Sweet Potato Fries with Garlic “Mayo”

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Sweet Potato Friesphoto by Kyle Johnson

4.8 from 4 reviews
Sweet Potato Fries with Garlic "Mayo"
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
The "Mayo" must cool at room temperature for an hour or in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Serves: 4-6
  • For the "Mayo":
  • 1⁄2 cup coconut concentrate, slightly warmed
  • 1⁄2 cup warm filtered water
  • 1⁄4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 3-4 cloves garlic
  • 1⁄4 teaspoon salt
  • For the Fries:
  • 3 large sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into thick fries
  • 4 tablespoons solid cooking fat, melted
  • sea salt to taste
  1. To make the mayo, place the coconut concentrate, warm water, olive oil, garlic cloves and salt in a blender and blend on high for a minute or two, until the sauce thickens. Let cool for an hour at room temperature – alternately, you can place it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes. If you would like to use the sauce in a cold dish, thin with water until the desired consistency is reached.
  2. To make the fries, preheat your oven to 400 degrees. Place the sweet potato fries into a large bowl and coat with the cooking fat and sea salt. Arrange on a series of baking sheets so that the fries have adequate space between them (this is how they come out crispy). Use 3-4 sheets if you need to! Add the sea salt. Bake for 10-15 minutes, remove from the oven, flip, and bake for another 10-15 minutes, watching at the end so that they don’t burn.
"Mayo" keeps well in the refrigerator, but hardens. Let come to room-temperature or warm gently before using.


About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • amanda says

    hi I thought potatoes were banned from the paleo autoimmunity diet? is it just white potatoes?
    thanks for all you do!

    • Mickey says

      Yes, potatoes are nightshades and not allowed, but sweet potatoes are from a different family and perfectly fine. The light colored ones you see here are white sweet potatoes. 🙂

      • Jayne says

        Hi Mickey,

        I’m really enjoying all of the recipes in your cookbook! However, I’ve tried to make the coconut concentrate twice and I have been unsuccessful both times! What’s the trick? I’ve attempted making it in my vitamix as well as a good high speed blender with the same result. It never gets anywhere close to a thick creamy paste. It usually ends up stuck at the bottom the blender. I stop the blender, loosen it up…turn it back on..but the same result occurs. It seems like there’s not enough liquid to keep it blending. I would be grateful for any advice. Thank you!

        • Mickey says

          Hi Jayne,
          Are you adding coconut oil to the mixture? Also, could you be using low-fat coconut flakes?


        • Jannie says

          Hi Mickey,
          Thank you for the awesome cookbook. I’m OK with following all the recipes, and so far everything came out great. However, I have the same exact problem as Jayne – am unable to make the coconut concentrate, which is such shame because I’d love to use it for mayo. I also have a Vitamix (don’t own a food processor), and to your point above, I use full fat coconut flakes and I do add coconut oil (use the amount the recipe suggests, even went a bit higher on a second try). The coconut just gets stuck at the bottom around the blades, and no matter how many times I stop the blender, poke things around to unstick them, the same thing happens. The coconut is on the sides and bottom of the blender and the blades just rotate with no stuff in them.

          Is there any other way you can think of to help us tackle this?

          Many thanks,

          • Mickey says

            The only thing I can think of, is that whatever coconut flakes you are purchasing does not have enough fat content, or you are not blending long enough/tamping hard enough. The only time I have “failed” at making the coconut concentrate is when I accidentally bought low-fat coconut flakes–that won’t work!

            If you can’t seem to make it with your machine, I’d suggest purchasing some already made–sorry!


          • It’s never worked for me in my Vitamix, either. In fact, my Vitamix actually smoked and shut down — something I’ve never seen happen before!

            They say there isn’t *that* big a different between the “wet” and “dry” containers, but I really wonder if it makes a difference here. I don’t know what everyone else is using, but all I have is the “wet” container, and I think it pulls the ingredients down, whereas the “dry” container pushes them up. I wonder if, for the coconut concentrate, it really matters.

          • Phoenix Harris says

            Dear Mickey, I purchased the cookbook a few days ago and am enjoying the recipes! I am having the same issue with the coconut concentrate. I am going to purchase some but am not sure what to look for. Is it just coconut butter? Or is it coconut cream? Something else? Can you recommend a particular brand that works well! Thank you!

          • Mickey Trescott says

            Hi Phoenix! Coconut concentrate also goes by coconut butter or coconut manna. It is usually sold in a jar and hard at room temperature. It is not the cream at the top of a can of coconut milk (or in a can labelled coconut cream). Hope it helps!

