Magic “Chili”

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One of the recipes I get the most comments and praise about on this site is my AIP Carrot and Sweet Potato “Chili”. Most people love it because the ingredients are simple, it’s easy to make, and it tastes amazing! Seriously, if you haven’t tried it, you are missing out. I was thinking though, that it would be fun to add to the nightshade-free chili family with this variation that I have been whipping up. What is pretty amazing, is that it actually looks like chili (I promise, there are no tomatoes, despite how much it looks like it in the photos! Answering this now before the nightshade police are on my tail). So if you are looking for another quick, simple “chili” recipe free from the usual offenders in conventional variety–beans, tomatoes, and nightshade spices–be sure to give this a try. The grated beets give it a lovely color and thick texture. This is winter cooking at its best, a nice meaty one-pot stew with bone broth, lots of herbs and flavor that intensifies the next day. A note for you batch-cookers–this would be an excellent recipe to cook a double batch and freeze in portion-size containers for quick, nourishing meals. Nutrient-seekers–add some grated frozen liver to the ground beef to add some extra nutrition to your batch.

4.8 from 26 reviews
Magic "Chili"
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 6
  • 1 tablespoon solid cooking fat (coconut oil, lard, tallow, duck fat)
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 cups bone broth
  • 2 parsnips, chopped into 1½-inch pieces (about 2 cups)
  • 3 carrots, chopped into 1½-inch pieces (about 2 cups)
  • 1 large beet, grated (about 2 cups)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh oregano, minced
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ⅛ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2 pounds grass-fed ground beef
  • a few parsley sprigs, for garnish
  1. Heat the solid cooking fat in a heavy-bottomed pot on medium-high heat. When the fat has melted and the pan is hot, add the onions, and cook, stirring for 7 minutes, or until the onions are translucent. Add the garlic and cook another 3 minutes.
  2. Add the bone broth, parsnips, carrots, grated beet, and all of the spices except for the parsley. Bring to a boil, turn down to a simmer, and cook, covered, for 20 minutes.
  3. Meanwhile, brown the ground beef in a skillet over medium high heat, being sure to stir it occasionally so that it is browned evenly.
  4. Add the ground beef to the vegetables and simmer, covered, for another 15 minutes.
  5. Serve garnished with fresh parsley.

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Christina says

    Ohhhh looks so good. I will give it a try for sure! I love your AIP chili so I am sure I will love this.

    • Ashley says

      Can I make this recipe in a crock pot?

      • Mickey says

        It may not be the best recipe for a crock pot because of the shorter cooking time, but I bet you could convert it. Let us know if you are able to modify it!


      • Rikki Watts says

        I’ve made it in a crockpot several times and it comes out great. Mickey – thank you for this recipe – I was not a fan of chili until I tried yours. 😀

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Rikki, thanks for letting us know it works in a crockpot, and I’m so happy you like this AIP chili recipe!

  • Kaitlyn says

    I’m going to make this tomorrow. Just what I need on a cold winter day! Thanks for the incredible recipes.

  • Saundra says

    This looks sosoooo good! I will plan to make this this weekend. Perfect for our cold winter weather and I miss chili. Thanks for another good recipe.

  • Karla says

    Oh, thank you! I will be making it for this “chili” weekend we’re having here! Have been longing for chili for months now.

  • Suzanne says

    Assuming ground turkey and chicken broth is fine:) Probably will taste different but I’m allergic to beef:(

    • Mickey says

      I’m sure it will be delicious, Suzanne! Report back, if you remember 🙂


      • Cynthia S Tolle says

        Mickey – I tried your magic chili with a couple of changes (i.e., veggies) and found it absolutely delicious. Thank you for all your hard work in whipping up these recipes and finding others to post to the site. In lieu of parsnips and beets, I used a sweet potato (one white, one orange). Did this change it from being AIP compliant?

        Thanks again. Appreciate you and the hard work that goes into the website by you, Angie and the team!


        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Cindi! If you used both sweet potatoes, the chili is AIP compliant – only regular potatoes are actual nightshades. Hope it helps, and wishing you the best!

  • Jan says

    Question for Mickey: I normally avoid powdered onion and garlic in recipes, and substitute fresh. (I have a pretty sensitive gut and don’t trust the powdered forms). But since you’re using both fresh and powdered onion and garlic in your recipe, it’s clearly intentional. Could you talk about that a bit, please? Thanks!

