” piece of root into thin medallions, and steep for a few minutes with hot water and a squeeze of lemon.
- Coconut Milk Chai/”Natte” — I reserve a beverage like this for a special occasion both because it requires a little more effort and planning to execute, and can be sweet (think a weekend brunch). You will find my coconut milk chai recipe on p. 102 of The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook.
- Probiotic Drinks — While these don’t satisfy the “warm” and “cozy” feeling that the morning coffee ritual usually fulfills, they can be a great option for the warmer months (or beyond, if you don’t mind cold beverages in the morning!). Make your own or purchase Kombucha, Water Kefir, or Kvass to get a daily dose of probiotics.
I hope this article has opened you up to the possibilities of what you can have to drink in the morning without (gasp!) coffee! I think you will find these options not only tasty, but many of them nourishing and medicinal.
Are you coffee and/or caffeine-free? Have you tried any of the coffee alternatives on my list, and which one is your favorite?
Coffee is the one thing I have absolutely struggled with! Giving up sugar, grains, dairy was easy but in 2 years of being Paleo I’ve never managed to ditch the coffee habit. I have cut it down from 4 cups a day to 1 first thing in the morning. I would love to see if I get further improvements in my health without it. I have Graves and RA. I have done all the suggestions on your list – broth, herbal tea, dandelion tea, not helping😕. I’m currently working with my naturopath on healing food intolerances. She has tested for coffee and says it doesn’t show up as a problem food. Working on a beef intolerance atm. Coffee for me is connected to emotions. It helps wake me up in the morning, I crave it if I’m stressed, but I also crave it when I’m happy and things are going well! Really struggling to go one day without it which is what makes me think it could be a problem. Would love your thoughts.
Hey Wendy!
The beautiful thing about the autoimmune protocol is that it is a template, meaning there are many ways in which you can personalize and make your own. It sounds like you have drastically reduced your coffee intake, and that little bit you still have gives you a big benefit in ritual and happiness. I would say if you reach a point with AIP + that cup of coffee where you feel great, good for you! If you still feel like there is some root cause that needs to be uncovered before you do deeper healing, ditching the coffee for a little while might be worth it. It is really up to you. Wishing you the best!
Have you looked into the “Mushroom” coffees, are those aip paleo approved, any recipes or ready to drink products that can be comparable to coffee?
Hey Shana! I haven’t personally used them, and I would caution you to be careful with any immune-stimulating mushrooms (like shiitake, maitake, etc.) as they can be problematic for some folks.
Is guarana ok for autoimmune issues?
Hi Sally, since it is made from the seed on a plant, it is not elimination-phase friendly.
I have a tea with Echinacea, Plantain, Calendula, Medowsweet are these all AIP friendly?
Hi Erin, unfortunately there are some immune-stimulating herbs in there that would be avoided during the elimination phase.
My own rheumatologist does not want me taking any Echinacea, since it boosts the immune system.
Wendy, I’m right there with you. I’m preparing to start the AIP in the next couple of weeks and my heart sank when I saw that I’d have to give up my beloved strong black coffee. I gave it up for almost 3 years and but started back drinking it over a year ago. Now I think I love it more than before. I am with you that it is an emotional connection. The struggle is real!
Same here. I am following AIP no problem but my hashimoto’s makes me SO tired in the morning so i have to have coffee. Hopefully will get off it eventually. What minimises the reaction for me is to alkalize it (as it is very acid). I have a coconut milk coffee with stevia + a freshly squeezed lemon water with a teaspoon of spirulina/greens and 2 slippery elm tablets/supps. =]
Jeremy, if this coffee drink is working for you, that’s great, but we do want to point out for other readers that both stevia & spirulina are not elimination phase compliant on AIP. Other ways to help w/ being so tired might be to support your adrenals, starting w/ stress management & perhaps working with a practitioner on supplements/herbs.
Wendy, have you gotten any relief or movement with your health? I have learned that “if” you have tried ALL the food possibilities and still nothing “dramatic” at swinging the needle, then it is more than just the food. Gut infection, parasites, etc. I have endured over a decade finally figuring out things for myself and my daughter. Now, moving on to my son!
Good afternoon, I have hashimoto disease and I love coffee. It is a calming item for me. It also helps me sleep. Should I strive to eliminate it from my daily intake?
I too was diagnosed with Graves several years ago. I loved coffee!! I have since switched to Teechino, a herbal coffee substitute. Started by mixing 1/2 coffee and 1/2 teechino. I’ve been completely coffee free for years and don’t miss it. Don’t know if it’s paleo approved. All the best in your wellness journey!
