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Today we are happy to announce we are coming out with our next book, a co-authored creation, titled The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook: A DIY Guide to Living Well with Chronic Illness.
The release date is Tuesday, November 1, 2016, and we can’t wait!
We’ve been hard at work for almost two years on this project and we can’t wait to share it with the world! It’s the community of all of you here and your positive energy, that has motivated us to take our thoughts about autoimmune wellness to the next level!
Things have changed drastically over the six years we have been on this mission, and The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook was written on the foundation that the way we view and treat autoimmune disease is undergoing a revolution, big time! In order to live well with chronic illness, you need to become a new kind of patient, one who is savvy enough to know that a whole-body and whole-life approach is necessary.
Inside you will find information to help you have the greatest chance of success at managing your illness using the best of conventional, natural, and DIY methods.
What you’ll find in the handbook:
- A chapter on each of our seven key steps to wellness; Inform, Collaborate, Nourish, Rest, Breathe, Move, and Connect. Notice, these are action verbs, guys!
- Information on how to be a proactive patient, from getting that diagnosis to partnering with a doctor who can help you achieve wellness. We cover some really unique areas for the community including understanding the different conventional and natural treatments you can expect, how to gather information, how to best advocate for your healing, and some of the trickier aspects like coping with diagnosis. We’ve found this piece of healing to be just as important as diet and lifestyle!
- Self-assessments, checklists, and infographics for every chapter to help you define where you are and decide where to apply your energy. Everyone’s journey is different! We want to help you tailor.
- A collection of 30 exclusive recipes, compliant with the Autoimmune Protocol, that feature simple, affordable ingredients and are mostly one-pot and batch-cooking friendly. We’ve included our favorite staples as well as some special treats. We want you to heal and enjoy your life!
- A 4-week meal plan and shopping list for the elimination diet, incorporating our favorite recipes from the book. You know our mantra is “set yourself up for success!”.
- What about the “other” stuff? We’ve designed a 90-day lifestyle plan to ease you into the parts of the process most people find overwhelming — dialing in rest, stress management, exercise, and connection, without making you feel burnt out! We know that making small, incremental changes will make this doable!
What makes our book different?
Our approach is anti-guru, and instead guided by empowerment and self-discovery. We acknowledge that everyone is unique and has a different starting place or trouble spots, which is why we’ve gone through so much effort to provide information that encourages personalization and refinement, instead of sharing what worked for us exclusively.
We’ve aimed to synthesize a lot of complicated information in a concise, handy volume. With this project we set out to create a true handbook — something that fits in your bag and is easily referenced. We’ve included beautiful photography thanks to our autoimmune pal Charlotte Dupont, as well as well-designed graphics for the assessments, tables, checklists, and infographics. The book is meant to be completely user-friendly!
Why pre-order a copy instead of wait until the release date?
Pre-orders help generate “buzz” for a book and buyers use these numbers to determine how many books to stock in stores. If you’ve been following us for a while and have benefitted from the information and inspiration we provide, we would be grateful for your support in helping us get our book in front of a mainstream audience.
In the Autoimmune Paleo community, we know this works, but integrating conventional, natural, and DIY approaches is still largely unknown in mainstream culture. Our purpose with this book is to be a part of the major shift that is happening in the way that autoimmune disease is viewed and treated. It is our goal that those newly diagnosed will have access to this information and avoid the years of suffering that many of us have experienced!
Pre-ordering, at least on Amazon, also guarantees you the lowest price from now until the book release, which currently is only around fifteen bucks. That is a small price to pay for the amount of information you’ll be gaining, a lot of which is new ground for our community!
You can pre-order your copy using the links below:
Barnes & Noble
Thanks for being a part of our community and for supporting us in this endeavor!
I am very excited to read this, I am on my own journey but need a guide to help me!
We are hoping that the book initiates the process of self-discovery for you! Wishing you wellness.
