Italian-Spiced 50/50 Sausages

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I feel like I am always talking about how amazing homemade sausage patties are–they make a perfect quick breakfast solution, protein snack, or emergency meal. I always have at least one type in my freezer for easy meals. If you feel like your time on the autoimmune protocol has you acting like a slave to the kitchen, let me change your life–make a batch of these, a batch of Three Herb Beef Patties, and Christina’s Turkey Sausages for your freezer and you will be good to go for breakfasts for WEEKS!

To freeze, I like to place in a container between slices of wax paper so that they don’t stick together. I pop one in the skillet in the morning on low, along with whatever vegetables I have leftover from the night before. Add a mug of broth and a scoop of fermented veggies, or perhaps half an avocado or a piece of fruit and you have a pretty amazing, nutrient-dense breakfast!

5.0 from 2 reviews
Italian-Spiced 50/50 Sausages
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
Serves: 8-10 patties
  • 1 pound grass-fed ground beef
  • 1 pound pastured ground pork
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh oregano
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh thyme
  • 1 tablespoon minced fresh parsley (optional)
  • ½ teaspoon garlic powder
  • ½ teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 tablespoon solid cooking fat (coconut oil, lard, tallow, or duck fat)
  1. Place the ground beef, pork, herbs, garlic powder and salt in a large bowl and combine well with your hands. Form into 8-10 patties and place on a plate.
  2. Heat the solid cooking fat in the bottom of a cast-iron skillet or frying pan on medium heat. When the fat is melted and the pan is hot, add patties, cook 10 minutes a side, or until thoroughly cooked. You may have to do this in two batches. Alternately, you can bake them at 400 degrees for 20 minutes or until they are cooked throughout.
Variation: Feel free to switch up the protein in these--you can make them 100% beef or pork, or add some lamb into the mix!


About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Yay, these look great! Do you have any suggestions for maximum time they can be left in the freezer? My husband is a victim to convenience foods so I’m wondering how many I can reasonably make at a time without risk of these going bad.


    • Mickey says

      Hi Camille,
      As long as you keep them in a sealed container, they should last a few months! Hope it helps!


  • Looks delish! Since going on the AIP about 9 months ago I still struggle with what to eat for breakfast….Will have to try your method of making and freezing for easy use!

  • Tracy McC. says

    Thanks for this! I’m looking forward to trying these tmrw!! And maybe for Super Bowl food!!

  • […] Beef Sausages that I have used many a time.  Recently she put together this great 50/50 Italian Breakfast Sausages that I love. Those are both fabulous and get a lot of mileage in our breakfast […]

  • David B says

    I am going to make this for sure, I love Sausage, but I know it is not the most healthy thing for me (even with buying the natural Jimmy Dean). It seems I bookmarked your page sometime back and forgot about it, but just rediscovered it. Since I have recently learned I need to avoid Nightshade I think it is going to be a fantastic reference.

  • Bee says

    Gonna try this with ground turkey!

  • I’m fairly new to Paleo so I’m following all the links I see (saw yours on FB) and collecting such wonderful recipes to try. Thank you for sharing this one, it has my favorite spices and I can’t wait to taste it.

  • Karla says

    Can you explain what pasteurized pork is and where I can get it?

    • Mickey says

      Karla, its pastured, not pasteurized and it is in reference to pigs that are allowed to roam and raised on pasture instead of feedlots. This is better for the environment, the well-being of the animals, and it produces a more nutrient-dense meat. I find mine at my local farmer’s market or organic food co-op.

      Hope it helps!


  • farris says

    Isn’t garlic disallowed in AIP?

    • Mickey says

      No, garlic is fine. Maybe you have AIP confused with low-FODMAP plan?

  • heidi says

    Ground turkey is okay too, right? I like its texture better.

  • Alice says

    Thank you for sharing this recipe! I just started an AIP Whole30 and was trying to figure out how I was going to make it without eggs. Made these this morning and they are fabulous!

  • Ynessa says

    Hi Mickey!
    Do you keep them in the freezer after the process of cooking?

    • Mickey says

      Yes, when I freeze a batch I will cook them and then freeze in between slices of wax paper so that they don’t stick together. Hope it helps!


