Christina’s Turkey Breakfast Sausage

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A couple of months ago this turkey sausage recipe was floating around the Hashimoto’s diet facebook group from my friend Christina’s blog and I meant to make them immediately, but since I am not a huge poultry fan I kind of forgot. Well, I keep seeing rave reviews posted about them, so when I came across some quality ground turkey I knew exactly what I was going to make. I shouldn’t have waited so long because they are awesome!

They are a great change from the beef patties I am so used to eating every morning, and have a nice spicy flavor to them. You can easily double the recipe and freeze for quick reheats in the morning — my preferred method of AIP breakfast.

5.0 from 7 reviews
Christina's Turkey Breakfast Sausage
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Adapted from a clean plate
Serves: 4
  • 1 pound ground turkey
  • 2 teaspoons fresh sage
  • 1 teaspoon fresh rosemary
  • 1 teaspoon fresh thyme
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 2 tablespoons coconut oil
  1. Combine all ingredients except the oil and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes, overnight preferred.
  2. Add the oil and shape into four patties. Cook in a lightly oiled skillet over medium heat, about five minutes per side or until no longer pink in the middle. Alternatively, bake at 400F for 25 minutes. Serve hot.

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Amy says

    These sound great! I will be trying them very soon 🙂

  • So glad you liked ’em! Thanks for spreading the love. 🙂 <3

  • Wow. Thanks so much for sharing this! I’m on GAPS Intro right now, and while it will be a while in coming, this recipe will be awesome!

  • Kelly Robbins says

    excited to try this!

  • Kelly Robbins says

    excited to try this! may try with the venison we have too!

  • Alice says

    These are wonderful!
    Thank you : )

    • Pat wolst says

      Just made the receipe, delicious . I will, However , cut back to 1/4 tsp of salt. Thank u!!

  • Leanna says

    Is it ok to substitute olive oil for coconut oil? I am allergic to coconut.



    • Mickey says

      I would suggest using a more stable fat like duck fat, lard or tallow, because it isn’t good to cook olive at high-heat.

  • Tam says

    I thought black pepper was not allowed?

  • Maria says

    How about the vegetables besides the turkey sausages? How can I prepare them? Please…

    • Mickey says

      Hi Maria,
      Those are some zucchini sautéed in coconut oil along with some sauerkraut. I’d say the zucchini take about 10 minutes to fry up. Good luck!

  • […] let me change your life–make a batch of these, a batch of Three Herb Beef Patties, and Christina’s Turkey Sausages for your freezer and you will be good to go for breakfasts for […]

  • The cinnamon was unexpected. I’ve never used it in a recipe that isn’t sweet. I’ll have to give this a try.

    • Mickey says

      MJ, I hope you like it! Sometimes cinnamon is added to savory recipes, like chili, curry, or stew. 🙂


  • Michelle says

    This recipe was awesome! I am eating about 90 percent aip now, and struggling to find some main recipes that my whole family would also eat as well. Breakfast was my hardest time, and this is such a hit!! I am so excited to find a whole bunch of recipes here that I can finally eat and have such taste. As I have a celerry allergy, I can never find aip friendly sausages in a store, and these are so much healthier and yummier! Trying another recipe tonight. Your site is making a huge difference to me! Michelle

  • Mickey says

    Bethie, why not use another solid cooking fat–lard, tallow, or duck fat, made from pastured animals? I think this would be better than making them without oil. Meals need fats in order to help us assimilate nutrients and satiate us.

  • Allison says

    I made these using chicken and got rave reviews from my friends!! Thanks for a great recipe!!

  • Whitney says

    Just tried these. So delicious!

  • Cindra says

    These are fantastic! I was unsure about the cinnamon, but my daughter encouraged me to try it, they were perfect!!! We are so glad to have discovered your website Mickey! After many years of struggling with physicians, I have been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s, and my 19 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with Proctitis. As a more holistic minded family we opted to try an AIP diet and other lifestyle changes (yoga & meditation) before considering conventional treatments. Your website has been so very useful on getting us started down the road to better health! Thank you for your knowledge, wisdom and creativity!