  • Andria says

    Feel like I wasted ingredients. This sauce never thickened

    • Mickey says

      Did you use the top of a can of coconut milk, or coconut cream, otherwise known as coconut butter, manna, or concentrate? It is hard when room temperature. If you used coconut milk it will not thicken, but with the right ingredient there is no way that it won’t come out right (unless you measure improperly!).

      Sorry you got confused, I’ll add a note for other readers.


      • Anna says

        Hi! This is the first recipe I’ve tried from the site, and it came out great! To the person above, I used coconut cream from Trader Joe’s, which was pretty much just coconut milk. So I added a little bit of coconut flour and a small spoonful of grass fed beef gelatin to thicken it up- worked great and the garlic-y goodness masks any gelatin smell/taste. Ate the fries alongside a nice piece of salmon for dinner, and it made me not miss all of the things I’ve been missing, having just started a diet very similar to autoimmune paleo. 🙂

  • melissa jenkins says

    Hi there. I am just new to this, and wondering what solid cooking fat is and where I can find it? (probably a silly question)

    • Mickey says

      Not silly! Any fat that is natural (non hydrogenated) and solid at room temperature is what you should use for cooking. This would be tropical oils like coconut or palm, or animal fats rendered from healthy animals like lard, tallow, or duck fat. Coconut oil can be found easily in the store, and some places have duck fat, but if you would like to have lard or tallow from pastured animals you may have to find a farmer who sells it and render it yourself. There are many tutorials online on how to do this. Good luck!


      • You can order it! EPIC sells it (the people who do the meat-based protein bars), and Fatworks (fatworksfoods.com) specializes in healthy cooking fats. They have lard, tallow, and duck fat.

  • Grace says

    Hi, how do you store the mayo if you make too much? Do you freeze it or keep it in the fridge & for how long? Thanks

    • Mickey says

      Grace–I’ve never frozen it, but I don’t know why that wouldn’t be a good storage solution. I always use it within a week in the fridge. I make things like tuna salad, chicken salad, or use it as a topping for bunless burgers. Its delicious!


  • Belle says

    Made this the “lazy” way: put all the veggies in my vitamix raw, blended them to sludge, mixed it with the ground beef, covered the top w bacon and popped it in the oven. Came out delish, didn’t fall apart.

  • Belle says

    Oops, my last comment was for the meatloaf which I enjoyed w sweet potato fries 🙂

  • […] I have a recipe for Classic Tuna Salad in the cookbook that uses my Garlic Mayo recipe to add texture and creaminess, I wanted to provide a quick, coconut-free version for those […]

  • Joanne says

    Hello & Thank You for your recipes!
    I was wondering if you have any ideas for a substitute for the coconut concentrate [unfortunately I am allergic to coconut.] I was thinking maybe 1/4 cup palm oil [strangely, this doesn’t seem to bother me & coconut puts my mouth & throat on fire all the way down to my chest, like upside down acid reflux?] Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
    Thank You for your great website & all your helpful information!

    • Mickey says

      Joanne, have you tried avocado?


      • Joanne says

        I tried a mini batch with the palm oil, and it was pretty good, but the water separated out pretty quickly – I just poured that part off, then added some basil to the leftover & used it for salad dressing. I am going to try your avocado idea, it sounds delicious, I’ll let you know how it goes [it makes me want to make some more right now, is it ok to have sweet potatoes 2-3 times a week on this plan?] I was also a little confused about pepper, I thought that was a no go, then I saw it in a recipe, but it could have been a regular paleo one, instead of Auto immune one, I was just wondering if I was eliminating something I didn’t need to; I’m so new at this ~ day 3.]
        Thank You again!

        • Joanne says

          The avocado way worked great! It is a lot like a light whipped guacamole. It is so smooth & creamy!
          Thank You, again!

        • Mickey says

          Joanne, sweet potatoes 2-3 times a week is fine as long as you tolerate them. Pepper is a “be cautious” spice, some people choose to remove it during the elimination phase, others include it.

          Good luck!


    • Karen Wheeler says

      Since you’re allergic to coconut, you may want to try making your “mayo” with Hearts of Palm like they use in the islands and some places in South America. Just open the can, rinse them off, throw them in a blender with a little garlic and a squeeze of lemon and give it a whiz. It’s easy to add ingredients to make a dip for meatballs or sauce for fish or whatever.

  • Laura says

    Hi Mickey!
    Just bought your cookbook a few days ago but haven’t been able to read it yet 🙁 I have Hashi’s and I am currently trying to go AIP elimination diet and having a hard time cooking so many different meals with what feels like such a limited list of ingredients!
    So as I have not been able to read your cookbook yet I come online looking for a quick recipe and always (thank heavens and you!) end up finding one of your recipes 🙂
    I was wondering why you do not really fry the sweet potatoes but instead bake them? I obviously don’t mean deep fry with whatever cooking oil food chains do, but “lard or coconut oil” fry them? I did that earlier today actually (boiled the sweet potatoes a little and dried them before frying then in a pan and seasoning with sea salt) and it was close enough to a regular fry and was really comforting food 🙂
    Also, I am not a fan of garlic but would love to try something resembling mayo, what other condiment would you recommend for the recipe? Thanks!

