Stocking The AIP Pantry

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Stocking the AIP Pantry |

For those of you who are just starting your transition to the Autoimmune Protocol, I thought I’d do a guide to which ingredients you should look into stocking in your AIP pantry.

Step #1: Get rid of all of the “bad stuff”

The first thing you should do is box up all of the foods you are unlikely to be eating again any time soon—things like breads, pastas, flour, sugar, refined seed oils, and anything processed that include food chemicals and long ingredient lists. Donate to the food pantry and get it out of the house as soon as possible.

Step #2: Store all of the “maybe stuff”

There are likely foods lurking in your pantry that will be off-limits during the elimination diet, but you may be able to reintroduce with success later. Instead of pre-emptively tossing these ingredients, I suggest packing them up in a box and placing them in a closet or somewhere inconvenient to minimize temptation. This would be things like gluten-free products containing nuts and seeds (like spices, nut butters, or just the raw nuts and seeds themselves), nightshades, coffee, and chocolate. No need to give away or toss if you might be able to have them again in the near future!

I highly recommend actually getting these items out of sight instead of letting them sit in your cabinets while you undertake your elimination diet. Put them in a box, tape it up, and bury it in a closet somewhere. There is nothing worse than the unnecessary temptation of that chocolate bar sitting in your cupboard begging to be eaten!

Step #3: Stock your pantry with AIP-compliant ingredients

With all that room you just made, invest in some ingredients you will be using for cooking Autoimmune Protocol-friendly meals. While you don’t need to go out and purchase everything on this list, at a minimum you will want some cooking fats, some vinegar, some herbs and spices, and some baking ingredients should you decide to incorporate baking into your routine (I’m not a big baker, so I tend to purchase these items as I need them instead of having them in my pantry at all time).

The truth is, setting up your pantry for AIP is pretty simple and you don’t have to track down a bunch of exotic ingredients to make eating this way work. I suggest focusing more on finding a variety of high-quality cooking fats and spices to work with, rather than getting hung up on alternative flours, sweeteners, and snacks (which can be quite expensive!).

I’ve prioritized this list with the ingredients per category I think are most common in AIP recipes, with some mentions of additional ingredients you may want to consider. Each ingredient is linked to a particular product I’ve used in the past, you should be able to easily find these brands online or at your local grocery store.

Alternative Flours:

  • Coconut Flour—This is a common replacement in AIP baking that can be dry and difficult to work with. Most recipes use a blend of this flour as well as a starch like arrowroot and tapioca, which give it a better consistency. Caution to those who have a coconut sensitivity or don’t do well with inulin fiber.
  • Arrowroot Starch/Flour—This starch works well for thickening sauces, gravies, as well as baking. Most people are familiar with small jars of it in the spice section, but it is available for a much better price in bagged as I have linked to.
  • Tapioca Starch/Flour—This starch is similar to arrowroot and often interchangeable (make sure to check with the recipe author before experimenting though!). Like arrowroot, it can be used to thicken as well as for baking.
  • Cassava Flour—This flour is a newcomer on the scene, and seems to create great texture when used as you would regular flour. While I don’t have a lot of experience using cassava personally, it has definitely taken the AIP community by storm!
  • Less common flours occasionally called for in AIP recipes: plantain flour, tigernut flour, and sweet potato flour.


  • Honey—I like to have a raw, unpasteurized brand of honey on hand to sweeten tea and make occasional treats. Be cautious different types of honey can have different textures, greatly affecting the outcomes of your baked goods.
  • Maple Syrup—The delicious flavor maple brings is undeniable, and I like having some Grade B on hand for treat making.
  • Coconut Sugar—This is a nice option when a granulated sugar is called for, instead of a liquid one in a recipe.
  • Less common sweeteners occasionally called for in AIP recipes: coconut syrup, maple sugar, dried fruit (like dates, raisins, etc.).