    • Mickey says

      I am so happy you liked them! Wishing you and your family success on your journeys 🙂


  • […] much on waking, so had a kiwi fruit. Then I set to work in the kitchen making some of these turkey breakfast sausage. Late morning, I had one cooked in a pan with some butternut squash pieces. I also added some kale […]

  • […] 2. Homemade meat/sausage patties and some greens.  […]

  • […] sausages (thanks for the suggestion, @rebelhomemaker).  Keeping with the Christmassy theme, this Turkey Breakfast Sausage would do the trick.  But if you’re having a big roast turkey for Christmas dinner, perhaps a […]

  • Terri says


  • Kim says

    These were terrific! They had a lot of flavor, but settled well on my stomach (usually those two things don’t go well together for me). Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  • […] Christina’s Turkey Breakfast Sausage – Autoimmune Paleo – A couple of months ago this turkey sausage recipe was floating around the Hashimoto’s diet facebook group from my friend Christina’s blog and I meant to make them … […]

  • Shelby says

    Looks great! I just watched your batch cooking video. I’m wondering what you eat as sides to your meat patties in the morning. I love zucchini as a side to this. Any other common sides you use?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Shelby! I eat them with any leftover veggies I have in the fridge. Sauteed greens, sweet potato, really anything you like will work!

  • Jayna says

    Just made these tonight for dinner and sandwiched then between roasted sweet potato slices and they were amazing!!!

  • Rose says

    Mixing up a batch right now. Sadly I was in a rush when shopping and bought dried herbs so I’m adjusting amounts and hoping overnight in the fridge will meld everything together. There are four of us, all with different allergies (except we are all allergic to eggs and whey), I have RA, amd two have systemic candida. so cooking is a giant pain. Nearly impossible to find anything premade without garlic and sugar of some type, so I’m hoping my picky college kid will like these. Thanks so much for sharing.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Rose, I hope everyone enjoyed, wishing you guys the best!

  • Kaley Wied says

    These are unbelievable! You did a great job on this recipe! I can’t even describe how good these are!

  • Morgan says

    If I were to batch cook/freeze these patties, would you recommend freezing them raw or cooked? I buy my meat from the farmers market and it comes frozen.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Morgan, since your meat will need to be thawed once already, you should cook and then freeze. It isn’t safe to thaw and freeze meat again. Hope it helps!

  • […] AIP Turkey Breakfast Sausage – Autoimmune Wellness (although I will probably use pastured pork for now, as we are both off poultry – long story) […]

  • Linda says

    Hi there
    I’m three days into AIP as I probably have PBC (liver autoimmunity). I also have a thyroid concern, 9.2 cholesterol, deficiencies in vitamins D and Bs, and have little energy. I’m researching AIP and bought a Paleo book by an Australian chef. Now I’m confused about dried fruits and bananas in recipes. I thought they should be avoided, so I’d appreciate your advice. My thanks to you for this fabulous site. As I’m struggling with recipes, being able to access yours is brilliant 🙂 Cheers – Linda

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Linda! There are a few small variations in autoimmune protocols, but ours is based on Sarah Ballantyne’s research (her book The Paleo Approach is an excellent resource). Dried fruit and bananas are included, but you do want to be careful not to eat more than 20g fructose in a day, which is especially easy to do with dried fruits. They are moderation foods for many of us. Hope it helps, and welcome!

  • Christian says

    I love these, they’ve been a life saver. Thank you for posting!

  • Jackie Bladow says

    Thanks for this recipe! I am currently participating in the SAD to AIP in Six transition group with Angie. Great learning out there. I’m trying to prep AIP friendly foods for a whole week away at school living in the dorms. I’m assuming I can prep these sausages and store them in the fridge for up to a week like many of the other recipes I’ve found?

  • Kim says

    Do you melt the coconut oil before adding to meat mixture or do you leave it solid?

  • Amy says

    I love Christina’s chicken sausage with apple from her low-histamine aip ebook, but since being diagnosed with Candida, I’ve had to forgo the apple. 🙁 Glad I can still enjoy these sausages!

  • […] Christina’s Turkey Breakfast Sausage: Loaded with fresh herbs, and great to freeze for busy weekday mornings. […]

  • […] Turkey Breakfast Sausage – Autoimmune Wellness […]

  • Lynda says

    Really good! I only had sage on hand, along with the ground turkey, oil and spices. It turned it great! I added a little more garlic powder in mine since I like the flavor. The cinnamon was a nice touch and made the burger unique. I would cook this again!

  • Caz says

    Thanks. I will try this. I have suffered with Histimine response issues from chemicals and medication and fungus injected into my toes and jaw by a crazy intruder causing digestive issues and candida albicans and leaky gut from anaphylaxis in food chemicals in my upper intestinal stomach lining. Therefore, I am trying to heal with a candida diet as recommended by Donna Schwenk and Amy Myers.

  • […] Turkey or Chicken Breakfast Sausage – This is actually a recipe for turkey breakfast sausage, but I often used ground chicken for it as well. […]

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