Bacon-Beef Liver Pâté with Rosemary and Thyme

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One of the most potent superfoods available to us also happens to be off-putting, at least to those unfamiliar with it. It has amounts of notoriously hard-to absorb nutrients that those of us with autoimmune disease are usually lacking in – B vitamins, iron, zinc, and vitamins A and D. It took me a long time after reading about all of the benefits of liver to actually gather up enough courage to eat it. Fortunately my husband was raised on liver, and offered to prepare and cook it for me. If you haven’t handled beef liver before, be prepared – its texture is slippery and it leaves what appears to be a murder scene in your sink. Not the most appealing thing for a former 10-year vegan! I can’t argue with how it makes me feel, however. It gives me such an energy boost that I have learned only to eat it in small quantities with breakfast or lunch, but never dinner. After not loving the taste or texture of sauteed liver, I thought that pâté might be more palatable. Pairing it with bacon has been my most successful attempt so far at making a dish that I actually look forward to eating. When I make this recipe I usually freeze half and eat the other half over a few days in small quantities with my meals. I have added onions and garlic to the recipe, but if you are sensitive to them because of FODMAPs it tastes fine without. Lastly, if you have never had liver before, this is about as good as it gets for an introduction!

NOTE – I know a lot of you still don’t like the idea of cooking liver to shore up your iron – so I wanted to share a heme iron supplement that I’ve had great success with. Click here to see which heme iron supplement I have found most useful for keeping my ferritin levels up!

4.7 from 55 reviews
Bacon-Beef Liver Pâté with Rosemary and Thyme
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Based on this recipe at the Paleo Drummer
Serves: 2 cups
  • 6 pieces uncured bacon
  • 1 small onion, minced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 pound grass-fed beef liver
  • 2 tablespoons fresh rosemary, minced
  • 2 tablespoons fresh thyme, minced
  • ½ cup coconut oil, melted
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • Slices of fresh carrot or cucumber
  1. Cook the bacon slices in a cast-iron pot until crispy. Set aside to cool, reserving the grease in the pan to cook the liver.
  2. Add the onion and cook for 2 minutes on medium-high. Add the garlic and cook for a minute. Add the liver, sprinkling with the herbs. Cook for 3-5 minutes per side, until no longer pink in the center.
  3. Turn off heat, and place contents into a blender or food processor with the coconut oil and sea salt. Process until it forms a thick paste, adding more coconut oil if too thick.
  4. Cut the cooled bacon strips into little bits and mix with the pâté in a small bowl. Garnish with some fresh herbs and serve on carrot or cucumber slices.

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • […] Bacon-Beef Liver Pâté with Rosemary and Thyme. […]

    • Karen says

      I’m just starting the AIP diet… was diagnosed years ago with Hashimotos and tired of being tired ;). I’m wondering if there are any calorie count/nutrient breakdown/ serving size suggestions? I can input all into an app, but thought it might be helpful for many?

      Thank you for the blog! Great information!!

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Hi Karen – we don’t recommend calorie counting, so we don’t provide that data. Sorry, and best of luck to you!

        • Arden Sleadd says

          What about nutrient breakdown? You do mention what nutrients it contains, without the actual numerical dose per serving. I suppose I can do the math one ingredient at a time myself, but it would have been nice to have that available.

          • Mickey Trescott says

            Hi Arden! We don’t provide nutrient breakdowns for our recipes, but you can easily pop the ingredients into a tracker like cronometer to find out. I think you’ll be impressed!

    • Courtney Sidor says

      How long will this keep in the fridge?

    • Monica B says

      I’m so glad I found this!! We got a fresh 4H beef liver for free at our local butcher yesterday. With all sorts of confidence, I made liver and onions… and it was horrible!!! I poured everything in the food processor and yum yum!! We have some uncured pork belly in the fridge I plan on slicing/frying and adding to my snack! Thanks for the confidence!! 😉

      • Mickey Trescott says

        You got this, Monica!

      • Eileen Garcia says

        That’s why I eat liver n onions at a restaurant. I have finally given up trying to make it at home after numerous failed attempts. I do believe you need to cook it in bacon fat and wait to put it in the pan when it is HOT! Also you need to dredge it in AIP compliant flour. I think my major problem is I do not know how to choose/ recognize a good beef liver.

    • Amber says

      I just discovered your website! You guys are amazing! I am following your two week meal plan (Thank you!!) and I made my first meal tonight, the Citrus and Herb Pot Roast with Carrots and Parsnips. My hubby and I both loved it! My question is about the Bacon-Beef Liver Pate. I made this reluctantly and only because of your recommendation. It is significantly better than just eating liver (childhood flashback!), but I still find the aftertaste of the liver is off-putting to my taste buds. Do you have any other suggestions for masking the aftertaste, or is this something I might grow to enjoy since I’m changing my diet? I saw you were vegan and have grown to enjoy this. Thanks again – I Signed up for your meal planning service off Real Plans as your recipes look great!

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Hi Amber! So happy to hear you are enjoying the resources! For the liver pate, my suggestion is to start by eating it in small doses (like an ounce or so at a time) with something else strong-flavored – like a radish or green apple slice. I didn’t enjoy the aftertaste at all when I started eating it, but since I’ve incorporated it into my routine, I’ve grown to enjoy it. I hope that happens to you too! Liver is such a nutrient-dense food and I feel so much better when I do eat it. Wishing you luck!

    • Tamara Pelege says

      Hello, 🙂

      I was wondering how long you can keep this paté in the fridge?

      Thank you for all the great tips and ressources + recipes!

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Hi Tamara! It keeps for about a week, and it also freezes well!

        • Christina Maldonado says

          Yes, you can portion it out into little baggies and freeze. I take out 2 or so a day and use them as snacks with veggies or a cracker and they naturally defrost in the fridge!

        • David Boston says

          I have made this with both heart and liver – both are exceptional. I make enough to freeze and I freeze it ice cube trays. Once frozen pop them out into a baggie. Throw 2 or 3 or 12 (:o) in a baggie for lunch.