    • Mickey says

      I think they both have different flavors, and I wanted both here. You can always use one or the other, or neither if you feel like it. I’m all about flexibility!


      • Lori says

        Thanks, I also wondered why both, I really didn’t realize that they had different flavors will have to pick up some of the powder, does the power have any of the medicinal properties?

    • Loretta says

      I think most powders (onion, garlic, celery, chili) contain either wheat or gluten or corn products in the form of maltodextrin, glucose or sucrose (even the organic ones), so many Paleo people make their own by drying the garlic or onions in the oven or a food dehydrator, and then grinding them in a coffee grinder. I’d like to experiment with onion or garlic granules in the grinder and see if that will make it into a powder. Meanwhile, Mickey, do you know of any brands of organic powders that are free of gluten and corn products?

      • Mickey says

        Loretta, all of the McCormick single-ingredient spices are certified gluten and corn free! 🙂


        • Johann says

          Now I know why the McCormicks are more expensive and taste better! Thanks!

      • Given the way my onion and garlic powders turn into a solid rock in the containers, I’m pretty sure they don’t have maltodextrin.

    • Heidi says


      It is so so easy to make your own onion and garlic powders. You simply slice and dehydrate the fresh stuff and grind it in a food processor. I also do this with fresh mushrooms. Mushroom powder adds such a great umami ‘oomph’ to food!

      • Mickey says

        I never thought of that, thanks for the tip!


      • Rachel B says

        I’ve never thought to turn mushrooms into a powder before! I hate the texture of them, but I know they do add nutrition and flavor to some things. I’ll have to try adding them in this way. 🙂

  • Mollie says

    I was wondering, is cumin in the nightshade family (or otherwise autoimmune-inappropriate)? You sometimes see it in chili recipes as a chilli powder substitute, so I was a little surprised not to see it here. Is it something to be avoided on AIP or just not part of this particular recipe? Thanks!

    • MomLadyOR says

      Cumin is a seed and therefore not included on AIP. 🙁

    • Mickey says

      Cumin is not in the nightshade family, but it is a seed spice. All seeds are eliminated for the beginning of AIP, but it is one of the foods you can reintroduce sooner than later, when you get to that point.


  • Faith says

    I just made a batch and can confirm that this chili is, indeed, magical. I am in root vegetable heaven!

  • […] Magic “Chili” from Autoimmune Paleo *It’s crazy how much this looks like traditional chili, when it’s 100% nightshade-free. […]

  • CeCe says

    Grateful for this recipe 🙂 Thank you!

  • Karen says

    Thanks so much Mickey for the inspiration! I made this tonight with a few alterations: I had baked beets earlier in the week and just cut them up and threw them in once the meat was browned. Added zucchini and ginger, along with a dash of tumeric. So grateful for this recipe on a cold night!

  • Beth says

    I happened to make some fresh vegetable juice the other day including celery, carrot, beet, and daikon radish among a few other things. To my surprise the concoction tasted exactly like tomato juice! Daikon was a new thing for me in my juice. I wonder how such a combination would work as a mock marinara, especially since you get a pretty thick juice from certain high quality juicers. Add a bit of oregano, and no one would ever guess! Thanks for the inspiration!

    • Mickey says

      Beth, wow what an awesome discovery! I have never tried juicing daikon, but I will the next time I fire the juicer up (probably this summer).


  • Lisa says

    Hello Mickey and fans

  • Pamby says

    FINALLY tried this…so good!! THANK YOU!!

  • Mary Anne says

    Wow. I was messaging with my sister just now and telling her how slushy and cold it is outside. I made a nice fatty chuck roast in the crock pot so it’s waiting for me at home. But I really wanted chili. The next link I hit is to here! And you have an AIP chili recipe!!! I heart you so mucho right now 🙂 Bless you….bless you….

  • Barney says

    Is there any CHILI in this recipe??

    • Mickey says

      Barney, no, chili is not allowed because it is a nightshade spice. That is why I have “chili” in quotes 🙂

  • Annemiek says

    We love it! Thanks so much for sharing. It’s great to have a different flavour to add to our repertoire. Wondering if we could add some heat by adding finely chopped raw radishes (is that a veg in english?), I do miss spicy tasting dishes sometimes on the AIP.

    • Mickey says

      Annemiek, I do think fresh radishes would be a great topping! What an awesome idea 🙂

  • Jenni says

    Looks delicious! Is there a way to print your recipes that I’m not seeing? Thanks!

