I can feel that AIP ice cream season is upon us again. I know for some of you, ice cream is an all-round event but here in Vancouver, spring started out as cold and miserable so honestly it was ...
The sun’s shining here in Vancouver and I’m excited to welcome Spring. I’ve been waiting for a long time! Brochettes are perfect for sunny days and informal meals. My AIP brochettes are marinated in gut healing turmeric, with coconut milk ...
Satisfying, full of flavor and a little on the creamy side, this recipe is my idea of food for comfort. And let’s face it, we all need some of that every so often! I don’t often cook with tarragon ...
I cook a lot of dark leafy greens. Not only do they allow us to pack in the nutrients but they are excellent for improving methylation pathways, something that commonly needs addressing with autoimmune conditions. Stress control, inflammation management, ...
I had gum surgery the other day so have been eating a fair amount of this soup. It’s no hardship though, because I’m completely in love with it. The soup is smooth, full of flavor and goodness, and it’s just ...
You could divide the English nation over the subject of the trifle. Whether or not to add jelly (that’s jello to my North American friends) to be more specific. A poll in the Guardian newspaper some time ago found ...
My hot drink of choice is usually chamomile tea but every so often I fancy something a little richer and more satisfying. This is a great little recipe to knock up when you want a quick pick-me-up or soothing ...
Ever resourceful with trying to get the children to enjoy salmon rather than just tolerate it, this quick and simple recipe seems to have passed the test. Not only is this the kind of food where you can add ...
Here’s a quick and simple gut-healing treat for you to enjoy before the summer leaves. If you can’t find white peaches, use the regular yellow variety — but I prefer the white ones as they have that bit of extra ...