    • Jennifer says

      Just made this tonight using chicken liver as I heard it was a milder taste. I soaked them in lemon juice while I cooked onions. I actually loved this I was so surprised. No overwhelming heavy liver taste .i put the bacon in with the livers to blend ( I was too lazy to chop) and it was great

    • Susana Garcia says

      I’m so happy I found your recipe. My husband and I have been wanting to add liver to our diet. We tried liver on its own, but we could not see us continuing to eat it like that. I made your recipe and served it with goat cheese on a mini sweet pepper. We were very surprised on how good it was. We know now that this is the way for us to eat it moving forward. Thanks again

  • […] I have found a couple of ways to cook it so that I actually enjoy eating it. For beef liver, I like this recipe. For chicken, this is my new standard. Making sure the liver slices are nice and dry when you go to […]

    • Sumera says

      Can we cook this without the bacon? Would it taste just as good as other comments here say it is?

      • Mickey Trescott says

        You can cook it without bacon, but it will not taste the same as you will be making a major modification to the recipe. 😉

  • Tess says

    I am thrilled to have find your blog! A 20 year vegetarian/vegan myself and now with Hashimoto’s at my door step, I’m taking baby steps into paleo. I’ve seen a lot of chicken liver recipes though this recipe sounds like the way to go with beef liver. Thank you!

    • Wow! Eating meat after 10 years of being vegan was hard enough, can’t imagine 20… good for you for trying to take steps towards a more traditional diet in the name of health! Chicken liver is a good place to start taste-wise, but beef liver has more nutrient content. I hope you find my site helpful, and good luck on your journey!

    • Julia says

      I’ve also been a vegan for 8 years now. Just thinking about eating meat makes me sick, but my doctor has recently recommended that I start eating a few portions of meat. I can’t thank you enough for this blog post. This will be the first meat I am eating in 8 years.

    • Kat says

      Great recipe! I’m used to eating pate but this is probably the best I’ve tried and it’s so easy to prepare. Thank you 🙂

  • Lexi says

    Excited to try liver for the first time with this recipe, but I have to ask – why never at dinner?

    • autoimmunepaleo says

      Lexi – it gives me such an energy boost that I can’t sleep! You may be able to handle it, however 🙂

      • Carol Cannon says

        Wow – thanks for confirming that energy boost related to beef liver! I found the same thing with bison liver purchased at my local farmers’ market. I literally could not get to sleep hours later. Thinking it must have been a coincidence, i tried it one more time – same thing – I couldn’t sleep. I think the only time that I might be able to safely eat it would be breakfast!

        • Mickey Trescott says

          I am happy I’m not alone! I think it is because of all the B vitamins, they can be incredibly energizing!

          • Ruth says

            I feed my one year old beef liver (he devours it) and make sure not to give it at dinner as it definitely interferes with bedtime! I wish I liked the taste of liver (since I know it is so good for you) and will try this recipe. If I can’t manage to get it down, the baby will be glad to eat it….

      • Louise Bonivento says

        Oh my gosh, that is SO interesting!!!

    • Janice says

      Can I make this with dried herbs? What would the measurements be? Can’t wait to try it.

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Hi Janice! You can definitely try using dried herbs. I would start by using 1/3 the quantities of what I call for fresh. Good luck!

  • Alison says

    You did it! You got me to eat liver! I’ve bought livers before and let them spoil because I just couldn’t work up the courage to cook it. I hate, hate, hate the smell of cooking liver. Last week, though, I prepared this recipe, and it smelled GOOD while it cooked (my husband said “wow, that smells awesome”), and tasted GREAT. I’m delighted. I find that I actually want to eat it in the mornings. I enjoyed it with cucumber slices and carrots, just as you suggested.

    • autoimmunepaleo says

      Woohoo! Congrats! 🙂


    • Larry Mac says

      This reply is not to you Allison, but to this entire post. I must follow a strict gluten free medical diet for life, due to having Celiac Disease. But, I’m not insane! No one eats chicken livers for breakfast, regardless of the recipe! And, no sane person eats chicken livers on carrots or cucumber slices! lol. What kind of kool-aid ate you people drinking? I sincerely hope you’re not exposing your children to this insanity! Best regards, larry mac

      • Angie Alt says

        Hi Larry! Thanks for the comment. Mickey and I run this blog and we are also both celiacs who, like you, will spend the rest of our lives on a strict gluten free medical diet. We also both eat chicken liver, beef liver, lamb liver, pork liver, and many other kinds of organ meats, both for breakfast and other meals on a regular basis, because we know that recovering well from an autoimmune disease, particularly one like celiac, which is so damaging to the body’s ability to absorb nutrients, means stepping up our nutrient game in every possible way. Organ meats, specifically liver, are powerhouses of nutrition replete in Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, D, K, folate, pantothenic acid, choline, iron, selenium, zinc, and copper. Eating a food this rich in vitamins and minerals for your breakfast is like wearing a battery pack all day. We, along with about a million other people who regularly visit this blog every year, are quite sane and have made the decision to feed ourselves, and in many cases our children, this way based on a solid understanding of nutrition and strong scientific research. If you’d like to see the research, you can pick up a copy of The Paleo Approach, by Dr. Sarah Ballantyne. More than 1,200 scientific references may help convince you of our remarkable sanity in taking this approach. And in answer to your question, we don’t drink kool-aid at all. We consider high fructose corn syrup a highly addictive, deadly poison, which we would never expose ourselves (or our children) to for any reason . . . it’s not good for maintaining one’s sanity.

        • Julie Graham says

          Bravo! At first I thought Larry was joking, but unfortunately this attitude and perspective is all too real. We are always in an uphill climb to explain traditional an ancestral health to the rest of the worldz, aren’t we?

      • judith says

        well larry, then better never visit germany, we have something calles leberwurst, liversausage, that is eaten on bread, so we eat it often in the morning, we also have liverpate. of course not every german is in to it, but its a common thing, and i wouldnt know why you shouldnt eat it when you want to. ok the sausage normally made out of pork liver and other stuff but who cares.

        • Jane Ashley says

          My father’s family emigrated from Austria Hungary in early 1900’s so he was raised eating organ meat. They wasted nothing. He raised us on fried liver, liver wurst and liver pudding. He ate beef tongue (not me!) and brains scrambled with eggs. I love liver.
          Everything old is new again. Eat like grandpa.

          • Mickey Trescott says

            Love it! So true!