    • Mickey says

      Jenni, I’m working on implementing that functionality soon! It takes re-formatting all of the recipes on my site, so I have been putting it off for awhile 🙂


  • Julie says

    Just made this for lunch and it was deliciously satisfying! I even fed it to my picky hubby and he loved it 🙂

  • Kate says

    This is indeed MAGIC chili! My almost 7 year old son ate an entire bowl of it tonight!! I often have to fight to get him to eat veggies and he LOVED it!! So do the rest of us 🙂 THANK YOU! I can’t wait to get your cookbook. -K

  • Lori says

    Can you taste the beets in this? It looks good, but I hate beets.

  • Kristen says

    Killer! Mickey does it again. I used those pre-packaged “I love beets” that come pre-peeled and cooked. Grated easily right into soup pot. Otherwise I added little sweet potato and cardamom and the fresh oregano it calls for was really fresh and good (from wf). Wonder if cardamom is ok on AIP. Really was shocked how good this tasted in the end, I frankly wasn’t in love with the smell as I was cooking it, but I totally changed my mind after it all cooked together and give it an A+.

    • Deana says

      Cardamon, from what I understand, is one of those “grey area” spices, along with vanilla and black pepper. It comes from the fruit or berry of the plant. According to Sarah Ballantyne, it is best to eliminate initially. However I do beleive these grey area foods (such as these spices) can be reintroduced fairly early. She has a great post about spices:

      Hope this helps!

      Ona side note, I plan to makes this “chili” this weekend. I have made the sweet potato one of Mickey’s and LOVED it! 😀

  • […] AIP Magic Chili, with added horseradish powder. 1 cup dandelion root […]

  • Sharon says

    What if you don’t have bone broth? It’s just me and I don’t often cook because too much gets wasted.

    • Mickey says

      Sharon, I really recommend using the broth. It makes the soup. Have you considered making a batch and freezing what you don’t use?


  • christina says

    I am a huge parsnip and beet fan, so I was sure I would like it, but my husband enjoyed it just as much. I didn’t have bone broth. I still have to master that bit, so I used some store-bought stock instead. I have been suffering from Hidradenitis Suppurativa for 20 years and I am currently trying to find out if dietary changes might help. Love your website!

    Greetings from Germany,

    • Mickey says

      Thanks for the feedback–I hope you see some improvement soon! If you haven’t checked out Tara Grant’s book, The Hidden Plague, I highly recommend it for anyone suffering from HS.


      • christina says

        I thought my comment was gone, but you even answered it. I totally missed that. Yay! 😉

        It was Tara’s book that led me to your website. 🙂 At first, I was super skeptical, but I think a moderate to low amount of carbs and no nightshades has brought significant relief for me so far. It’s only been 6 weeks and I am not even on the full AIP. I love Paleo, so AIP was not as outlandish and restrictive as it may seem to people who eat the standard American diet (which is even worse than the German standard diet, but not much).
        Thanks for reading!

      • June says

        One of my friends cured her HS on a very low carb ‘candida’ diet – and in 20 years it has not come back. She has not reintroduced many foods but is largely now what is called aip. Good luck beating HS!

  • christina says

    This recipe has quickly become a staple for my husband and I. I wonder if pure Wasabi powder would be okay to spice it up, although I do fully enjoy the mild version.

  • I am in love with this recipe, I use it as a breakfast option! Delicious!

  • Jennifer Steidl says

    I am assuming that a yellow beet will work too. That is what came in my weekly vegetable bin.

  • Amanda says

    I made this for my family tonight and it was perfect. Thanks Mickey!

  • Liz says

    Delicious!! I was surprised by how good this was. Thanks so much!

  • Trying this one tonight. Question: my husband is strict with counting calories, so I have to calculate for this recipe. It says it serves 6. How big is a serving? 1 cup…2 cups? Thanks!

    • Mickey says

      I’m not sure, it really depends on the vegetable quantities, but probably around 1 1/2 cups. 🙂


  • […] Magic “Chili” (courtesy of Autoimmune Paleo) […]

  • What does the beet contribute? Is it mostly color or does it change the flavor a lot? We hate beets, and I wonder if I could leave it out or if that would ruin it – or if we’re just doing something wrong when we try to cook beets.

    I always scrub them well, but EVERY way we’ve prepared them, no matter how little of the dish is beets, it makes the whole dish taste like dirt. My sister tried a little bit of beet in a whole blenderful of smoothie and almost gagged. Do we just have weird taste buds, or are we MISSING something when we prep our beets?

