Autoimmune Paleo 2-Week Meal Plan!

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One of the most common bits of feedback I have received about the cookbook has been how helpful people are finding the meal plans and shopping lists. I’m an obsessive organizer and planner, so I decided to put my skills back to work and write up some freebies for those of you who follow the blog but don’t have the book.

Included in the guide is some information about how to use this tool, but I’ll also include some details here. This meal plan is interactive, meaning the links in the .pdf take you to the corresponding recipes, all of which are available here on my website for free. Meals that need to be cooked from scratch are in color, while meals that have been previously cooked are in black. This is so you can look at the calendar and get a feel for when you will need to devote time for cooking. Assuming most people work a traditional work week, there is no cooking for breakfast or lunch on weekdays, with batch-cooking expected on the weekend and a couple of nights off during the work week. You can easily customize this if you don’t work a traditional schedule. I have also included a shopping list with all of the ingredients used that week.

Here is a preview .jpg–don’t worry, the original .pdf has links that work! This just to show you what it looks like:

Meal Plan

If you need more resources to start your elimination diet, check out our Autoimmune Protocol Print-Out Guides as well as last weekend’s Autoimmune Paleo Batch-Cooking Session (I demonstrate almost everything you would be doing on the first day of this meal plan–making broth, patties and pate). All of these things are free. I’m sorry only for one thing… now you have no excuse to get started on the Autoimmune Protocol!

How do you get the meal plans? Simple–sign up for our newsletter. I will be sending the .pdf to all subscribers tomorrow morning. If you already subscribe, you don’t have to do anything but wait for them to be delivered to your inbox! From now on, all new subscribers to our list will get a link to this meal plan when they subscribe, so if you are late to the party, you can still get them! We send out a newsletter every week or two with all the latest blog updates, recipes, and upcoming events.

Shopping list preview:

Shopping List AIPOnce you get your free download, please stop back and let us know how you like it! I hope that these free resources give you the courage to get started on your own elimination diet, in an aim to live healthier and feel better. 🙂


About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Jen says

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I’m so excited that you’re making meal plans. I’ve been wanting to read your cookbook (waiting for my turn at the library), and I’m currently reading Sarah’s book. But I’ve been wanting to start the diet soon and these meal plans are a huge help. Definitely an incentive to start sooner, rather than later. Thanks again!

    • Mickey says

      I’m happy they help Jen! Good luck!

      • Musawa says

        Thank you Mickey for helping others.
        my question, what about gluten free rice and wheat?
        can you recommend any flour to make bread?
        I can’t eat without rice or bread.

        • Mickey says

          Hi Musawa,
          No grains are included on the Autoimmune Protocol, unfortunately. As daunting as it sounds, it is very possible to go without grains–many of us have saved our health by doing so. I’m hoping you can find some strength to make it happen!


  • Madeline says

    Can’t wait to receive the info!!! Thx!!

  • Cathleen says

    Thank you, Mickey! You are amazing. <3

  • Anne-Lene says

    Thanks so much for this plan – reading it made me directly buy your book on Amazon, can’t wait for it to get here and me to get better 🙂

  • Julie says

    Thank you Mickey! This is exactly what I need to get started cooking this way for my family.

  • Jan Cain says

    Hi Mickey, your recipes are amazing! Question, can we use home made yogurt made with coconut milk on the auto immune diet?

    • Mickey says

      Jan, yes provided the coconut milk does not contain any thickeners or chemicals like guar gum or caregeenan. Good luck!

  • Heather Johnson says

    WOW! I can’t believe the timing of this! I’ve just been looking into meal plans for AIP and then here it is in my inbox. Awesome!!! Thank you!!!!!

  • Mickey,
    I have been meaning to write and say “thanks” for some time now. So, here goes – Thanks! I have your lovely cookbook and have enjoyed it very much. It is a work of art, that’s for sure. It is wonderful of you to spend so much time and effort on such a lovely and helpful – life saving would not be too strong a term here – blog. Thank you so much for all the help you give us. Your menu plans are wonderful.
    Sheila H.