Coconut Products:

  • Coconut Flakes—Large-flake coconut is nice to eat as a snack (its delicious toasted!) and the small-flake coconut can be used to make homemade coconut milk as well as baked goods.
  • Coconut Milk—If you don’t have a high-powered blender to make at home, thickener-free coconut milk packed in BPA-free cans (I have a clean brand if you follow the link) is a nice option to have for using in sauces, smoothies, and curries.
  • Coconut Water—While I find this too sweet to drink regularly, I have it on hand as a rehydration beverage should someone in my family come down with the stomach flu. I also use it occasionally in smoothies.
  • Coconut Wraps—These are a fun option for a quick meal, just wrap and go!

Cooking Fats:

  • Rendered Solid Cooking Fat—This is one ingredient you can’t go without. Read my guide to cooking fats for discourse about why you should have a solid cooking fat on hand to make your meals. Lard, tallow, and duck fat all work well here—if you can’t make your own I recommend this brand.
  • Coconut Oil—A great, neutral-flavored fat that is nice to use for cooking.
  • Extra-Virgin Olive Oil—Try to find a high-quality, cold-pressed, organic oil that is stored in an opaque bottle.
  • Avocado Oil—This is a nice alternative to olive oil and the same quality and bottle requirements apply because it similarly easily oxidized.
  • Other fats occasionally called for in AIP recipes: palm shortening, red palm oil (please chose sustainably harvested).

Preserved Meat:

  • Canned Fish—Tuna, salmon, sardines, or oysters, packed in extra-virgin olive oil or water and not in BPA-lined cans. Make sure that they do not contain off-limit spices or soybean oil!
  • Beef Jerkey—Homemade or a brand that does not contain nightshades or gluten.
  • Epic Bars—These are great “pemmican” bars that have a much softer texture than jerkey and make a great snack. The AIP flavors available are Bacon Bison Cranberry, Uncured Bacon (coming soon), and the Liver Bar.
  • Gelatin—This is a nice ingredient to use as a gut-healing supplement (a lot of folks will stir it into tea) or to texturize AIP desserts (such as panna cotta, jello, etc.).

Assorted Food in Jars and Flavorings:

  • Olives—These are an awesome snack, and I recommend those only cured with salt if you can find them.
  • Fish Sauce—Use this to ad umami to dishes (caution to those with histamine intolerance though!).
  • Coconut Aminos—This is a coconut-based soy-sauce replacement. I find it a little less salty than desired, but that is easily remedied! I like to use it in stir-frys and with AIP sushi.
  • Apple-Cider Vinegar—I recommend having at least one vinegar on hand to add to your meals, and this is an all-around standout.
  • Other flavorings occasionally called for in AIP recipes—balsamic vinegar, red wine vinegar, cooking wine.


  • Dried Herbs—thyme, rosemary, dill, oregano, marjoram, and sage should get you started. I don’t like dried herbs nearly as much as fresh, but they work great in a pinch.
  • Ground Spices—turmeric, ginger, garlic, cinnamon, and onion are a great start here. You can use these to make your own AIP curry blend instead of using the usual nightshade and seed spice version.
  • Salt—I like to have a few different types of salt on hand. First, a good all-around sea salt is a must in any kitchen—this one is my favorite. Next, I like to have truffle sea salt and smoked sea salt to add some flavor to my meals.
  • Seaweed—There are many types of seaweeds you can use to make AIP sushi (like nori), or just a blend of flakes to sprinkle on top of dishes. This is a great way to add flavor and nutrients to your meals.
  • Carob Powder—You can use this to make chocolate-like treats.


  • Sweet Potato Chips—The brand linked cooks these in coconut oil, which is fantastic!
  • Plantain Chips—You can find these in both sweet and savory varieties (using either ripe or green plantains and no added sugar for the effect!).
  • Seaweed Snacks—While certainly not filling, these are a great snack.

Well, hopefully you have found this guide to clearing out and stocking your pantry helpful. Like I said earlier, the best thing you can do in preparation for the elimination diet is set yourself up for success. Don’t skip the planning and preparation part of the process, it is the most important step!

Do you stock anything I don’t have on my list up above? Let me know in the comments!

About Mickey Trescott

Mickey Trescott is a co-founder here at Autoimmune Wellness and a co-teacher of AIP Certified Coach. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Mickey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She has a Master's degree in Human Nutrition and Functional Nutrition, and is the author of three best-selling books--The Autoimmune Paleo Cookbook, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook, and The Nutrient-Dense Kitchen. You can watch her AIP cooking demos by following her on Instagram.


