Virgin Cherry Moscow Mules

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Whether you’re new to the AIP or have been navigating your special diet for a while, it can be disheartening to have to face the holiday season without being able to drink. Everyone else is loosening up, having fun, and you feel stuck on the sidelines.

But, in my experience, indulging in an adult beverage has never been worth the pain it causes my body. With cramping, migraines, and nausea on the table… well, alcohol starts to look a lot less appealing. But that’s what mocktails are for!

With the addition of cherries and sparkling water instead of vodka, these Virgin Cherry Moscow Mules will slake your thirst and make it look like you’re part of the party… without any of the nasty side effects. To your health!

Virgin Cherry Moscow Mules
Prep time
Total time
Serves: 1 serving
  • 6 sweet cherries, pitted
  • 1 ounce lime juice
  • 3 ounces sparkling water
  • 6 ounces ginger beer
  1. In a glass, muddle the cherries with the lime juice.
  2. Stir in the sparkling water.
  3. Fill a copper mug with ice.
  4. Pour the cherry mixture into the mug, then top off with ginger beer.
I recommend making your ginger beer at home as few store-bought brands are AIP compliant. Here is my ginger beer recipe. A great alternative is ginger kombucha.


About Christina Feindel

Christina Feindel came to the AIP after she was diagnosed with Hashimoto's, Celiac, and Interstitial Cystitis in her early twenties after more than a decade of declining health. As her degenerative and debilitating symptoms began disappearing, Christina began sharing recipes and experiences at A Clean Plate and is now the author of several healthy e-books. Christina believes that good, healthy food should be accessible and appealing to anyone on any budget, with any amount of time, and with the bare minimum of ingredients. She also believes that any illness can be improved or even eliminated by starting with a clean plate. You can find her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Twitter.


  • Christie A Sanner says

    how do you muddle cherries with lime juice?

    • Christina Feindel says

      Muddling basically just means smashing them together. You can use a spoon or fork, but it works best with something like a pestle.

  • Can you advise how the ginger beer recipe is AIP since it has cane sugar? I am very new to this lifestyle, but I enjoy a cocktail every once in a while and this may make me happy!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Sheila! The Autoimmune Protocol does not eliminate sugar, but it does eliminate alcohol. Hopefully that helps!

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