When I was growing up, my best friend’s parents, who lived across the road from me, always had a New Year’s Day party. I remember it as a boring afternoon in my teenage eyes, but nonetheless I would show ...
So you have an autoimmune condition. It’s likely that your journey to wellness will traverse a variety of experiences on the spectrum between negative and positive, challenging and uplifting. Our road to recovery is rarely linear; this week it’s a ...
“We are indeed much more than what we eat, but what we eat can nevertheless help us to be much more than what we are.” –Adelle Davis, Let’s Get Well The Autoimmune Protocol changed my life. Pretty much everyone that ...
I know a lot of you are struggling with quick meal ideas for when you need to be on-the-go and I get asked all the time if there is a protein powder that is acceptable on the Autoimmune Protocol or if ...
Of all of the types of protein available to me, I eat red meat the most since it is high in the nutrients I tend to lack from my vegan days, especially iron and zinc (if you are worried about ...
Although I have shared this recipe elsewhere on this site, I thought it deserved to have it’s own page for reference. I love making coconut milk fresh both because it tastes way better than the canned variety, and because it ...
Looking for something to satisfy the crunchy craving while on the Autoimmune Protocol? I have been obsessed with these plantain crackers from The Paleo Mom ever since I discovered the recipe last year. Many variations have been born out ...