Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea

Back when I had newly discovered my autoimmune issues and was still working out my diet, my uncle called me with an anti-inflammatory turmeric tea recipe that a friend had given him. After first trying it, I put it into heavy rotation in my tea routine. When I began the autoimmune protocol, I stopped making it because of the cayenne and pepper. Well, I was recently in Oregon and happened to visit my uncle, who made me the tea without both of those things, along with orange juice instead of honey – and it was still really good! It made my wonder why I stopped making it in the first place, and I felt compelled to share it with you all.

Two cautions: First, this recipe is Th2 stimulating because of the turmeric, so if your autoimmune disease is Th2 dominant you might want to be careful with this one (See this article for details). Second, powdered turmeric stains everything, so use it with caution – I always use the same container to make this tea because it gets stained.

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Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 4
  • 32 oz boiling water
  • ½ Tbsp turmeric powder
  • 1 Tbsp fresh ginger, thinly sliced
  • 1 handful cilantro, chopped
  • 1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
  • 1 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 lemons, juiced
  • 1 orange, juiced (or substitute 1½ tbsp honey)
  1. Put water on the stove to boil. Combine all ingredients in a strainer or teapot. Pour boiling water into the pot and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and enjoy!

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Vera says

    I must say that this tea is surprisingly good!… I didn’t put in the orange juice or the honey… and I used coconut oil and a bit of ghee instead of the olive oil..
    good tea to sip on during the day…
    Thanks for the recipe!

    • Yum, I’ll have to try using coconut oil one of these days! Thanks for the feedback!

      • Anne says

        Rats ! I don’t have any peppercorn right now. Will it matter terribly since everything else is steeping ?

        • Mickey Trescott says

          It should be fine!

        • Nina says

          Peppercorn increases the potency of numeric 2,000%. So remember it next time!

          • Mickey Trescott says

            It also isn’t included on the elimination diet, which is why it was omitted 🙂

      • Iryna says

        Thank you for sharing all this greatness! Was wondering how many times a day I should take this tea?

    • Ditto, Vera. Also used finely grated ginger rt. along w/turmeric root, splash of coco milk. My o/arthurs* were singing instead of whining. (osteo-arthritic joints)

      • Marie says

        Iris Rose how much grated ginger and turmeric root do you use?

  • Bao Huang says

    Is the turmeric tea bad for th2 dominant people since turmeric is th2 stimulator?

    • In theory, yes, if you know that Th2 stimulants affect you negatively (caffeine, green tea, turmeric, etc) I would not use it. If you don’t know if you react to those things, I might try it and take it slow to see your reaction. My autoimmune conditions are th1 dominant, but too much th2 stimulation can sometimes make me feel worse. Hope it helps 🙂

      • Anna says

        In that case, it might be more correct to warn people with Th2 dominant symptoms of turmeric, rather than those with Th1 (as you state in your “Warning” paragraph). The way it’s currently stated it sounds like Th1 dominant people should avoid the Th2 stimulating turmeric – which, if I understand the theory correctly, is the wrong way around, or not?

      • Stephanie says

        I’m not sure exactly what I’m sensitive to but I can tell you coffee, caffeinated tea or beverages make me feel dizzy, cloudy and exhausted. Would you think I would have the T2?

        • Stephanie says

          I should add that I have Hashimoto.

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Stephanie,
          There are many reasons why a person would react or be intolerant to caffeine, it isn’t just the immune stimulation but also the effect on the adrenals. I think in any case, if you are getting a symptom like that best avoid it!

          • BrenB says

            I can not drink caffeinated tea at all I hurt all over. Decaf coffee makes me hyper regular coffee is fine. It’s weird. I am ADD and they say that has a lot to do with it. But now they think I might have MS so I am searching for any help with this pain and numbness I feel all over.

  • You are right, I made a typo and put Th1. Turmeric stimulates Th2 and those with Th2 dominant conditions would be worse-off by using turmeric. Thanks for catching that!

  • M. says

    So thankful to hear these things as I alone feel these things happening with a lot of “healing foods”, astalgus, just tried synergy drink the fermented drink,,gave me a fever and severe fatigue everytime I tried it…I am intrigued to figure all this out…so blessed and thankful to find you all…I have traveled this road alone as I have not met a practitioner or anyone else I know that react to foods herbs vitamins ets like I do…I seem sensitive to everything…………

  • […] 5. Anti-inflamatory Turmeric Tea- Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] I'm not supposed to have it, but I can still push it on others. You can have some of my turmeric tea, if you'd […]

  • Chelsey says

    I just made this for the first time… the flavors are so lovely together. Here’s to hoping it might also help with some symptoms. Thank you, Mickey! : )

  • Vee says

    Are the Th1 and Th2 dominance factors solely for autoimmune thyroid conditions or do knowledgeable docs test for these in all autoimmune conditions? Mine is liver-related and I’ve not seen these tested for me. Thanks for any reply from someone who knows.