  • Rachel says

    This turned out really great when we made a couple weeks ago, but I have to say it smelled like it was going to be a lot more filling than it was. So, what we did the next night was we poured the “chili” over leftover plantain mash. That really made it feel more filling. I think this time I’m going to add plantains to it from the start…or maybe sweet potatoes.

  • […] Casserole (courtesy of Meatified) Lebanese Pork Hand-Pie (courtesy of Grazed & Enthused) Magic “Chili” (courtesy of Autoimmune Paleo) Nightshade-Free Shepherd’s Pie (courtesy of The Curious […]

  • […] blogs that gave me inspiration for this recipe – Autoimmune Paleo, where I found the original stew recipe I use so much at home (I sub turkey for the beef, and chicken broth for the beef broth), and […]

  • Trying this tonight

  • Duffy says

    Made a double batch of this tonight for guests and everyone loved it!!! Even my super picky 6 yr old!

  • […] I made AIP carrot ginger soup (from Mickey Trescotts AIP cookbook), AIP cinnamon beef stew, AIP Magic chili, homemade chicken soup, butternut squash puree and homemade sausage patties.  I did this all at […]

  • Lee Anne says

    Can you use turkey or chicken bone broth? Or does it have to be beef? I always see bone broth in recipies and was wondering if it matters… Thanks!

  • April says

    So my husband is allergic to most fruits/veggies. He can’t eat plants with similar protein structures to grass, birch or alder without risking vomiting, diarrhea, severe hives and anaphylaxis. This leaves him with berries, leafy greens, potatoes, green beans, corn, peas and animal protein. He has a severe reaction to carrots and chilli peppers and tomatoes. Do you think leaving the carrots/parsnips out of this would change it dramatically?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      It will be a different flavor, but you can definitely swap the root veggies he can’t tolerate for different ones and it will come out just fine!


  • Omg, Mickey…this was SO GOOD. For all of those people wondering if you can taste the beets or the parsnips or whatever…you can’t taste ANY of the ingredients more than the others! There’s NO beet/dirt flavor. I’m not a fan of beets or parsnips or even cooked carrots for that matter and I can not stop eating this “chili”. My daughter (who is suspicious of anything Paleo…or beets…or carrots…or parsnips…) ate two big bowls! This one is a total keeper. I made it exactly as written except that I browned the beautiful grass-fed fatty beef first, pulled it out with a slotted spoon, then cooked the veggies in the fat. I didn’t want to waste any of it! Thank you, so much. <3

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Yay! Happy you guys liked it 🙂


    • Kasey says

      Tara, That is a great idea!
      I just discovered this website yesterday and I made the Magic Chili last night and I LOVE it!

      • Mickey Trescott says

        Thanks for being here and glad you enjoyed the recipe!

  • […] Magic Chili – Autoimmune Paleo – Mickey Trescott […]

  • Martha says

    Just made this and it is indeed magic! The beets dissolved beautifully in the broth to make a thick chilli. I was worried about it being watery so I added another beet for good measure. The result was rather sweet but still good. Next time I think I’ll reduce the carrots and parsnips by half and add an extra onion to combat the sweetness.

    The only other changes I made was adding half the seasonings to the meat as it browned, using my turkey broth from Christmas and also adding mushroom powder for some umami goodness 🙂

    Great recipe!

  • Tiana Ringo says

    I made the Magic “Chili” tonight. It is definitely a keeper! I added a small amount of raw ginger to my bowl for just a little heat. I will definitely be making this again. Thanks for another amazing recipe. 🙂

  • […] 2. Magic Chili […]

  • Terri says

    This is absolutely wonderful. I used grass fed bison Instead of beef. I feel the healing way down in my soul!_

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I am so happy you are enjoying the recipe! Cheers!

  • […] Inspirasjon til denne gryta har eg henta her. […]

  • Amy says

    Hi Mickey!
    Just wondering if this can be frozen after its done cooking? Thanks!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Yes this recipe freezes quite well!

  • […] Magic “Chili” by Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • Diana says

    This is magic. Have printed out a copy and stuck it inside your cookbook. Freezes beautifully. Thank you!