  • Erin says

    So…you just put the whole liver into the food processor? Or do you break it up first? Not having handled liver before, I’m picturing my poor (sucky) food processor trying to hack up a steak 😛

    • autoimmunepaleo says

      Yep, but if your processor isn’t up to par you might want to chop it up first. Liver is a way different texture than a steak and easier to process. I would still cut it up if your machine is “special” 🙂 Good luck!


  • Thanks for this recipe. I’ve had a grass fed beef liver in my freezer for a while, and I’m working up the courage to use it… Can I ask though, what is ‘uncured’ bacon? If I have trouble finding it, do you think it will taste ok still?

    • autoimmunepaleo says

      Hi- uncured bacon uses celery juice instead of sodium nitrate to preserve the meat. I like to use sugar-free, uncured bacon (only ingredient is salt and celery) because I find people have the least reaction to it. You can use whatever you have/want for taste purposes, but I would be careful of the source and ingredients if you are on the elimination diet. 🙂

  • Erin says

    Just made 2 batches & froze in 6 smaller containers for future use. Incredibly easy recipe, & absolutely delicious!!!! My 2 young daughters LOVED it! This is now my go-to recipe for beef liver pâté – thank you!!!!
    Happy Mom

  • Nancy says

    I was wondering about freezing the leftovers. Can I do this if the liver is previously frozen and I thaw it to make this recipe. Anything with bacon has to be good. Looking forward to trying this.

    • Wendy says

      Nancy, as long as the liver was frozen UNcooked, it should be fine to freeze it after you’ve made this. As long as you thaw food safely (slowly, in the fridge, not on the counter). The danger comes with re-freezing food in the same state (cooked uncooked).

  • […] I have found a couple of ways to cook it so that I actually enjoy eating it. For beef liver, I like this recipe. For chicken, this is my new standard. Making sure the liver slices are nice and dry when you go to […]

  • Debby Burke says

    I love liver pate, as an added nutrient (and tasty) bonus, I mix beef heart with my liver, yummy! I never thought to add bacon though, can’t wait!

  • Samantha says

    Hi! I’m anxious to try this recipe, but I’m wondering how on earth to actually eat it, as I can only think of it spread on toast, crackers, etc. But as someone avoiding grains, what do you eat your pâté with?

  • Fleur says

    Just about to make this – thanks for the great recipe.

  • Hannah says

    This is so delicious! My 15-year-old son even likes it. I used chicken liver instead of beef liver and coconut butter instead of coconut oil. Thank you so much for the recipe!

  • […] Organ meats: (preferably grass fed) liver, kidneys, heart, etcWhy: Organ meats are the most concentrated source of many nutrients, including very large doses of the B Vitamins and iron, which are both critical for energy production. […]

  • DL says

    Hi! I just found your recipe 🙂 I too have been trying to muster up the courage to make the liver I have in my freezer. One question…. I’m intolerant to coconut, what would you suggest as a sub?
    Thanks so much!!

    • Mickey says

      Hi DL,
      You can use lard or olive oil as a substitute. Both have a different flavor and texture, so maybe start with 1/4 cup and go from there. Good luck!

  • Meaghan says

    This is a wonderful recipe! The flavours are delicious! I love the chunks of bacon in it 🙂

  • […] to find a way to enjoy it. Thankfully, a friend from school created and shared an amazing liver pate recipe. Handling and cooking the liver was a little difficult for me, and I did not enjoy the naturally […]

  • Jude says

    I’m trying! It seems too dry and hard to blend!

    • Mickey says

      Jude – do you have a high-powered blender like a vitamix? If you don’t, use a food processor instead. Hope it helps!


      • Julie Graham says

        I simply added about a quarter of a cup of port and 2 tablespoons of water. I’m not sure if port is on peoples protocol on the side or not, it’s not really keto either but having it in the mix for each serving is such a tiny amount probably 1 teaspoon. Anyway that helped it liquefy more.

  • Kajsa says

    Hi thank you for an inspirational site which I very recently found. Diagnosed with Lupus Im interested in the AIP and starting on my journey to health! Always loved liver since childhood. Have a question: does it matter what kind of liver you use- chicken, beef, lamb or pig? Is any better than the other from a nutrional point of view?

    • Mickey says

      Hi Kajsa,
      Sorry to hear of your lupus diagnosis – I hope you find some use and inspiration here. I like using beef liver because it has the nutrition I am after, but I think any liver is good as long as the animal was raised in a healthful way (grass-fed, pastured, hormone/antibiotic-free). Beef liver has more iron, which is why I like eating it the most 🙂


      • Kajsa says

        Thank you! I guessed as much but didn’t really beef liver mostly it is from now on!

      • Janelle says

        I know this is a really old comment- I’m not really sure I’ll get a reply. Anyway, I absolutely LOVE this recipe! After suffering from anemia for close to 20 years and getting unsatisfactory results from supplements, I decided to try liver. This recipe was my first attempt using liver, and after a little hesitation- I tried it and it’s delicious! I actually look forward to eating it!
        I do have a question though. In your comment you stated that beef liver has more iron content than other types. However a quick google search claims that chicken liver actually has more iron. I’m wondering if it’s the other nutrients in combination with the iron that made you decide on beef liver? Just curious.
        Thanks for everything you do for the Autoimmune community!

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hey Janelle,
          I still read comments, even from the way-back! I have actually since learned that chicken liver has more iron than beef – I made an assumption based on the fact that red meat like beef and lamb have more iron than poultry like duck and chicken. There is something about beef liver that makes me feel great, and I do suspect it is the synergy of the super levels of nutrition it contains. Thanks for your comment, and hope you continue to enjoy your pate!

          • Ann Marie O'Toole says

            As an FYI-if you cook with cast iron pans you get some extra iron as well!

  • […] Bacon-beef Liver Pate with Rosemary And Thyme by Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • Coco says

    I LOVE this recipe! I’d never had liver before, made this (twice! first with beef and then with chicken) and could not stop dipping carrots into it. So good, even though I messed up my herbs and used oregano instead of thyme.

    And then I tried making sauteed liver and onions and threw most that away. Back to this recipe. I get intense cravings for it these days. Thanks so much!