    • Mickey says

      No – the imbalance is present in many autoimmune conditions. Not a lot of doctors test for the levels, and they have been shown not that useful for treatment. I think it is good to know by feel, how the different compounds affect you and your particular body. Just be aware of how immune stimulants affect you! 🙂

  • […] Anti-inflammatory supplements such as fish oil or fermented cod liver oil, and turmeric. I like this turmeric tea for detox. […]

  • Madison says

    …? It’s like the same article..? o_.O who copied who here?

  • […] Sugary indulgences and too much booze make a body acidic, and an acidic body is more prone to inflammation, pain, and degenerative conditions. To restore alkalinity, drink an 8 ounce glass of hot water with the juice from a 1/2 a lemon first thing in the morning (especially if you’re overindulged the night before. In that case, add some grated ginger root for additional detox). You can also add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper to help rev up your metabolism and strengthen immunity. This is especially good if you stayed out too late and are hungover, as this drink is cleansing for the liver. Don’t hit the coffee too hard–it’s very acidic. Stick to green tea or coconut water (both good for hangovers!). I love this turmeric tea for detox and as an anti-inflammatory after too much booze. […]

  • Kim says

    Do you drink the full 32oz in one day, or is this meant to give you some to have for several days?

  • Sara says

    I just found this from a link on The Paleo Mom site. I have psoriasis (Th1) and chronic sinusitis (Th2) and am confused as to whether I should try this tea or not since it might aggravate sinusitis. Your thoughts?

    • Mickey says

      I can’t really tell you either way – the immune system can be very tricky. Do you react to turmeric? If not, I would try some in a small quantity first, to see if it is ok for you – just like any other reintroduction.

  • Jane says

    Can you use fresh turmeric root to make this tea? If so, how much would you use?

    • Mickey says

      I have tried it with fresh turmeric, and I am afraid it is not as potent, even with a fair amount! You can give it a try though!


  • Bruce says

    Tasted like cilantro tea to me. A handful of chopped cilantro is a LOT of cilantro!

  • Jessyca says

    Just a note of warning: For those of us with Systemic Lupus, garlic is a no-no!! Garlic is an immune system stimulant!!!

    • Mickey says

      I know garlic is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial, but I have never heard that it is immune stimulating. Do you have any articles I could look at to back up your claims?

      As far as I have read and experienced, garlic does not contribute to AI flares, but I could be wrong!

      • amy says

        The John Hopkins Lupus Center lists garlic at number 3 on it’s “things to avoid” list for people with Lupus. I can say that from personal experience, after adding garlic to my juices and teas for a period of time when I was big unto reading holistic healing sites -which almost universally tout garlic as wonderful for all -, I suffered from the worst flare up I had had in years. Garlic was the only lifestyle change I had made. Then I read the John Hopkins site. Whoops! Garlic is a big no, right along with alfalfa, echinaeca and of course sunlight.

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Thanks for letting me know. I believe any food has the potential to be problematic for some, and I’m sorry garlic is such an issue for you. I know there are many of us with autoimmunity who eat lots of garlic and are just fine. I always tell people to continue to avoid foods they know make them feel worse.


  • Pep says

    Is it okay to heat the olive oil that much? Or would it be better to use coconut oil?

    • Mickey says

      Pep, it should be fine but if you are worried about it you can use coconut oil.


  • […] I woke up feeling real sick. These are two “must have-s” to keep on hand. Along with turmeric and ginger tea! Have you heard of Mickey Trescott? She’s real cool. Real […]

  • Holly says

    Is there a type of tea you recommend that you can get at your local coffee shop? I am new to this and can’t seem to find an answer to this question. I can find which not to drink but not which to drink.


    • Mickey says

      I usually go for chammomile, but you will want to check the ingredients to make sure nothing else is lurking. Some people react to green or black teas, others are fine. You will have to test some things to see what you are sensitive to!


  • […] Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea […]

  • Shawnee says

    This recipe kind of scares me when it comes to the ingredients (Not a huge fan of the taste of Turmeric). But where someone commented “my joints were singing instead of whining” makes me hopeful and it’s seems worth the try. Reading the comments scare me even more. I have just been recently diagnosed to the early stages of Rheumatoid Arthritis and I am having a hard time changing my life around, but the cookbook has been the best help so far, so I am saving this recipe!

    • Mickey says

      Some people feel really good eating turmeric, others not so much–it is an immune stimulant. I think the best line of defense is to eat an allergen-free, nourishing diet and if you find things like turmeric that work to manage inflammation, you can include them, but know that they don’t work for everyone!

      Good luck!


  • Louise says

    This tea helps me so much with my hashimotos, I feel like my glands calm down and my symptoms ease! Thank you so much for the recipe!

    • Merrilee says

      Thanks for sharing! I also struggle with Hashimoto’s. It is very debilitating.