Hi Kathe, I can’t seem to find a Teecino that is AIP compliant. Do you drink a particular one?
LM, Teecino is not AIP compliant. We recommend Sip Herbals!
I just started the AIP I am now down to 1 cup a day of coffee. That was very hard to do. I will conquer it. Just a matter of finding something I like instead. The chia tea with coconut milk I have not tried yet perhaps.
Good for you, I hope you find joy in some of these alternatives! Good luck!
Really enjoy your blog and continue to learn so much about autoimmune healing. I have Hashimoto’s and, although not fully AIP, have found cleaning up my diet to be so helpful. The Autoimmune Paleo cookbook has been really helpful! Thank you! I’m not a coffee drinker but do love black tea. I have found that doing my ‘homemade’ decaf process helps reduce the caffeine to a tolerable level. I pour just enough boiling water over the tea bag to cover well and let sit for 30 – 45 seconds. Then I pour off that water (hanging on to the teabag w/ a spoon) and refill the cup with more hot water and let it steep. That first ‘flush’ of tea seems to contain most of the caffeine and allows me to drink my favorite black tea without the jitters. Voila! (May I just toss out a request re: your website. The continual movement of adv. photos on the sidebar makes it difficult to focus on the blog. Would appreciate calming that movement. Thanks!)
Thanks for being here! I like your suggestion about how to lower the caffeine content of tea. I do this when making kombucha, as I don’t want the caffeine to be passed on to my brew. Also thanks for the suggestion about the sidebar.
Great article. I don’t read many articles on here anymore due to the moving ads on the sidebar. If I really want to read something (and I wanted to read this one as caffeine is a big thing to completely let go of for me) then I have to hold my right hand up over the ads. Are you a highly sensitive person Nancy? At least one in five people are and web design is usually tailored more towards people who aren’t as sensitive so they actually enjoy extra movement (I’ve compared notes with friends on this).
Do you combine them together or is there a particular blend? If you do combine them, how much of each? Thank you.
The chicory and Dandelion.
Hi Tammi,
Here is my recipe!
Nice post. I love broth, but I cant stand it anymore 🙁
Have you tried using broth in recipes, like soups and stews, instead of drinking straight? That is what I do most often nowadays.
I don’t know if it’s AIP-friendly, but I often enjoy a spoonful of molasses with hot water. The consistency is similar to coffee and it has a ton of vitamins and minerals. My NP recommended I take it for iron deficiency. 🙂
Back in my vegan days I was prescribed a molasses and water drink for my iron deficiency. To be honest, nothing moved the needle until I started eating meat again, especially organ meats! This is a creative drink idea though, thanks for the suggestion!
I tried the molasses with hot water in place of coffee today and it was great! Thanks so much for the suggestion!
Hey, Mickey! I have your Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook! In the water kefir recipe on page 199, it says 1/4 cup water-kefir grains for the whole recipe if two quart jars. I’ve always heard that you need a 1/4 cup grains per 1/4 cup sugar in 1 quart of water. Is that a typo? Thanks!
Nancy, not a typo, just my recipe!
I need clarity on whether Nutiva and Spectrum palm shortening are healthy or not. I use Nutiva shortening in my coffee every morning to get that creamy texture. It’s great! I have also seen it used in many Paleo recipes. However, my md said palm oil is horrible for the body. Can you clarify? Also, I am really wanting to try the bulletproof coffee alternative but it comes to About $50 for 1lb of chicory & 1lb of dandelion roots total. Yikes!!!
Hi Liana,
Palm shortening made from palm oil is included in the elimination diet. I believe it to be a healthy saturated fat. About the dandelion and chicory – there is no way you need 1 pound of each, maybe start with a couple of ounces and see how you like it first!
would Teeccino Caffé chicory and dandelion coffee substitute be ok.?
Hi Geri, Teecino contains barley and is not included on the elimination diet. Sorry!
The dandelion versions of Teeccino say 100%Barley free
Hi Marie,
I don’t believe it is made in a gluten free facility, but things may have changed.
Hi Mickey, thanks so much for The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook…it’s a regular staple to help me with my meals throughout the week! I began AIP 6 weeks ago.
I also was wondering about a specific type of Teecchino as it promises me that it’s a herbal tea that tastes like coffee! The one that I saw is called dandelion dark roast organic certified as gluten free. It contain: organic carob, organic chicory, organic dandelion, organic ramon seeds, dark roast flavour.
Any thoughts or suggestions?
Hi Sara! I would be suspicious of the ingredient “dark roast flavor”. Its super easy to make something like this yourself by buying roasted dandelion and chicory – then you know exactly what is in it!