Congratulations on the launch of your upcoming book! My daughter has Hashimoto’s and Pernicious anaemia and I have multiple sclerosis (I am vegetarian). We do not know a lot about AIP, only that we need to start and for AIP to become our permanent eating lifestyle.
My question to you is, will this book provide me with a good basic understanding of getting started with AIP and with the recipes section, are there any vegetarian recipes in book or recipes that I could easily adapt? Can I even do AIP and be vegetarian? Is there any other resourses additional to this book that you would recommend that I purchase? Thank you
Hi Megan! I’m sorry to hear about the autoimmune issues running in your family – sadly this is a common presentation! To answer your question, yes the book has a great overview of AIP, but you don’t need to wait until it comes out in November to get access – we provide most of the info for free here on the website (sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of this page to get our printable lists of what to eat and avoid, etc.). When the book comes out, it will be nice to have on hand to help guide how to interact with your healthcare team, and to learn about other lifestyle aspects that are important for managing autoimmune disease.
About the vegetarian issue, it is not recommended to do the full elimination diet as a vegetarian because there is no source of protein with the elimination of beans and legumes. If you are willing to eat fish and seafood, however, you can definitely make it work. I personally gave up 10 years of veganism to eat this way to save my health. I know not everyone can go there, but I was very motivated to turn things around as I was very ill. If you can’t come around to eating seafood or even poultry, I’d suggest modifying the autoimmune protocol to include some non-gluten grains like rice, and some beans and legumes, while still doing your best to focus on nutrient density (a good nutritionist might help with supplementation of crucial vitamins and minerals). You may not see the full benefits of the protocol doing it this way, but I think it is better than not trying!
Other resources to get you started would be The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne, which has all the protocol specifics and science. My first cookbook, The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook has tons of recipes and protocol instructions, as well as Angie’s, The Alternative Autoimmune Cookbook. Wishing you the best!
Will the recipes in this book be strictly AIP? (ie: no eggs and nuts?)
Hi Merissa! Yes, they are strictly compliant w/ the elimination phase of AIP.
Hi- I am about 3 weeks into the AIP program and have noticed a drastic drop in my blood pressure which was always pretty normal at 120/80 give or take.. this morning it was 106/58. It has been like this for the past few days.. I have strictly adhered to the diet as well as take my magnesium. Do you have any recommendations? I am considering reintroducing certain foods as this is highly unusual for me. Thanks for any advice or recommendations.
Hi Wendy! Unfortunately Angie and I are not medical practitioners and can’t address questions like these. I do know diet can impact blood pressure, and this is something you should probably talk to a doctor about. Something to investigate is possibly the lack of salt in your diet from not eating processed food, or possibly adrenal fatigue? Hope you sort it out soon!
My main autoimmune issue is psoriasis, so I have to follow a heightened AIP protocol for health. I really appreciate not only the elimination phase AIP recipes (as I always have), but also the information on navigating the medical community, they types of tests to look into, and finding appropriate practitioners. I know enough to be dangerous in my own life, and haven’t had the resources to explore this more until recently. I’m looking forward to reading up on all of that stuff so I can be an advocate for myself and better informed! Thank you!
Mindy – thanks for the thoughtful comment, and Angie and I both are wishing you wellness as you navigate this new challenge!
[…] Adapted from The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook […]
I wrote a book exactly like yours based upon my story with an autoimmune disease. However I am a doctor and my book is written with doctors and healthcare professionals in mind.
Nice to hear Marsha! We’d love to check out your book!
Hi! I am so excited for this book!!! Do you know if it is being sold at Costco? Thank you girls for your hard working in helping the autoimmune community:).
Ruthie, to my knowledge it is not in Costco, but you can find it on Amazon or in just about any bookstore. Thanks for the support!