    • Mickey says

      Its the only way I eat liver. I haven’t found another way I like it. Happy you like it too 🙂


  • […] a more pronounced taste and would require a different approach. The answer was, of course, BACON. My inspiration was this recipe from my friend Mickey Trescott who  is the author of the outstanding Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook […]

  • […] crackers make a wonderful vehicle for any AIP dip—here I have it with my Bacon Beef Liver Pate, but they taste equally as awesome with guacamole, Roasted Beet Dip, or Mango Salsa. The sky is the […]

  • freepam says

    Mickey, this is delicious! It doesn’t even taste like liver to me. I could easily eat this for snack every day. I’m using the crackers I made yesterday and the combo is amazing! And even with the onion and garlic left out. I hope I get to add those back at some point.
    I’m so happy I found you.

  • Laura Jane says

    Thank you so much for this recipe! This is the first time I’ve had liver and liked it!

  • […] made two new recipes to try this week.  I was brave and cooked up some chicken livers and made a pate.  I was surprised by how much the taste took my back to childhood when I ate Oscar […]

  • […] lunch-AIP chicken liver pate (the recipe uses beef liver, but I made it with chicken liver) and carrot puree on a plantain wrap (I love these Plantain wraps from Simple and Merry.  I like to heat them for a few seconds in the microwave, it makes them soft and pliable, just like a regular wrap) […]

  • Holly says

    I’ve never had pate before. Do you serve it cold? I just made this and couldn’t wait to try it. I tried it warm because I couldn’t wait. Almost couldn’t stomach it and don’t think my husband can.

    • Mickey says

      At first I preferred it warm or at room temperature, but now I will eat it cold. Try it in small doses, on something like a plantain cracker or carrot stick… not by itself, it is quite strong! It took me awhile to get used to the taste. 🙂


  • Cheri says

    Hi Mickey,

    I did not grow up eating liver and have never prepared it myself, but as a part of my healing process, I wanted to add it to the rotation, and this recipe is it! I just made it today and think it is really good. I had some with my lunch – yum!



    • Mickey says

      Yay! That makes me so happy. I hope you see lots of benefits from eating liver (I know I did). Congrats 🙂


  • Alison says

    This is great. I left out the garlic/onion and pureed with a bunch of arugula/rocket as well as the rosemary. Probably a weird combination. I also had a much bigger liver and not enough bacon. but it still tasted OK and I think that if more bacon was there, it would be even better! Liver was a game changer for me on AIP and well just thank you 🙂 I have your cookbook too.

    • Mickey says

      Yay! Liver was a game changer for me as well. I’m happy you found a way to make it palatable without the garlic and onion… I never would have thought of that! Bravo!


  • […] and Onions from Loren Cordain Bacon Beef Liver Paté with Rosemary and Thyme from Autoimmune Paleo Blueberry Balsamic Liver Paté from The Primalist 50/50/50 Burgers from the […]

  • Christine says

    I only have uncured beef bacon and was afraid it might not do the trick of masking the liver flavor. Fortunately the pate tasted so good I skipped the bacon entirely. (I actually licked it off the tamper of my Vitamix–the body seems to know what it needs!) Thank you for sharing this wonderful recipe; your site has been tremendously encouraging and helpful.

  • Deana says

    When I used to think of liver, I would think about my mother trying to force me to eat it. I hated it! I could never understand why people liked it and would CHOOSE to eat it. The look, texture, smell, and just the THOUGHT of the taste would make me gag. I never tried it as an adult because of the horrible memories. Fast forward to the end of last year (my “crash”) and there I am researching the AIP and just shaking my head about offal; specifically liver! I just couldn’t imagine how I was going to eat it. I knew I needed it, so I tried. And I tried…and tried again! I made the 50/50/50 burger, I fried it with onion and garlic, I soaked it in vinegar and lemon juice. I tried pureeing it. I tried chicken, beef and bison. I just did not like it at all. I did eat it when I prepared it, but I was forcing it down and not enjoying it one bit. I also knew I wasn’t eating it often enough. I had ordered a load of bison liver from tropical traditions and just figured I was doomed to choke it down. I hadn’t made any since the 50/50/50 burger (I had to put maple syrup in AND on them!). I kept looking at this recipe in my cookbook and just kept thinking there is no way I’m gonna be able to get plain liver down; without another meat mixer. I decided to just go for it and I LOVE it!! I really don’t just kinda like it or tolerate it, I actually want to eat the whole thing in one shot! I made it a 2nd time, this time I was out of fresh thyme and used dry (but messed up the conversion and used too little) and I had just gotten in my gold label cocnut oil that I used. It is actually even better this time around! (I think it’s the coconut oil). Thank you Mickey, for getting me to actually enjoy eating liver!!!

    Question; I’ve been eating it once to twice a day. I went through one batch in a week. Is this too much?

    • Deana says

      btw, I TOO was licking the bowl!! lol

    • Mickey says

      That is such good news!!! Woohoo! It is totally fine to eat a batch a week. I usually make it every 10 days or so! 🙂


  • Brittany says

    Never though I’d see the day that I ate liver but you got me to do it! I had tried making liver before and have to admit I was gagging and it didn’t go well at all. This time, I made sure to get pastured + organic which I think helped but mostly I credit your recipe. I am eating it with carrots and radishes. Delicious. Still working on my mental block against it a little bit but my taste buds are winning out;) I LOVE your book and cook from it more than any other on my shelf right now. Thank you for all of your great work! <3

    • Mickey says

      Brittany–yay! I am not a huge liver fan either. This recipe has taught me how to at least eat it. I’m sure you will be seeing the benefits of all of that good nutrition soon!

  • Celia says

    I have been wanting to try a lot of this stuff, as I too, suffer from Hashis, but I have NO idea where to get this type of liver or most meats mentioned. I only live near a Whole Foods, and not that many organic meat farms that I am aware of… do you have any suggestions for where to get meats like this?

    • Mickey says

      Whole foods should be able to source you some grass-fed and finished liver, just ask them. They also may have it in the frozen department. You can also look on to find a farm near you, or try your local farmer’s market.

      Hope it helps!


  • Heidi says

    I’m so glad I found your site, Mickey. I think it’s going to be a lifesaver for me. I absolutely need to eat liver because of anemia. I’ve even tried freezing tiny bits of liver and swallowing them but that just gave me a reason to hate my life. I first made my own liver pate a couple of months ago from a recipe on the PHD website which is very edible. That recipe is not AIP friendly, so I will try yours, thank you.