  • […] Prepare a nightshade free version of the ‘chilli’ beef, check out this recipe. Omit peppers and tomatoes from the salad and replace with extra cucumber, radish and grated […]

  • […] morning, I woke up and had the last of this amazing Magic Chili for breakfast. After I dropped the oldest off at school, I came home with the two littles and did a […]

  • Rosanne says

    Can you put hot chilis in the chili. Or some spice to hotten it up?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Rosanne,
      Chili peppers are a part of the nightshade family of vegetables, which are avoided completely on the autoimmune protocol. If you aren’t following the elimination diet and are not sensitive to them, they would make a fun addition – but this recipe tastes perfectly fine without!

  • Tonya Monroe says

    I just made this along side the Orange Tarragon Beet soup. It is Delicious. I have never had a parsnip before. I have been listening to the podcasts and you both have really really encouraged me to get busy, stop dragging my feet and take care of my body. Thank You Both~

    • Angie Alt says

      Aaaw! We are so happy that you liked both our recipes & that the podcast inspired you Tonya!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Wishing you luck Tonya!

  • laura avalos says

    I know that this recipe has been posted for a while…but it’s frizzly in the Bay Area and this seemed the perfect thing. I also added some grated/food processor (either ok) lamb liver for more nutrient density. I’m excited to try it out! Excited for the bounty of nutrients I’m about to ingest! Thank you for the recipe <3

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Even though I posted it years ago, I make it nearly every week. It is a staple in this house, hope you enjoy!

  • JennyG says

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I just started the AIP and I am not a very experienced cook. This is the first AIP meal I made for myself and my husband and we both loved it so much and since he liked it, his mind is more open to try other recipes with me which will make following AIP much better if we can both eat our meals together. All of your recipes look so easy to follow and there aren’t so many different expensive ingredients like I have seen on other sites. We will definitely be making this one again. Thank you!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Jenny, so happy you both liked it! This is a great introduction to AIP cooking. Wishing you both wellness.

  • Elveria Walton says

    I am just starting with autoimmune friendly recipes. I was skeptical about the beets since I loath them as a child. I took the plunge and made the chili and was pleasantly surprised. It was good. I added some celery to the recipe.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      So happy you liked it! I have converted a lot of non-beet lovers with this recipe. Wishing you the best.

  • Rachel B says

    This tastes nothing like chili, but is a good beef soup. I was a little nervous about the coconut oil, since I’m not a huge fan of it, but I actually didn’t mind it in this. I do think there was too much beef/not enough beets, and will adjust the recipe the next time I make it. But all in all, I enjoyed it – this is the only AIP recipe I’ve tried that I wasn’t totally sick of after eating it a few days in a row. I actually liked it more the more I ate it! 🙂

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Rachel, I do find this one develops in flavor as it sits in the fridge. Glad you liked it!

  • […] – Magic Chili from Mickey Trescott at Autoimmune […]

  • homer says

    horseradish powder might add some heat

  • Brigitte says

    Would love to make this recipe, how would you adapt it to make in the Instant Pot??

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Brigitte,
      I’ve tried making this in the IP and it doesn’t convert well. Honestly, it is very quick to make on the stovetop and using the IP doesn’t save any time because of the step of browning the beef. Hope it helps!

  • Rachel says

    I know this isn’t a new recipe at all but I just wanted to comment because I’ve recently made it a few times in a row and I just wanted to share how much I love it!!! It’s so easily adaptable, this time I used fresh cilantro instead of oregano and I’ve made it with turkey instead of beef. No matter what I do it’s always so good! I always add more veggies and just up the broth to balance it, this time was golden beets, sweet potatoes, and a frozen bag of organic kale. I love that it frees up the instant pot for other things while batch cooking. I usually make a batch of bone broth in the IP, then that goes straight into the chili and I can start something else in the IP while the chili is on the stove. And it doesn’t take all day to cook and is still delicious! Pre-AIP I would make chili in the crock pot and while it was delicious it was always a long wait while the house smelled so good 🙂

    Thanks for all the recipes and love Mickey and Angie!!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Rachel, so happy you like it! Even though it is an old recipe, I make it nearly weekly. It really is magical in our household!

  • Thank you! We made this last night, and it’s wonderful. I think we’ll cut the meat in half next time, but this was a welcome change to our new nightshade-free diet.

  • Jocelyn says

    I cannot wait to make this! I’m new to AIP and just made your Curry Beef Soup (half of which I jarred up for a healing friend). It is the first of your recipes I’ve tried–and ridiculously good! I also just got your AI Wellness Handbook and have to thank you for making me feel so supported after a recent Hashi’s diagnosis… the journey begins… 🙂

  • Nathou says

    I recently went in AIP protocol because of Graves and find it hard to like food on AIP. Just wanted to let you know that I tried this recipe today and it was delicious. I added some sweet potatoes and ginger. Thank you!!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Glad to hear! Wishing you luck.