Hi Mickey,
I started the AIP Protocol 4 1/2 weeks ago. I did well for the first 10 days. Then I started to have digestive issues: cramping, bloating, flautelance, heart burn, constant rumbling, etc.
At first I thought these issues are due to the change in my new way of eating, but it is not letting up. I now wonder if I may be dealing with fodmap?
Do you have any suggestions, whether to keep doing the AIP protocol and eliminate certain fodmap foods .
Hi Martina, sorry to hear! It does sound like you are having an issue with either digestion, or a gut infection. At this point I would suggest both trying a low-FODMAP approach for a couple weeks to see if that helps, as well as find a good doctor who can help you investigate further digestive issues or gut infections. I would suggest one that will order a comprehensive stool test that can help see if there are any bacteria, parasites, or yeast in your stool and what treats them best. Good luck!
Hi Mickey – I have gluten sensitivity and low thyroid (not sure, might be Hashimoto’s…) — having hair shedding and one little balding spot — makes me feel sick to my stomach as I have been thru this before. I’m embarking on your Protocol and I think what happened was that I tried an Ayurvedic diet and it was too much rice and beans. For several months I ate that way 🙁 Just wondering if you have any tips for the hair condition or do I just have to tough it out? Thanks for your website and all the info and caring.
Hey Terri! Sorry to hear about the shedding, it could be from a multitude of issues (but most likely are those thyroid hormones being too low). Have you been in to see your doctor to see if you need thyroid medication? I suggest doing this in addition to trying to change your diet, as some people (myself included) need a little thyroid replacement hormone to feel their best. Other thoughts might be anemia, stress, or hormonal imbalance. Hope you figure it out soon!
Thanks for these great posts, very helpful. I didn’t realize green tea can cause flares, as it’s always been recommended to me by a naturopath+ for its health benefits, unless the caffeine is an issue. And of course on a budget it can become an issue too. I love the Rishi Matcha green tea, but wonder if there are other teas that might be better for both reasons. Do you and Angie drink green tea, or stick to the other ones you suggest (licorice, peppermint, dandelion, broth, etc)? I was diagnosed with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis so pain issues are big for me, the AIP and your suggestions help a lot. Thanks!
Hi Felicia, I love chamomile, peppermint, and dandelion, but I don’t do great with licorice or green tea. I am also very sensitive to caffeine and avoid black tea. Hope it helps!
Thanks, Mickey, that does help! I know it’s very individual but sure helps to hear what works and doesn’t work for people on a similar path.
I found a great Decaf coffee. There are 2 different companies, one in the US and one in Canada, that Im aware of. They use a decaf process that uses sugar cane to remove the caffeine. The coffee has a hint of sweetness to it, although no sugar is added to the bean. I have been grinding these fresh beans & brewing in a French press, and although I miss the kick reg coffee gives, this one sacrifices nothing on flavour. In Toronto, Ontario it is . In Texas,
Thanks for sharing Tina! I’m sure those who do OK with coffee from a seed perspective but don’t want the caffeine will appreciate knowing this sourcing tip.
Ugh. So, my continual search for “why cut coffee on aip” should be answer enough that I need to. I’ve been doing AIP for the past 7 weeks, but did not cut coffee. I think I was just really hoping it wasn’t a problem for me. I’d have 1 – 2 cups a day max & black with coconut oil. I’ve had several wks I’d feel completely “healed!”, majority of them just from transitioning to a Paleo diet. And then I went AIP – still feeling healed – then in btwn a unexpected family death, a surprise FL evacuation and horrid living situations this summer, I’d blame my gut bouts (aka irregular digestive issues, if you will) to these events. But I drank coffee thru it all. It’s lame that I still need convincing, (because i’ve been reading Wentz’s book like it’s the Bible) but what are some of the benefits you’ve experienced without coffee? And can I never have it again? Or will it become much more of an occasional thing in the future? (I’m so lame, I just don’t want to live without it!)
Hey Kristin! I am sorry to hear of the recent stressors in your life! I have posted more about my personal journey with coffee/caffeine here, maybe it will help:
Wishing you luck!
Hello Mickey!
I am on day 18 of the autoimmune protocol and wanted to say your book and website have saved me through this process. Thank you! I recently found out I have hashimotos , chronic fatigue and numerous vitamin deficiencies and am already feeling so much better.
My question is about Kombucha. I’m trying to be really careful and follow the protocol as closely as possible. Most Kombucha is made with sugar (I’ve made mine with coconut sugar and it works really well) and black or green tea, which contain caffeine and cause flare ups. I love Kombucha and read we should have it on this protocol, but am wondering about the sugar and caffeine?