    I just wanted to mention that calf’s liver is much less potent than regular beef liver, also, if you first soak your liver pieces in lemon juice for about 20 minutes, it takes out some of the nastiness. I eat my liver pate most often on slices of Bubbies fermented pickles which further masks the taste AND gives a dose of fermented veggies.! My husband and I eat these pate topped pickles as h’ordeurves while preparing supper. It spreads the ‘joy’ so to speak. Now that you mention the energy boost you get, I think I can say that I’ve been experiencing that as well since eating these liver bites. Gives me just enough energy to clean up after supper get a load of laundry in and prep for the next day. They also help curb my appetite.

    Thank you for all of your work you are sharing. Can hardly wait to get your book – it’s not available in Canada yet:-(

    • Mickey says

      Hi Heidi,
      Thanks for your tips, I have heard of the soaking in lemon juice but have been too lazy to try it. Honestly this recipe tastes good enough for me to eat as-is. I have also noticed that Bison liver is much more mild than beef liver and is what I have been using to make my pate recently.

      I’m sorry the book isn’t available in Canada yet, but I do know that Amazon US will send it with an extra $10 for shipping. Wishing you luck!


  • Jenny says

    So excited to find your site, and am working up the courage to try using your recipe for the rest of our grassfed beef liver in the freezer (my first attempt was, well, not so great). Here’s my question: do you cook the liver whole, or slice it first? Thanks!

    • Mickey says

      Jenny, I have done it both ways–slicing it up makes it easier to cook everything all the way through. Good luck!


      • Nicole Moore says

        Hi Mickey- I think I have discovered that I cannot tolerate high histamine foods and bacon is included in that list. What do you recommend that I use in place of the bacon to make this recipe?
        The good news is that I have a bison liver so it won;t be so strong. I also have to modify to Low FODMAP so I can only do green onions (green part). I know you had issues with SIBO too. Were you super strict with garlic too? I was curious if you adhered to the Low FODMAP 100% while you were on it.

        And how long were you having to be on the Low FODMAP diet? I know you had H Pylori and parasites which you mentioned on here. I was told by my OMD that I have a bacterial infection and Candida so I will need to go to a ND or Integrative MD to get it resolved. I know it will be several months to resolve, but just curious about your personal experience.

        I had a web related question to Low FODMAPs too. Is there a way that I can search for recipes on your website that are both AIP/Low FODMAP? I can’t seem to figure it out.

        • Mickey says

          Hi Nicole! Instead of bacon, you can start with a few tablespoons of solid cooking fat that you tolerate–like coconut oil, duck fat, lard, or tallow. I only did low-FODMAPs for a couple of weeks, I did not have to do it for the h.pylori or parasites. I suggest if you think you have SIBO finding a practitioner to help you treat it instead of further restricting your diet.

          Unfortunately my blog is specific to AIP, not low-FODMAP so I don’t have tags for this. Maybe a project for a rainy day!

          Hope it helps,


  • Debra E says

    My Dr. said I need to supplement with B12 and Folate because the labs just came back that I have a high homocystine level. I thought I would just try to do liver, 1/4 lb or so a week, and see how my levels are in a couple months when I see her again. I already have beef liver that I have processed raw and froze into cubes. Do you think I could use those cubes in this recipe as well? Just making sure not to cook it too long?

    • Mickey says

      Hi Debra,
      Liver has lots of b12, but if you are looking for folate you want raw leafy greens. Folate is destroyed by cooking so they need to be raw. I would also ask if your homocysteine is that high, your doctor may prescribe supplements to help you (especially if you have the MTHFR mutation which can cause high homocysteine).

      Regardless of this, liver is great for you so you should eat it if you can! Your previously processed liver should be fine just let it thaw before using and don’t overcook. Good luck!


      • Debra E says

        Just to clarify, if my homocysteine is high that I should do the supplements as well because my body might not be able to methylate the B12? It is 15.6. I don’t know if I have a MTHFR mutation. How would one find that out?

        By the way, this recipe turned out very well. While not my favorite dish of all time, it will be a GREAT way to get my liver in! THANK YOU!

        • Mickey says

          I would talk to your practitioner to see if you need supplements, I can’t give any advice through the blog, but you should look into it. You can get tested for MTHFR through a doctor or by ordering the 23andme test and plugging the raw data into genetic genie.

          I’m happy you liked the dish enough to eat it–I’m the same way with liver, not my first choice of meal but I know it is good for me so I eat it 🙂


          • Debra E says

            Yes, my Dr. said to supplement with B12, folate, and vitamin D due to the high homocysteine. I was just thinking that I could eat lots of liver instead. But I didn’t think about my body being able to convert the vitamins into it’s usable form. Can you direct me to any great articles or sources that talk more about MTHFR so I could bring that information to my doctor?

          • Mickey says

            Hi Debra, is a great resource. Good luck!


          • Brenda says


            I was just diagnosed with MTHFR. There is a great website for information The main thing that you need to do, if you have this, is to supplement with methlylated forms of B-vitamins. I was eating grass fed beef almost daily and had almost no B12 and no zinc on my nutrient blood testing. I also had a parasite (they love B vitamins), Celiac genes, severe gluten intolerance, leaky gut, and Hashimotos. Healing any gut issues is a huge part of getting better because it is not necessarily what you eat but what you absorb. I am so looking forward to trying this recipe in the morning. I have been trying desperately for years to get my family to eat liver but we all hate it ( I have a freezer full making me feel so guilty)! I too take the raw liver pills some times but my gut does not like it very much.

          • Mickey says

            I would add, that it is very important to work with a practitioner to make sure that you need the methylated vitamins and take the correct dose, because it is not good to take these things if they are not necessary. Dr. Lynch is really starting to push back against the methylfolate band-aid that is being prescribed to everyone with MTHFR SNPs. It is best to work with a doc who can interpret proper testing (like an organic acids test) to see how the mutation is manifesting in the body before making supplement recommendations.

            I hope that your family enjoys the recipe! It is a great intro to liver eating. 🙂


  • Brandy says

    Mickey, I have a strange question….

    I have ice cubes of raw GF liver blended and frozen (tons of them) (and–long story, but it has to do with a raw liver smoothie experiment)…. Anyway!