    • Mickey says

      Thank you for your comment Sheila! Wishing you more healing and happiness!


  • Sandra Riddle says

    Thanks so much for these wonderful meal plans! I started on the Auto-Immune Paleo protocol about 6 weeks ago and have been reading Sarah Ballantyne’s book but I’ve found that I’ve just been cooking very basic things that I can adapt to AI paleo for the whole family. Trouble is, most things I’ve made have lacked a lot of flavour! Your recipes look really tasty – I’ve just ordered the book from Amazon. Are the meal plans in your book?

    Can’t wait to receive the book and get cooking!


    • Mickey says

      Hi Sandra,
      I have a free two week meal plan you can get for subscribing to my email list, and there are also two four-week meal plans in the book! Good luck!


  • Karen Pritchard says

    I would like to follow the two week menu plan.

    But, I have a moderate intolerance to salmon and mild to beef.

    What can I use as substitutions?



    • Mickey says

      Hi Karen, you can substitute other fish (halibut?) or red meat (lamb, bison) for the above in the meal plans, or swap out the dishes all together. Good luck!


  • April says

    I am over the moon about this 2 week meal plan!!! I just downloaded it and looking forward to getting in the kitchen TODAY! This is such a wonderful gift Mickey, thank you. You sure seem to be living your purpose, I hope to meet you one day 🙂 maybe July 6 in Portland Oregon! (where I live)
    Oh and the bone broth, great helpful hints!!! Best to you Mickey.

  • Tara says

    This is amazing! Thank you. I appreciate all the effort you put into this – to help us!

    I have a question – many recipes in the AutoImmune paleo world use coconut/coconut products. Any ideas on a good sub? I’m allergic.

    Thanks again.

    • Mickey says

      Hi Tara,
      If you are allergic to coconut, sub a different solid cooking fat for the coconut oil (lard, tallow, duck fat, etc). You can use an avocado for the garlic mayo in blended dressings. You can also use a thinned root vegetable puree for the coconut milk thickening curries, soups and stews. There will be some recipes you can’t make, but I have a collection of coconut-free desserts on this site. Good luck!


      • Tara says

        Thank you so much for your thoughtful answer! I don’t feel discouraged by the coconut recipes now!

  • Jenny says

    I am interested in going Paleo as I am gluten intolerant. But I am also allergic to latex. Which is providing more of a complication. Its in things like avocados, squash, and pineapple. I was wondering if you thought this was a diet that can be done with a latex allergy.

    • Mickey says

      Of course, you will just have to make some modifications to the recipes to not include those foods. It should not be too difficult. Good luck!


  • Jenn says

    I saw bacon listed in your ingredients and in other AIP recipes. What types of bacon are AIP friendly and where can I get it?

    • Mickey says

      Hi Jenn!
      Bacon is fine on AIP, but you need to examine the ingredients carefully to make sure that they do not include any preservatives or nightshade spices. According to Sarah Ballantyne’s protocol, a little sugar used in the curing process is OK. You can find acceptable bacon at most stores (Applegate makes a couple products), but I think it is far better to also make sure that the bacon comes from pastured pigs. This is a lot harder to find, and may take contacting a local farm ( is a great place to start) or looking at your local farmer’s market. Good luck!


  • Ruthie W says

    Hi Mickey!
    Do you encourage smaller meat portions with veggies?
    Also are there ideas in your book for backpacking/Camping) Im worried about keeping this lifestlye while going on our backpacking trips.

    Thanks!! (Eastside of Seattle Says Hi! ) 🙂

    • Mickey says

      I don’t give specific protein recommendations, as I realize this is highly individual. I usually aim for 4-6 ounces per meal as default, but you can adjust accordingly depending on your needs.

      I don’t have ideas for backpacking in my book, but I highly recommend checking out my friend Susan Vennerholm’s blog–

      Good luck!