  • Sarah says

    Thank you so much for sharing!! I love this recipe!! Love love love it! My swelling has gone down, and I know this sounds crazy, but my exzema was better too. I woke up and looked in the mirror and almost cried bc I wasn’t red and swollen and angry looking. Thank you!

  • nelydia melrose says

    I added 2 screw pine leaves to the tea. I took a sniff and the tea smelled like a spa, so warm so comforting. thanks for the great recipe 🙂

  • Freda Edwards says

    My blood level for Rhuematoid arthritis is elevated and I wanted to know if this will help me see long term benefits. and Do you think that drinking coffee worsens my conditions.? I do have joint stiffness some mornings.

    • Mickey says

      Hi Freda, I have no way of telling if the diet will help you, but a lot of us with autoimmune issues find that we learn a lot from pinpointing our food sensitivities. Coffee is one of them for some people. Good luck!


  • stephanie says

    this is so delicious!

  • Carole Impelmans says

    Hi I am interested to know if this would help with nerve pain. Thanks in advance

    • Mickey says

      Hi Carole,
      I’m not a doctor and can’t advise on medical conditions or symptoms. Good luck!


  • Rita says

    What is Th2 dominant or Th1 dominant? how do I know if I have it? is there a test I should take? please inlighten me/ here in Cyprus not a single doctor had discovered what I have but from my researchs I know that I have a autoimmue issues. please can you advise.
    Thank you

    • Mickey says

      Check out the articles I have written, which are linked up top in this post!


  • kaley says

    I’m drinking this presently. It is so. Unbelievably. Delicious. I’m so glad I found this recipe! Thanks for sharing! I used coconut oil instead of olive oil, and added mint and lemon thyme. I was thinking of saving 1/2 for tomorrow but I may not be able to wait until then! Yum!

  • Priscilla Teo says

    Hi, your article in the link above did not mention anything about autoimmune that TH1 or 2 dominant? a lot of liver detox formulas have tumeric in them and i ave AIH. does this mean i shld avoid or is tumeric ok?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Priscilla,
      There are over 100 autoimmune diseases, and not all of them fall neatly into categories–you might want to direct your question to someone who is an expert in immunology. Some people don’t feel great with turmeric, others find it helps. It can be immune stimulating so I believe those with autoimmune disease should exercise caution. Good luck!

  • […] 5. Anti-inflamatory Turmeric Tea– Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] teas. Ginger-turmeric pickles make a tasty snack that helps calm an irritated digestive tract, and anti-inflammatory turmeric tea makes a warm, delicious treat. Turmeric ginger tea with honey is another great standby for cold and […]

  • […] Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Tea from Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • KAS says

    would this be okay for a 7 year old child to drink?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Kas, best to check with your doctor to be sure!

  • Avedis says

    Reading the recipe i thought this will give me hearth burn, but it turned out to be totally soothing and comforting. Awesome tea, Thank you!

  • […] Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea – Autoimmune Paleo – Back when I had newly discovered my autoimmune issues and was still working out my diet, my uncle called me with an anti-inflammatory turmeric tea recipe that a … […]

  • […] and adding a few things to it to soup it up, however I managed to dig up the original recipe from Mickey Trescott to share with you […]

  • […] Anti-inflammatory Turmeric Tea Find recipe here. […]

  • 17 Relaxing AIP Herbal Tea Recipes says

    […] Anti-Inflammatory Turmeric Tea […]

  • […] Use a Liposomal  Curcumin for a supplement formula, or add turmeric spice to recipes, like Turmeric Tea, Turmeric Milk, Anti-inflammatory Meatballs or Turmeric Ginger Carrot […]

  • Linda says

    Can I leave out the cilantro? I hate the taste of cilantro.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Linda – sure!

      • Patrick Taylor says

        I think I could have been making my Alopecia Totalis worse through consuming to many stimulants like turmeric, green tea, essential oils, rosmary and garlic. What do you think? Would I be a TH1 or TH2 ? I am considering starting fresh and not consuming any more herbs, spices, teas or oils and see if things improve. That way I may know for sure.

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Patrick! It is impossible for me to know if those ingredients are affecting you, but it is possible. I recommend working 1:1 with an AIP Certified Coach to troubleshoot if you are still looking for help ->

  • Deena says

    Hi. I found reading these articles on the TH1 and TH2 really interesting. I have now been diagnosed with several autoimmune conditions – lichen planus, coeliac disease, aloepicia areata and recently autoimmune hepatitis. I have been fortunate that with diet and following the Autoimme Solution by Dr. Amy Myers, I have been managing these conditions just with food choices and lifestyle changes. I have been perplexed though when the symptoms would flare up when I would be following the protocols with discipline. The TH1 TH2 dominance could be a key factor. Can you suggest a practitioner in Sydney Australia who could help me figure out whether I’m TH1 or TH2 dominant. From the articles I could be TH2 dominant. Thanks.

  • L says

    What if I have fresh tumeric…..

    • Mickey Trescott says

      L, if you have some juice, you can substitute that for the powdered spice!

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