    Do you think there is a way for me to cook this with the already blended raw liver. I’m not really sure where to start with that.

    • Mickey says

      Brandy, yes this should work, just make sure they are completely defrosted before you throw them in the pan. It will just cook quite a bit more quickly. Good luck!


  • […]  Or maybe you’re adventurous and want to try adding organ meat to your diet (if so, try this liver recipe – it’s so good!).  You can benefit from the wonderful aspects of the Paleo diet […]

  • Brittany McCabe says

    Would recommend this to consume throughout pregnancy? By Wester medicine standards they always say no however this baffles me since liver is known to be the nutrient dense food. I take a cod liver oil supplement, but also wanted to try and start including liver in my diet as well.

    • Mickey says

      You should always check with your doctor (I am not one), but I think this is an incredibly nutrient-dense food that would be an excellent source of nutrition for pregnant women. Wishing you luck!


  • Denise says

    Happy to find this recipe for liver pate. Was vegetarian/vegan for 32 years & had to really psyche myself to try AIP for rheumatoid arthritis (19 years). OK with chicken & fish, but didn’t even want to look at or touch red meat. That was 5 months ago & now I buy beef heart ground with ground beef, which tastes great.

    I threw my first liver purchase out – too squeamish for it. Then fried some & choked it down with onions. Then made a bloody mess grinding it in the blender, but added this to ground beef & made meat loaf. Yummy & no taste of liver! I guess I’m ready to try this pate. If I don’t like it, I’ll just keep adding other things (perhaps mashed carrots, sweet potatoes, etc.) to it until I can eat it.

    Thanks very much, Mickey, for sharing your life and great recipes with us. You rock in my book!

    • Mickey says

      So happy you are here, and making these difficult changes for your health. As an ex-vegan, I know how it feels. Wishing you continued success on your journey!


  • Thomas Sweat says

    I have been making a similar recipe for years using Pork Liver and Cream Cheese. Recently I have begun adding about a finger ring of Wheatgrass chopped fine, five drops of Oil of Oregano, two cloves of Black Garlic, pinch of ground Cloves, Mustard, Horseradish and a few Red Pepper Flakes. I find it easiest to use a Kitchenaid Mixer with the meat grinder attachment, then use the Paddle to blend. It’s much easier to clean the grease and oil out of than a blender and it has all the power you need.

    I’m going to try your recipe and combine mine leaving out the Cream Cheese and adding Bacon Fat and Coconut oil.

    This is my first visit to this site, think I’ll hang around.

  • Melissa says

    Love this recipe!! But I need to know….How long does this keep in the fridge? freezer? And how do you know when it is going bad?
    Also, just because you’ve mentioned having a hard time with liver, lol….Have you tried this recipe for liver and onions with cauliflower mash?? We made it last night for the first time and absolutely loved it!! My hubs declared that we needed to make it a regular on our weekly menu, lol! 😉

    • Mickey says

      I am happy you love it! It keeps in the fridge as long as any meat dish will, about 5 days. I usually halve the batch and freeze it. I think it should last 3-6 months properly frozen in a container. Thanks for sharing that recipe, I will put it on my list of recipes to try!


  • Amanda says

    Hi Mickey,

    I was wondering approximately how much your 6 pieces of bacon weigh? With the bacon I get 6 pieces is about 250 g.

    Thank you 🙂

    • Mickey says

      I have no idea… I am not a measurer! I wish I could help more. If your pate doesn’t taste bacon-y enough, you can easily up it 🙂


    • John Es says

      I used about 170 g of bacon. This was about half of a package of Trader Joe’s Uncured Apple Smoked Bacon (12 oz.). It worked great. This was only 4 slices, but, they’re thick. I’ll make this recipe again!

  • […] Liver recipes to make it more palatable: chicken liver fried rice; bacon beef liver pate. […]

  • […] Kombucha, liver paté and store bought AIP compliant plantain […]

  • […] – If you are nervous about liver, try this recipe – which convinced […]

  • […] and Snacks: Garlic-Rosemary-Plantain Crackers Bacon-Beef Liver Pate with Rosemary and Thyme Deep-Fried Rutabaga Chips Bacon-Wrapped Butternut Squash […]

  • […] and liver pate are a good way to blend other flavors with organ meat to make it more […]

  • Sarah says

    just made us and it’s my first time with liver. It’s not a particularly pleasant flavor but reading all these comments slowly helped me eat it up… Thank you Mickey!

    My question: refrigerating and freezing with bacon chunks seems like the bacon would get wet and chewy. Do you add in bacon over time, or do you enjoy the texture as-is? I froze half the batch sans bacon thinking I’ll make another batch of bacon when the time comes.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Sarah,
      If you eat it straight out of the fridge, the consistency of the bacon isn’t great. I always heat mine up in a low oven, then it has a better texture and is much easier to spread. You can also keep the bacon bits out and add to your liking, whatever works for you!


      • Anna says

        Just made this with bison liver. I hate liver… This is yummy! I have eaten Paleo for years and aip most of the time for the past year and have avoided offal the whole time. I did add cinnamon to warm up the flavor a bit. Also a flaked mushroom sea salt instead of plain. I have missed hummus…this will make up for it in a big way. I bought the hardcover of your cookbook and love it. The photos are gorgeous. I love the carrot soup.

        • Mickey Trescott says

          So happy to hear! Thanks for sharing, and best of luck to you!

  • […] Next up on my liver list: liver pate! AIP-ers on Instagram swoon over Mickey Trescott’s pate recipe found here: […]

  • […] Bacon Beef Liver Pâté from Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] Bacon-Beef Liver Pâté with Rosemary and Thyme by Mickey at Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] 1: Beef liver pate with plantain chips and assorted vegetables for dipping. Organ meats are incredibly nutrient dense […]

  • […] had been Vegan for 10 years, and so I definitely did not want to be cooking organ meat! I developed this pate recipe that is palatable with the addition of bacon and lots of […]

  • […] Click here for link. Recipe taken from the Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook – this amazing cook book is available @ naturmend […]

  • […] it’s healing properties. So I’m going to give it a try. The recipe I am using is from autoimmune-paleo by Mickey […]

  • wendy says

    Pulling out the grasses beef liver from the freezer right now! Is any oil ok to use in the processor? Rapeseed oil I’m thinking of using.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Wendy!
      If you are on the elimination diet you will want to stay away from seed oils, as they are on the “foods to avoid” list.