  • Angela says

    I was super skeptical when I was making this I’ve never cooked with beets nor parsnips. The color of the beats in the way it looked in the pan I wasn’t at all sure what this will taste like I have to say it is absolutely amazing and fabulous and it really is magical chili. I’m totally blown away !

  • Chris M Grow says

    Made this today… first cold snap in Houston. Love it! So surprised, because looking at the list of ingredients, I would have never guessed how the flavors turned out!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Chris, I’m so happy you enjoyed it!

  • Stephen says

    I used chunks of pork and added turmeric. Took it to my office chili cook off and won!

  • Julie Cassetta says

    Mickey you are my hero because of this recipe. It is seriously the best thing I’ve tasted. I’d swear there was crack in this chili because it is so darn good!!! I’ve made it several times and am finally getting around to telling you how much I love it. I’m here getting the recipe again because it is our valentine’s dinner…it’s that good. Sorry it has taken me so long to give you the compliment. Keep up the good work.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Julie, I’m so happy you love it! It is a staple in our house as well, in fact I just enjoyed a bowl for lunch!

  • […] which takes only 30 minutes to prepare and cooks in one skillet. One of Mickey's favorites is her Magic Chili, which cooks in one pot and takes an hour to prepare, but with lots of […]

  • Alisa says

    I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to find this recipe! Cooking for my husband with Celiac disease has been quite a shift already, and now we are finding out he has a very severe reaction to nightshades. We always just thought it was the gluten causing symptoms! Chili is one of my favorite dishes, but I didn’t know what was left if you took out the tomatoes, peppers, and beans, not to mention chili powder and paprika. I love how your recipe loads up with root veggies to take their place. I plan to add in a butternut squash as well. Thanks for sharing your wisdom and skill with the rest of us!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I’m so happy you enjoyed it Alisa!

  • […] Homestyle Nightshade-Free Chili @ Meatified Red Wine Chili @ He Won’t Know It’s Paleo Magic Chili @ Autoimmune Wellness Instant Pot Chili @ Unbound Wellness Smoky AIP Chili @ Adventures in […]

  • Heidi says

    I think this is very good and anyone that doesn’t like “spicy” chili will love this. I did, however, want the acidity that tomatoes offer so I added 2 T red wine vinegar, and to thicken, a can of organic pumpkin puree. Simple and delish! Thanks, Mickey!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Smart additions, Heidi! Glad you enjoyed!

  • Heidi H says

    I have been eyeing this recipe for a while…. so my son and I made it last night! WOWZA! This was amazing!! I just ate some leftover for lunch and it’s even better!!! I’m kicking myself for not making it sooner!!! I foresee this being a new regular on the rotation!!!
    Thank you!!!

  • Miss Nelson says

    The chili was good but I added taco seasining because I wanted that flavor which has chili peppers but I’m okay with that. Can the carrots be subbed for another veggie that isn’t sweet?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi there! Yes, you can sub out other root vegetables like turnip or rutabaga for the carrots.

  • Britney says

    What brands of Kombucha do you recommend?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Britney! I like GTs because they don’t seem to have a lot of caffeine, which I am sensitive to.

  • Christy says

    Hello! Thank you for this recipe. I come back to it year after year! Can this be converted to a instant pot recipe?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Christy! The Instant Pot does not work for this recipe – in fact it takes longer to make and the texture is not as good.

  • Stephanie Martin says

    Is there any reason why I cannot use avocado oil instead of “solid cooking” fat? I cannot use coconut oil (due to a negative reaction :() and really don’t want to have to order “another” ingredient! I am running out of space to store everything!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Stephanie! The chemistry of solid cooking fat is best for sauteeing, as oils that are liquid at room temperature degrade more quickly with heat. This is why I call for solid cooking fat in my recipes. If you don’t tolerate coconut, duck fat, lard, and tallow all work well. You can certainly use avocado oil if you’d like.

  • Candace says

    Just made this and it is delicious!!!! I did add a little extra garlic & broth. I am soooo happy to have found this chili recipe!! Something I have missed so much! Not anymore!!!

  • beth says

    Delicious! We topped ours with avocado, and it was perfect.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      We love to add avo on top as well, Beth!

  • Georgr says

    The ingredients do not mention sweet potato?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Georgr, correct there is no sweet potato in this recipe.

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