[…] Adapted from The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook […]
[…] of those individuals were in Berkeley earlier this week promoting their new book, The Autoimmune-Paleo Handbook. I was so excited when I heard Angie Alt and Mickey Trescott would be at Mission:Heirloom for their […]
I am now 75yrs and have suffered all my life. When young I was 32 bust and 42 hips eat like a mouse. I have Sjograns, and Gillian Barrie syndrome (after my B12 went down to 160) amongst many dibilitating conditions. Finally after 10 years of suggesting to my doctor this may be the cause, they have finally agreed I do have an Autoimmune condition. Why are they (doctors) so reluctant to test for this.
I am thrilled to find at last there is some guidance specifically designed for autoimmune conditions. Can’t wait to buy the book. Many, many thanks in advance.
Pam, I think many doctors find the symptoms confusing & tough to pin down too. Also, they are limited & effected by the same broken healthcare system that is hard on their patients. You are so welcome for the book & we sincerely hope it helps you connect the dots & find some healing, even if your healthcare team is slow to catch up!
Hi Pamela! Thanks for being here, and sorry to hear about your long history with illness. Sincerely hoping that the information you find enables you to live a healthier life. Keep us posted!
I am so excited for this book! I am 25 years old and have fibromyalgia and lupus. My mother, aunt, and grandmother also have these conditions and I think this book will really help us! Thank you so much!
Caitlin, you are so welcome! Wishing you & your family lots of wellness & inspiration!
Hi Caitlin! Thank you, it is actually out now, so you can pick up a copy. Hope it helps you!
Will this help with Alopecia, which its an autoimmune disorder???
Sara, we are not medical doctors and can’t tell you for certain that this will help w/ alopecia. However, our experience is that it is very beneficial for many w/ autoimmune diseases, including alopecia. You never know unless you give it a shot!
Hi Sara! We aren’t medical practitioners and can’t advise on specific conditions, but there are some in our community with alopecia who have seen good changes after going through the elimination and reintroduction process. Good luck!
[…] book I am currently reading is titled “The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook” written by Mickey Trescott and Angie Alt, between them they have 5 Autoimmune diseases. Reading […]
Hi. I’m on the Week One of the meal plan and am confused on the Green Breakfast Soup. I made the soup, put in fridge and the smell the next was very sulfur smelling – like cheesy and hard boiled egg-like. All ingredients were freshly bought that day and washed so wasn’t sure about the smell and the taste was unusual. Lots of bubbles in pot. So I threw out that whole batch and started over with freshly bought ingredients. This batch again has an egg smell and bubbled like something is fermenting. Can you help explain this please? Does it have anything to do with the ginger? I’m going to through this batch out as well unless this is how it is supposed to be. The other recipes this week are delish:) thanks!!
What you are describing does sound like fermentation, but I am unsure how it would happen with this particular recipe in such a short period of time… did the soup taste right when it was fresh? Is your palate used to spices like garlic and ginger? The soup has a mild, ginger, herb and slightly citrus flavor, not anything like you are describing. The only thing I can think of is maybe the pot you are storing it in is reacting with the ingredients somehow?
Hello Mickey, I am writing from Chile which is a South American Country, my mother tongue is Spanish so I apoligize in advance if I miswrite some words. I have atopic dermatitis and I tried everthing in the past to cure it but nothing worked except the AIP protocole. I was paleo three months before I moved to AIP and it helped me a lot. The itchy and red skin went away. Now I have been in AIP for about a month and I am worried about reintroducing foods because I noticed that my stomach bloated after eating some nightshades, eggs and some other foods before AIP, and it still does but it doesnt hurt. I’ve lost twenty kilos during this months. I eat leafy greens, carrots, zucchini, meat, olive oil, avocados pretty much everyday. And I’ve been doing well. But now I am worried about carbs and wondering what to do first cause I think maybe it is too soon for eating white rice, eggs or potatoes. I probable have SIBO so I am out of fruits too. What do you recommend. I’d really appreciate your opinion. Thanks in advance for your answer
Hi Daniela! So happy to hear from you, my family is actually from Argentina so I am familiar with your part of the world. I wish my Spanish was good enough to teach AIP though, but sadly I can just manage basic conversation!