      Wishing you luck!


  • Penny O says

    I made this recipe with a couple of variations.

    Lamb’s liver instead of beef; lamb bone broth; + mushrooms — INCREDIBLE!

    My local farm didn’t have any lamb’s liver today so I picket up goat’s liver. I’ll give that a whirl this week. I’m so excited to have pate in my life!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Thanks for sharing your modifications! They sound divine!

  • […] If you’re eating too much: Cut back on the empty calories, and increase your nutrition. That means less AIP-friendly treats, and more vegetables, healthy fats, seafood and organ meats. […]

  • […] so I don’t do a lot of produce prep ahead of time unless I know I’ll be too busy. Pate is another one I make often. We especially like pate-filled apples! I also make a batch of […]

  • […] Emma: brings liver paté and an apple. She packs the paté frozen, to keep it fresh, and it defrosts by the time she’s ready for a snack.: Turmeric Lamb Liver Paté or Rosemary Beef Liver Paté […]

  • Tess J says

    This is my favorite pate recipe– thank you. Could you provide some tips on how to thoroughly remove the membranes/vessels from the liver? Although I think I’m doing a good job removing every bit, somehow I always end up with tough parts spotting my otherwise smooth pate.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      The way my liver comes they are removed–can you ask your butcher to do a better job here? I think it is pretty common for them to prep the liver well since those tough bits don’t cook up well!

  • I just made this and it is SO good. I’ve just been eating it straight with a spoon. I didn’t put quite that much oil in but I put a heaping tablespoon of coconut oil and tablespoon or two of grass fed butter. I think partly what made the difference (besides having a great recipe) is getting the liver fresh (I picked it up from the farm the day of the slaughter) and soaking it in salt water and lemon juice for a full day (changed the water twice). It made the flavor really good and apparently it pulls out any toxins remaining in the liver when the cow is killed. Thanks for the great recipe!

  • Tina says

    YUM ! I just made this and replaced coconut oil with olive oil – still so delicious and addictive! Thank you!

  • […] patties, pate, roasted veggies and […]

  • M says

    Hi Mickey,

    Thanks so much for your site, it has been very helpful as I learn this new world of AIP! I love that you have a “print” button for your recipes. However, quick question – is there any way you could add small pics of the recipes that will print when the recipe prints (when using the “print” button)? Just thought I’d ask. 🙂
    Thank you again for helping us understand this information!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi M,
      Right now that isn’t a functionality, but will consider for the next redesign. Happy you find the site helpful!

  • […] AHS13) Mickey Trescott, of AutoImmune Paleo is an amazing personal chef and offers this recipe for Bacon & Beef Liver Pate with rosemary and thyme on her website.      Oh, and … A BONUS (#6) […]

  • […] made this ‘hummus‘, that is super simple but came out super yummy!!! I even tried some beef liver pate, but it has bacon in it, so of course it’s good! I tried to make pita bread, but I baked it […]

  • April says

    Thanks for this recipe Mickey! Like others, I wasn’t sure about liver, but I have a boatload of grassfed liver hanging out in the freezer. I’ve also just started AIP (2 weeks in) and struggle getting varied meats in. I’ve never liked fish, and I tried salmon again last week. Bleh. Can’t do it. So, I was very excited when this was palatable and actually good! The texture will definitely take getting used to, but it was tasty (I puréed some of the bacon with the liver, just to be on the flavor safe side) 🙂

    This felt like a small success with a high-nutrient food after my failure with salmon. Thank you!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      April! Yay! What a win. It is important if you don’t want to eat fish to eat liver, because of those nutrients. So happy you liked it!

  • […] Beef Liver Pate – Autoimmune Protocol (Mickey Prescott) […]

  • Debbie says

    I just made a batch of this last night from organic chicken livers. I keep trying to remember to add mustard (I do alright with most spices from seeds these days). If you add the mustard and blend everything up together, it tastes a lot like my childhood favorite – liverwurst. I would like to try adding gelatin and then rolling it to make a sliceable log. Do you think that will work?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      What a creative idea–I think it would be nice with some gelatin, will you let me know how it goes?

  • […] Bacon Beef Liver Pate with Rosemary and Thyme by Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] Bacon Beef-Liver Pate with Rosemary and Thyme from AutoImmune-Paleo (AIP) […]

  • Teresa says

    Thanks for the recipe! My 10 month old and I are enjoying this warm from the blender right now! Done are my days of choking down fried liver and onions. I just started the AIP diet for Hashimotos, and this will replace hummus as my veggie dip.

  • Nick says

    I am trying so hard to like the flavor of the liver. Me thinks I must acquire this taste. My tounge doesn’t seem to want it right now. Luckily it wants the bacon!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I feel the same way, but I continue to eat it for the health benefits!

  • Claire says

    I’ve made this recipe at least a dozen times, and it’s my favorite way to eat liver! I recently figured out a way to make it low-FODMAP and wanted to share: I just replaced the onion with the green parts of about 2 leeks and 1/2-3/4 c carrots and omitted the garlic. I sauteed all that down in a little garlic-infused olive oil until very soft, then followed the rest of the recipe as usual (w/ coconut oil added when blending). It turned out amazingly close to the original!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Thank you for sharing your modification, I’m sure others will find it helpful!

  • Erin says

    I’m ashamed but I tried (tried!!!) to eat offal via this lovely recipe and had such high hopes, I used lamb’s liver as we have a lot of access to good grass-fed lamb here in the UK. I’m generally not a picky eater, but for whatever reason, I cannot handle! I tried putting it inside some lovely mushroom caps to make stuffed mushrooms, which i think is a great idea, but it still didn’t work out for me. I love bone broth and make that all the time, I can even take the marrow right out during the process and eat it plain, but cannot cannot cannot cope with the liver. Trying to be forgiving but I recognize how nutrient-dense foods are important.
    Are there milder forms of organ meat that I should try?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Erin! I totally get your struggle, as a non-liver-lover myself. Have you tried heart? It is much more mild. You can also grate frozen liver and freeze in ice cube trays for portions, then freeze in a baggie and add small amounts any time you make a recipe with ground meat. Great way to “hide” it from yourself!