      • Kerry Ogden says

        I’m curious if there is a nutritional benefit to cooking the patties before freezing? I’ve been freezing my raw patties and defrosting one the night before. Thanks! I love your book, website and recipes. You’re a gem.

  • Rita says

    Is it ok always to use olive oil.? as is very difficult to find the brand of the coconut oil or milk you suggest . Can I use olive oil instead of Lard or duck fat? I really prefer? can you advise?

  • Karen says

    I had these with beef and lamb instead and thy were delish.
    Thank you

  • […] for me is usually AIP-friendly like Italian spiced 50/50 sausages with sauerkraut and bone broth that I made by batch cooking. I really make it a point to make my […]

  • […]  Italian-Spiced 50/50 Sausages from Autoimmune Paelo […]

  • […] Italian Spiced Sausages, via Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • Cherry says

    Making these right now with turkey and beef. They smell amazing!!!!!!!!!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I am sure that will be a fantastic combination!

  • […] Italian-Spiced 50/50 Sausages served with Oven Roasted Potato Wedges and grilled […]

  • jennifer says

    I am just looking to start this process next week but I have a question, I didn’t see pork on the “foods okay to eat” list or bacon? Can I have those?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Jennifer,
      Pork is fine, its best to find a pasture-raised source though since it is so much higher in nutrients. Bacon is fine as long as it isn’t cured with any “no” foods (look for gluten and nightshade spices). Good luck!

      • Sara says

        I’m curious what you think about the fact that pigs have a very short digestive tract and don’t eliminate toxins due to this and the fact that they don’t sweat? They are scavengers to boot. My naturopath told me to never eat pork as it’s filled with parasites due to the fact that they have a very short digestive tract.

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Sara! I have not seen any scientific evidence for this. Unfortunately, a lot of practitioners repeat things that they have heard/learned that may not be backed up with evidence. I’d ask them for some research that shows what you are describing.

  • Erin says

    I made these after reading the quick-start guide and AIP meal plan, along with a batch of the Italian herb beef patties. They are a great quick-grab out of the freezer! However, it turns out that I’m taking some convincing on eating meat for breakfast, and that I just generally don’t eat nearly as much meat as this protocol seems to suggest! Getting used to it. These patties are lovely on a bed of steamed spinach and a side of sauerkraut. 🙂
    Thank you!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I’d suggest going with your cravings and adjust accordingly–you don’t need to eat a heavy meat diet to do the autoimmune protocol, but you do need to eat some meat to get the nutrition necessary. Hope it helps!

  • Lynn says

    Can you BBQ the burger or should they be fried?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Lynn, you can make them however suits you!

  • Jo says

    My concern is that I also have high cholesterol and all the meat could pose a problem.

  • Bahar says

    Hi! Garlic is not okay for lupus patients like me. I have a hard time understanding how garlic is included in an autoimmune diet. It’s highlighted as a food to avoid in several lupus foundations’ patient resources. I get a fever when I eat just a clove of garlic and so intense fatigue and pain that I can’t walk for a whole week. I’ll try this diet, without the garlic, not here to complain, but it would be great if you’d explain how you decided to put garlic in the diet because I’m living proof that it’s a substance that can hurt an autoimmune patient.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Bahar! I’m sorry garlic doesn’t work for you! AIP does not eliminate every potential food trigger, as many people can have sensitivities that go beyond the elimination diet. Since there are over 100 autoimmune diseases, each with a unique way of manifesting. If you know you react to garlic than certainly don’t eat it! We have some in our community with lupus who tolerate garlic just fine, so it isn’t as easy as translating unique food experiences to an entire protocol. I recommend seeking out the low-FODMAP AIP recipes as these won’t include garlic!

  • Shawna says

    I have the The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook. I am looking for the nutritional information for this recipe as well as for the other recipes in this book. Please let me know how to access this if it is available.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Shawna! I don’t provide nutritional info for the recipes, but you can easily plug them into a calculator like to find out!

  • GB says

    Do you cook from frozen or defrost first?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      GB, I like to defrost them first or the inside is difficult to heat through.

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