    • Mickey says

      I have fried them before, but a lot of people either don’t have a mini deep-fryer or find it annoying to do in a pan. Baked ones are just a little easier and more accessible for everyone. They are heavenly fried in a healthy fat like lard or coconut oil!

      You could try making a dip with avocado, if you don’t like the garlic!


  • […] using the egg yolk. Luckily Mickey Trescott’s The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook has a recipe for AIP Paleo Mayo, although I’m not sure how mayo-y it is or how it tastes since I’ve not tried it and […]

  • […] Garlic “Mayo” from Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • Amy says

    The garlic mayo came out perfect for me. Because I have only been using it on “sandwiches” (roast beef wrapped in lettuce leaves) I have a lot left over. How long does the mayo last in the fridge?

  • […] as a delicious topping for pancakes and waffles and it can be used in recipes as well like this garlic mayo recipe or this recipe for coconut […]

  • sonia says

    So I just made this with three garlic cloves and the flavor is just way too strong for me. Any suggestions? It kinda burns when I taste it. As far as I know, i don’t have an intolerance to garlic.

    • Mickey says

      Hi Sonia,
      Were your cloves of garlic unusually large? They could also be very fresh or a particularly strong variety of garlic. I’d just start with one next time, taste, and add more if you need it.

      Hope it helps!


    • marta says

      try roasted garlic! raw garlic causes a burn for me too.

  • Ainsley says

    I added 4 tsp lemon juice and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar and it tastes great. I used store bought coconut manna.

  • […] cup AIP mayo (Made from coconut butter or avocados; or use another mayo of your […]

  • […] followed the mayo component of this recipe, adding 1 Tbsp. of apple cider vinegar since, to me, mayo should be tangy. (It’s weird not […]

  • Rachel says

    I just bought coconut manna and can’t wait to give this recipe a try!! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Tracy Atack says

      I also bought Coconut Manna, but my mayo turned out really runny. Did yours turn out?

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Tracy, did you make this on a hot day? Coconut is very temperature-sensitive, so if it is particularly hot where you are at the consistency might be runnier. I would pop in the fridge for 5-10 minutes to harden up a bit.

  • […] Sweet Potato Fries with Garlic “Mayo” by Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • […] Side of garlic sauce made from coconut butter, garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, and salt (recipe from Mickey Trescott) […]

  • Tami says

    So I am fairly new to this AIP and Paleo eating and cooking. I don’t understand how to make the garlic mayo. When I put those ingredients in the blender or food processor, I get a dry crumbly mess. (I did start with the Coconut Concentrate, that’s really where I got stuck – but then tried to save it by adding in the garlic and water and oil in – it was still crumbly and dry) How does it get smooth like mayo? What food processor or blender are you using?? Help!

  • Ana says

    In actuality I had to come to the blog in order to find out that I needed full fat coconut flakes and also 1 tablespoon is not enough to make the concentrate..also I am on the budget and I don’t like to be wasteful, next time you make a book, make some suggestions because I just wasted 10 dollars in 1 bag of coconuts flakes! and coconut oil is not cheap either so I am so totally disappointing and while I love your recipes don’t get me wrong, this will not do for me..so I will find a way to buy coconut mayo…I don’t have time to expend or explore for 2-3 hrs a meal, granted we try to be balance but I don’t live in the 1700s! we all work and busy mothers *rated 1 start for the time wasted and money too* won’t allow me to click below 4 starts*

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Ana,
      Sorry it didn’t work out for you – “full fat coconut flakes” is not a thing, coconut flakes should always be full fat unless otherwise specified. Many people make the mistake of getting the low-fat versions, of which I did not even know existed when I wrote my book. I would suggest buying the coconut concentrate online or in a store to make your mayo.

  • […] AIP mayo or coconut aminos for dipping […]

    • April says

      Can palm shortening be used as the coconut concentrate?

      • Mickey Trescott says

        No, April, I don’t think it will turn out the same.

  • Jessica says

    I finally was able to get coconut flakes and make the coconut concentrate. It’s in the paste but a little gritty…. Is that normal?
    The garlic mayo is awesome just gritty

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Jessica, did you use full-fat coconut flakes? I’d say coconut concentrate is a little on the gritty side, like peanut butter, but it shouldn’t be too bad. If you pick up a commercial brand like Nutiva you can compare. It also might depend on the power of your blender/food processor!

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