Hey Denny! Thanks for the feedback, I’m so happy it has been helpful for you! About kombucha… it is interesting because the varieties on the market now are much sweeter than they used to be. It is technically AIP, but you do need to be careful of the sugar (a little bit of caffeine is OK, as long as you tolerate it). I look for brands that have less than 8g sugar total, or make it myself and both sweeten it less than typical or ferment it longer so it is “stronger”. The scoby eats up most of the caffeine and sugar. Hope it helps!
Hi, I’m on day 9 of the AIP protocol and really feeling great. But . . . I’m so bored of water! What is your recommendation regarding La Croix? Thanks!
La Croix is fine in the elimination phase!
One week into AIP and coffee is a big deal! I’ve been drinking black tea to avoid the caffeine withdrawal, but still want the richness, color and body that coffee has. So I ordered the dandelion and chicory (both roasted). I wasn’t really interested in adding the fat to the coffee as I drink mine black. The first pass was awful. I used way too much of each ingredient.
I think I have it dialed in now. I am using my one-cup coffee maker and putting in only 1/2 teaspoon of each for a full travel sized mug. I also sprinkled a little cinnamon in with the dry ingredients before it brewed and it is exactly what I needed! Give it a try!
Beth – thanks for sharing your experience! I’m so happy it is working out for you!
Hi Mickey
I have been trying to eat clean for 14 months now, and am currently on day 51 of an elimination diet. I take my thyroid meds ( Armour and Levo) in the morning. Can I drink a Bulletproof herbal tea (turmeric) or must I wait an hour so it doesn’t mess with the absorption? Thanks!
Hey Michelle! It is important to talk to your prescribing doctor, but most have their patients wait an hour before having anything but water in the morning.
Today is my first day starting AIP and I am nervous that I will fail 30 days without certain things but I just really hope I can make it. It is time for me to make change and this is my first step towards that change.
You got this Cevie!
Hi Mickey,
I have been reading the other comments and the one that really struck home for me was about bloating and gas . I have been on diet AIP with chiropractor for six months and the gas and belching are awful! Would the comprehensive stool test be the next step , if I can find a doctor to do it ?
Hey Donna! I do recommend a comprehensive stool test, or even a lactulose breath test for SIBO if you are having bloating and gas!
Are these drinks okay to have while breastfeeding? Like kombucha for instance?
Best to check with your doctor and/or a herbalist to be sure – I think kombucha should be fine if you tolerate it, but I might be careful with the dandelion/chicory blend as it can cause detox. Hope it helps!
HI! I think I am experiencing a form of adrenal fatigue and I know I am drinking way too much coffee. Does decaf coffee have the same affect or is it just caffeine that is the problem? Have you tried any of the Four Sigmatic Teas/Coffees?
Hi Savannah! Decaf is still not AIP compliant because it is a seed, but if you are having issues with caffeine, it may be a good swap for you depending on where you are in your journey. I haven’t tried the mushroom “coffees” because they contain immune stimulants and I worry about causing a flare of my Hashimoto’s.
Mickey I noticed that you didn’t have Choffy, a 100% natural brewed chocolate, on your list. I think it would be a great alternative for people to use is this something that can be included?
Hi Andy, thanks for reaching out but chocolate isn’t elimination-phase compliant.
Mickey, I recently stumbled on your podcast when an accidental gluten exposure caused gut damage (hives every time I ate, on top of my existing eczema). Thank you so much for the wealth of helpful information.
I can’t find any info on matcha tea. Definitely it has caffeine … but apparently also saponins?
Hi Elise,
Green tea has caffeine, which is allowable on AIP, but it is also an immune stimulant, which puts it in the “be cautious” category. I might avoid for the elimination phase and then reintroduce with stage 1 foods. Good luck!
Hi there, this is my first time posting on this site but I use it all the time! I read through all the comments and saw that most people are concerned about replacing the texture and emotional experience of coffee. What I need is to replace the focus and clarity it gives me– I’m a writer. It need not be a drink even, but coffee has done this for me in a way I’ve not found elsewhere. Do you have any suggestions as to current supplements– I’m trying Lion’s Mane right now– that might help with this? I have noted your warnings about immune stimulants like reishi etc. Reducing down to green or black tea does not give sufficient mental support, and I’d like to try the elim phase– which I’m otherwise already in– without any caffeine. Thanks for all you do!
Hi Sarah! I know exactly what you are talking about, and unfortunately the only thing that has worked for me is weaning off coffee and having my brain work naturally on good sleep and self-care. It took a while to get there. Instead of quitting cold-turkey, I’d suggest weaning slowly over a period of months so that you don’t see too much of an impact on your brain function. I wish there was another way!