  • Cyndi says

    I haven’t gotten my 2 week menu and grocery list and wondered if you send it,
    Looking forward to trying them out.
    Thank you

    • Mickey says

      Hi Cyndi,
      Check your junkmail, or your “promotions” folder if you have gmail!


  • Kathleen says


    I am just now looking into adapting this new lifestyle, hoping it helps my condition. That being said I have never been much of an adventurous eater, I stick mainly to thinly sliced meats like turkey and chicken. I have tried pot roast shredded and breakfast sausage but that’s as far as I will go with the exception go a burger sometimes. Do you think I can succeed with just these meats? Any vegetarian meals you suggest I try? any tips for newcomers on staying consistent?

    Thank you,

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Kathleen,
      Yes, you can definitely get use out of AIP just eating turkey and chicken–I have a good friend Susan at who has done this with success, maybe she has some tips? At any rate you do need to be more mindful of getting your nutrients and you do need to eat fish, but it can be done. Good luck!


  • […] found a wonderful two-week meal plan WITH a shopping list here (you have to sign up for the newsletter to receive it). This will make everything so much easier […]

  • […] Auto Immune Protocol. In case you missed it I found a wonderful 2 week meal plan for this diet here. Planning is definitely the most important thing when it comes to eating right. I’ve found […]

  • Jennifer Howell says

    I would love to try out your 2 week AIP meal plan with links, but each time I try to get the downloads it says I’ve already signed up and though I wouldn’t put it past me to have gotten something and forgotten, I currently don’t have the links or the 2 week meal plan to try and I’d like to. Is there a way to get that link again? I also tried signing up for the newsletter (again, may have done before but I don’t remember and I’m not getting anything in my emails) and it just brings up a cute little note sayings Cheating huh!… I’m not sure what I’ve done, but I’d love to get some help with the downloads and newsletters if possible.

    Thank you
    Jennifer Howell

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Jennifer!
      You will want to sign up again using the popup (just wait for it to appear!), not the form in the sidebar. Even if you are on the list, it will take you to a page with the meal plan. If that doesn’t work, you could always try another email address. The plan ends up getting sent to your email address as well as popping up on the website.

      A note too if you have Gmail, this kind of stuff usually ends up in your “promotions” folder.

      Hope it helps!


  • DanaH says

    Do you just eat sausage for breakfast or do you pair it with a salad or something veggie based?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Dana!
      You will see in the meal plan instructions I have you assemble a breakfast patty with leftovers! Good luck.

      • Jennifer Johnson says

        I signed up for your newsletter but I didn’t get the link for the meal plan. I can’t get pop ups because I’m on an iPad. Any suggestions?

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Jennifer, you should get the email within an hour of opting in through email. You can contact us if it doesn’t go through!

  • kellie says

    Hello, I would love to access the meal plan above, but the links do not seem to be broken. Any chance this could be looked into? I am excited to start this meal plan!

  • Risa Lee says

    You’re the best, thank you!

  • […] Mickeys Meal Plans that accompany her cookbook can be found here […]

  • Judith F says

    I can’t click on the link for the info on how to make the sausage or burger patty. How can I get the information?

    • Judith F says

      PS. I’m also already subscribed to your newsletter.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Judith,
      The link in the .pdf should take you to the recipe on our site. I recommend using a computer as using the .pdf can be dicey on devices like phones 🙂

  • McKenzie D Correll says

    Hi ladies! Love your blog, and your resources have been very helpful in starting my journey to heal leaky gut! I subscribed to the mailing list and received the quickstart guide, food lists (avoid and include) but cannot find the pdf of the 2 week meal plan. Can you direct me to that so I can access the version that contains live links to the recipes please?


    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Mckenzie! Unfortunately you need to unsubscribe and resubscribe to get the welcome series again. The meal plan comes on day 2. Hope it helps!