  • Helen D says

    Thanks! Just made this tonight but with Elk liver. Really excellent!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      That is a new one–I’ve never tried elk liver but I am so happy it worked well in this recipe!

  • […] makes sense since it is packed full of vitamin B12. The first way I tried beef liver was in pate, this pate is my absolute favorite, it’s so decadent especially when eaten with apple and carrot […]

  • Kim pose says

    Hi, lovely tasty recipe, thank you
    I actually misread the recipe and added the bacon to the blend. It turned out quite well.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Sometimes I add the bacon for a creamier pate–totally works, happy you enjoyed!

  • Noelle says

    THANK YOU! I’ve been looking for a way to eat beef liver for over 2 years!!! I just made it and tasted it and oh my – delicious! I’m serving it as an appetizer for a brunch tomorrow. Can’t wait to be eating this on the regular!

  • Abby says

    Made a couple SIBO-friendly modifications that I thought I’d share. Since I can’t have onions or garlic, I used garlic-infused olive oil. To provide a slight spice, I used a little ginger and mace. For a bit of tang lemon zest and juice. And for umami, coconut aminos. I also used one small golden beet in the puree for that nice smooth texture. It’s pretty tasty!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Thanks for sharing your modifications! Sounds delicious and I am sure the SIBO folks will take note!

  • […] The overall conclusion of the study included the statement Although parallel evolution cannot be excluded, our findings suggest that voice areas may have a more ancient evolutionary origin than previously known. So it’s possible that dogs and humans, over the course of the past 18,000 to 32,000 years, have been evolving together, helping to explain why dogs (in particular) are capable of processing the emotions embedded within human vocalizations. Is it an evolutionary skill, or is it something much more profound? Furthermore, is it possible that dogs have learned through thousands of years of sitting, staying, and rolling over for humans, how to interpret the signals emitted by the human brain (also seemingly imperceptible to humans) with singular accuracy? The answer as it is now being found through scientific research seems to indicate that we may be underestimating our four-legged friends when expecting them to eat a $2.99 on-sale bag of kibble with the same enthusiasm they would a beef pâté recipe. […]

  • Matt K says

    Well the comments above speak for themselves, but I have to say: what a great recipe. I’m not that squeamish around liver, but this didn’t even have a hint of that slightly odd liver taste. I’ll be making this regularly! Glad I have a grass fed beef supplier nearby who can barely give the livers away…

    • Mickey Trescott says

      So happy you liked it, as well as made the discovery that liver is super cheap if you find the right source! 🙂

  • maria says

    I may have missed the info but I have looked on the your website and on some of the comments for more information about AIP friendly Bacon or Uncured Bacon. What I have understood so far is it must be chemical free. I’ve looked to find where I can buy some but they all have preservatives in them. The Organic, Unsmoked, Dry-cured one I found has: Dry cure* (contains salt, sugar*, preservatives E250 [0.60%], E252 [0.40%])
    I am guessing that is not AIP friendly? Im based in the UK and am assuming what you refer to as “Uncured” may mean “Dry-cured” but I could even be wrong about that?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Maria! I was actually just traveling in Australia and I could not find bacon without preservatives, I am guessing it could be the same in the UK. Uncured does not mean dry cured, but if you can find dry cured bacon that would also be compliant. Your best bet is to find a local farmer to see if they have any processing options that don’t involve preservatives. The UK AIP groups can also be a great resource for you. Hope it helps!

  • maria says

    Thank you for replying. That’s so helpful and encouraging. I carried on looking online and have found some UK organic farms that make nitrate free, gluten free bacon. Having sent you the question made it clearer what I was looking for. I have now looked up UK AIP groups and found them on Facebook. Since I am not on Facebook, is that the only means to access the group?

  • suzanne says

    Am I the only one that couldn’t get this recipe to work for me? 🙁 I want so badly to be able to eat liver.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Suzanne!
      What do you mean by “work”? Recipe-wise or taste-wise?

  • Cathryn says

    Awesome recipe!!

  • […] originally adapted this recipe from Autoimmune Paleo for inspiration, but added some of my own twist like adding the avocado and skipping the […]

  • Nicole says

    I have made this recipe countless times since I first came across it about three years ago. Thank you for making liver something that I just can’t stop eating! My only complaint is how quickly I go through it when I do make it. I always do a 2lb batch and it always manages to disappear within ten days – and I’m the only one eating it! 🙂

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Nicole–thanks for the great review! I’m happy it is a staple in your house!

  • […] Beef Liver Pate: we are supposed to be eating a lot of organ meats on this diet, and I figured it would help to make some pate (liver dip). I must admit that I hated making this recipe. Cooking up the liver was fun, but putting it in the blender and grinding it up with a bunch of coconut oil just was not a fun experience. The finished product looked really revolting: very unattractive despite the bacon crumbles that adorned the top. However, my husband really enjoyed it, and snacked on it with celery sticks and carrots for a few days. […]

  • Derrick Carter says

    Wow! the way you prepare the liver sounds great! and yes it is good that you are eating liver, however I would point out something very important that you may have missed.
    DO NOT COOK the liver, ferment it instead. Liver is one of the greatest sources of the bio-available and super anti-oxidant Catalase. Cooking the liver utterly destroys the Catalase enzyme. Catalase is so important to the downgrading of microbe produced super radical hydrogen peroxide. Want to see the effects of hydrogen peroxide in our bodies? well, look at anyone over the age of 40, some sooner, and look for the grey hair, this is caused from an abundance of hydrogen peroxide in the scalp and a lack of Catalase. Now, as we age we lose the ability to produce our own Catalase to control the invitro production of hydrogen peroxide which burns, damages, and yes causes DNA damage to our cells…..
    Heating the Liver, past 108 F destroys the abundant amounts of Catalase in the beef liver. Learn to ferment the liver into patte instead get all the vitamins, minerals AND the Catalase…………

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Derrick,
      Thanks for your comment – I’m not sure I can handle fermented liver though. If you can go there, good for you! I have found amazing health benefits, personally, from cooking and eating liver as my recipe above.

  • […] actually had Mickey Trescott’s liver pate for the first time this past week and was so pleasantly surprised by how good it tasted! Just spread […]

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