Hi, I just wondered if decaf coffee is acceptable? I know its still a bean so perhaps not. Coffee is such a ritual in the morning for my husband and I, we made a promise in our vowels never to compromise our 1/2 hour coffee in bed each day. I have Hashi’s and stage 4 Endo, I have been paleo then transitioned to AIP a couple of months back I drink herbal tea most mornings now before getting up but sometimes I just want to join my husband with a coffee (decaf of course).
Thanks M
Unfortunately even decaf is not AIP because it comes from the same source. Some people (like me!) have found in the reintroduction phase that decaf coffee is OK for them – it really depends on the person! Wishing you luck!
I have just been diagnosed with an Auto-immune disease in which I am suffering from a Skin Condition Lecin Plannus. I have started my AIP Diet by quitting smoking and going on a juice fast.
Hi Haadi! Wishing you luck as you navigate this new diagnosis. You might find some resources on LP specifically over at as she also shares this autoimmune disease.
Hi Mickey! I am fascinated by the amount and quality of information that you are providing us through your articles. I am really sick and need to go AIP as soon as I can. I am still in the reading and researching phase… You didn’t mention replacing coffee for mate. Is that an option? Thanks
Hi Veronica! I’m happy the resources help you. You can use Mate instead of coffee, but be advised that it is still a caffeinated beverage. Caffeine isn’t a no-no on AIP, but some people also like to eliminate or reduce it as it is hard on the adrenals. Hope it helps!
I have never been a coffee lover so yay! I am good with that. But tea has always been my drink of choice. I read about all the benefits of matcha green tea here and their product is paleo certified and screened for toxicity – so this should not cause flares (am I right?). Anyway, they also have some of the other teas you mentioned.
Hi Jecyl, we actually don’t recommend matcha as it can be immune-stimulating and cause flares for some people. I’d recommend leaving it out during elimination and then reintroducing later to see what effect it has on you!
Would white tea be better than green tea. Both being organic. Thinking about the caffeine. Thank you
Hi Elizabeth! Both white and green tea have caffeine, but white has less. Hope it helps!
Hi Mickey!
Thanks a lot for this wonderful work you do for the world!
I am starting with the protocolo and it’s great! I just wanto to know… why not decaff coffee?
Thank you, blessings!
Hey Karina! Coffee is a seed and avoided during the elimination phase. More info in this post:
What about red tea (Pu Erh) as coffee substitute? If you brew it really long it gets a strong taste, close to coffee. It is important to know, though, that Pu Erh has a strong “earth” smell and taste. When you get used to it, it is really delicious!
Hi Ana, I haven’t tried that one, thanks for sharing!
Hi guys!!
Thank you Mickey and Angie for all you have done!! My husband bought me your batch cooking course Mickey, but it will not let me download any of the reference materials. It gives me an error page. What should I do now?
Thanks SO much!!!
Hey Jennifer! I am SO sorry but I am currently experiencing tech issues with the site and hope to have it fixed within a few days. Hold tight, and let me know if you still have trouble in a week. I am sorry!
Greetings ~ I hope this finds you and your family safe and well during this challenging time. I see that you mention rooibos (a favorite of mine along with honeybush) tea in your list of herbal alternatives. I found rooibos on a list of “not allowed” legumes on one of Sarah’s web pages, mentioning that even sprouts should be avoided. I know that the herbal tea is made from the leaves. I’ve been looking for some kind of confirmation that rooibos tea is okay or should be avoided. Can you help?
Hi Cynthia! Rooibos tea is allowable in the elimination phase.
Instead of coffee (which I adore, along with Mountain Dew-I am down to one can a week), how about caffeinated water? I’ve been drinking Water Joe. I can’t go without caffeine in the mornings quite yet.
Hi Laura! I am not familiar with water joe, but if you are looking to transition to AIP, I would work on weaning off (or even just lower) on caffeine before you start. You don’t want to mix the effects of a new way of eating with caffeine withdrawal (trust me, I’ve done it!). My method when I went off coffee was to start with 3/4 decaf for a couple of weeks, work down to 1/2 decaf, and then 1/4 decaf (I would achieve this by mixing the beans). Once you are at that point, if you still feel you need some caffeine, I recommend green or black tea (which is AIP compliant). Good luck!
Why does green tea stimulate the immune system? Does black tea too? I just started Paleo AIP.
Hi Victoria! Some of the compounds in green tea are well known immune-stimulants. I would check out some articles from herbalists or naturopaths for more info and perhaps some links to medical studies. Black tea has some of the same compounds, but in lesser quantities, which is why we recommend starting with that during the elimination phase instead of green tea. Good luck!