  • […] is gone. The food GETS eaten. If you think you may go hog-wild and need more structure, though, the autoimmune-paleo website is here to rescue you. Again. (You will soon fall in love with Mickey Trescott, too).  My biggest […]

  • Ayesha says

    In some auto immune conditions, meat isn’t allowed i.e psoriasis
    Only chicken and fish. Could you please also introduce an aip protocol for us all too?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Ayesha! We follow the autoimmune protocol as outlined by Sarah Ballantyne, which is more or less the same protocol regardless of condition. Some people make additional exclusions, but I’m not aware of evidence showing that red meat is harmful for those with psoriasis unless they have a specific sensitivity.

  • Anna says

    Hello – I just signed up for your newsletter because your website specifies you provide a free 2 week AIP meal plan and shopping lists. I received links to other information but not the promised meal plan. While I appreciate the information you sent me, I am currently reading “The Paleo Approach” and already have access to this info. I would greatly appreciate if you can please forward the 2 week Meal Plan as advertised per your website.

    Thank you for your help.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Anna,
      Everyone who signs up gets the meal plan, it is the second email in the 5-day series. If it doesn’t end up in your inbox I suggest unsubscribing and resubscribing, and then following the instructions in the email carefully. Many people don’t receive the emails because they are in junk or promotions. Hope it helps!

  • norma rose says

    I just wanted to ask about supplements. I take quite a few supplements and I definitely can tell what has worked, especially during this flare of my lupus. However, I don’t see any replies addressing the use of supplements. do you have any advice?

  • Ryan Enck says

    If my wife and I are doing this meal plan together, should I double everything?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Ryan, yes, this meal plan is for one person. You can either double everything, or make a meal plan that cooks twice as often!

  • Ryan Enck says

    Hi Mickey, I received the Autoimmune printouts email but I did not receive the 2-week meal plan featured on this page. When will I receive this? Thanks!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Ryan, the meal plan comes on day 2 of the series!

  • Jennifer Helm says

    I just want to say thank you. Back in 2014 when I found out I had Hashimotos I couldn’t make a decision. My brain literally could not work. I was asking my 10 year old to make decisions for me. Scary. Huh. Well I found your cookbook in the AIP bundle. I used your meal plan faithfully and I am happy to share that I have been in remission for about 3 years now. Thanks forall if your hard work. I have shared my testimony and your cookbook with so many. You are a blessing to this community.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Jennifer – thank you so much for coming back to let me know, and I am so happy to hear you are feeling well again!

  • kitty Arsenault says

    I’m confused. In the AIP we are told by some sites not have garlic or onions. However, some say we can. Can you clarify please? I use both for my broth. Am I doing wrong? I’m going full AIP in January. I’ve been taking baby steps for months now to prevent “falling off the wagon”. Also I don’t think just 30 or 60 days will do it. I’ve been sick most of my life and I’m turning 50. So I think it will take a while for my body to heal and reset itself. Thoughts?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Kitty! I’m not sure what sites you are referring to, but garlic and onions are fine on AIP. You may be confusing it with the low-FODMAP diet, which sometimes people layer with AIP. It is impossible to know how long of an elimination phase will work for you, but my advice is to try 30 days and see where it gets you. Wishing you success on your journey!

  • Sibylle says

    I just wanted to tell you what an huge help your site has been for me. It was the starting point for my own AIP journey almost three years ago and your recipes, articles and community links have helped me immensely (as well as your cookbook collection bogos). Without you I might have never found out what tomatoes do to my joints, or that gluten does not only give me bad skin and joint aches, but also brain symptoms. A big THANK YOU to both of you! Keep it up!

  • LatestModAPKs says

    This meal plan is great! I’m following it and feeling so much better!

  • 4pics says

    This meal plan is great! I’m following it and feeling so much better!

  • I loved this 2-week meal plan! The recipes are not only delicious but also easy to follow. It’s great to have such a structured approach while managing autoimmune issues. Can’t wait to try out more of the meals! Thank you for sharing this valuable resource!

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