It is hard for me to answer your comment here because there isn’t enough history for me to make recommendations, but I would suggest digging in to some of the reintroduction resources before you get started there. The Paleo Approach by Sarah Ballantyne has the full protocol and information about some of your questions, as well as the book Reintroducing Foods for the Paleo Autoimmune Protocol by Eileen Laird. Reintroduction is an important part of AIP, and if you are experiencing a lot of success, it is important to begin the process. If you suspect SIBO, I recommend working with a practitioner to get diagnosed and treated as SIBO can’t be treated with diet alone. Wishing you luck!
[…] time, and with a lot of research, I learned that Graves is an autoimmune disease and autoimmune diseases, whilst being incurable are manageable and can be put into […]
Hello! I am so happy to have found you! My situation is a bit complex but it comes down to microscopic colitis which has been annoying for four years and a horror since early March, 2017. I was a vegetarian who hated soy and is finding sudden relief on the AIP protocol. I admit, I am far from perfect. Biggest problem and concern – I have a bipolar disorder which I take medication for. How disruptive will this be? My psychiatrist is very supportive of this plan.
Hi Ksye-
We can’t answer that medication question for you, but it should be minimal disruption if you are working closely w/ your psychiatrist. As you make changes to your diet you may find that mental health improves too and your medication needs may change. It’s awesome that your psychiatrist is so supportive, because he or she can help you navigate any possible changes.
[…] Breakfast Bake from The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook by Mickey Trescott and Angie […]
[…] partner at Autoimmune Wellness, author of The Alternative Autoimmune cookbook, co-author of The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, co-host of the Autoimmune Wellness […]
[…] partner at Autoimmune Wellness, author of The Alternative Autoimmune cookbook, co-author of The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, co-host of the Autoimmune Wellness […]
Hello! I am so grateful to have found your book. I have two ai diagnosis, and have felt alone in my struggle working w doctors. I now have hope, and what a relief to know that I’m not alone and that I can empower myself.
I got excited about the recipe section in particular- I can’t wait to make most of these recipes. I very recently discovered that I have a sensitivity to alliums. I’ve always cooked w them in the past and notice that they are in nearly every recipe (b/c they’re essential to food tasting good, right?!). Do you have recommendations for substitutions or whether these recipes will be delicious w/out the onion and garlic?
The other thing that stood out to me is the amount of meat in the meal plans. I’m not used to eating that much meat! Can I swap out the recipes w seafood and tuna and still be okay on the plan?
I’m preparing to begin next week, hopefully.
Thank you for sharing your journeys and knowledge <3
Hey Ann! You can substitute celery for the onions and garlic in the recipes to make them allium-free. You can also decrease the meat portions, or swap out for fish when appropriate. I think you’ll find that most of the recipes are heavy on the veggies, as AIP is not a meat-centric diet. Hope it helps!
What diseases to you cover in your Autoimmune Wellness Book?
Hi Barbara! The book is written as a general info book for all autoimmune conditions!
I have Sero Negative Inflammatory Polyarthritis and also Cryoglobulenemia and taking high doses of Prednisone and Methotrexate to control these two auto immune diseases which are connected. I have incorporated some Paleo methods into my diet and I am now hoping that by adopting the stricter AIP guidelines the medication can be reduced and I can start to feel better. I am 75 years of age.
I would appreciate being included on your mailing list for newsletters etc. and in the meantime I am purchasing your book.
Thank you very much – Sylvia
Welcome Sylvia! You can sign up for our newsletter anytime by inputting your email address at the bottom of any page on the website. Wishing you the best on your recovery!
[…] I do not have a diagnosed autoimmune disorder, but I did score high on the quiz at the beginning of this book. I was very interested in nutrient-dense foods that would help me achieve vibrant health. I read […]
[…] Auto ImmuneWellness Handbook […]