  • Donna says

    I’ve been staying away from iodine for several years now. Do you find that the seaweed (nori, kombu, kelp, etc.) does or does not affect antibodies and/or symptoms? I’d love to start incorporating seaweed again.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Donna,
      I wouldn’t say I go out of my way to avoid iodine (I eat lots of fish and shellfish) but I don’t eat a lot of seaweed because of the high iodine content. I had a very bad reaction to it (high antibodies and TSH) when I was very sick and am weary of getting too much in the future. I’d say if you start slow and listen to your body, you should be able to tell if it is working for you or not!

      • Sara says

        Hi Mickey,
        I have been struggling with Hashimoto and probably adrenal fatigue too for exactly a year now.. Very excited to start this approach in the hopes things get better for me! 🙂
        I wanted to ask your opinion on sea salt. The only food trigger I was able to pin point (I haven’t started the diet yet) was fish, so I have also cut out all sea food. What do you suggest about sea salt? Should I start the diet without?

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Sara! I haven’t heard of a sensitivity to sea salt in those who are sensitive to fish and shellfish, but if I’ve learned anything it is that anyone can be sensitive to anything! You could try leaving it out for a week or two and then reintroducing. A lot of people (myself included) don’t do well on iodized salt, so that is something else to consider – the replacement might cause you issue as well. Do you think your reaction to seafood could be related to histamine? In that case sea salt should be fine and I recommend seeing a practitioner to investigate the root cause of that. Wishing you luck!

          • Jerina says

            Can I use Himalayan salt ?

          • Mickey Trescott says

            Jerina, as long as it doesn’t have any other ingredients, it should be fine for AIP.

    • Kathryn Singh says

      Hi and thanks for this list. Is there a printable version?


  • ChristineK says

    Great list! I found that cleaning out the pantry was such a relief! No more looking at all of the things I couldn’t have with remorse and the space available was amazing!! I donated everything unopened to a food pantry and passed along opened items that I knew my neighbors would use.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Happy you also felt relief Christine! Its amazing how accurate the principle “out of sight, out of mind” can be. Good luck to you!

  • Carol says

    hi, I’ve just been diagnosed with H. I’m very confused, can I eat gluten free porridge with gluten & dairy free milk. I live on Rhodes in Greece and it’s very difficult to buy a lot of things that I should be eating that doesn’t cost the earth. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Carol,
      I’m assuming that by H you mean Hashimoto’s? While you are right gluten and dairy are some top triggers to remove from your diet, I recommend people try a full elimination diet to see what else they are sensitive to. You can read more about the autoimmune protocol using the navigation up top on the site. Hope it helps!


  • Lynn says

    I would love an addition to your list – pots/pans, appliances, etc. that you find the most helpful, maybe with links to purchase on Amazon, etc.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Lynn! Great request. For starters, you can check out my Amazon store in the bottom right of the sidebar, as well as our past kitchen tours. We post one monthly, and always include links to people’s favorite kitchen tools. Good luck!

  • Erin says

    So…The Paleo Mom says coconut sugar is a gut irritant and should only be eaten in moderation for those with healthy guts-not those of us on AIP. Do you guys have different knowledge? If not, it would be great if AIP bloggers would stop using that ingredient in their recipes because it’s confusing people and potentially undermining peoples’ healing.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Erin! I’d love for you to provide a reference for this. According to Sarah, coconut sugar is OK on the elimination diet but it can be problematic for those with SIBO because of its high inulin content. Unless you are on a low-FODMAP modification of AIP, it is fine.

  • Emily says

    I was excited to find Epic bars at my local Sprouts store. I didn’t think to check the ingrediants before eating it because it’s listed in this post. After I ate it I knew it was too sweet so I checked and one of the ingredients is brown sugar. How are these AIP friendly?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Emily! While brown sugar isn’t ideal from a blood sugar perspective, Sarah Ballanyne allows it in her approach in small quantities in cured meats. Hope it helps!

  • Brenda says

    Hi Mickey, I can’t locate the link to your Amazon Store and when I put Mickey Trescott store in the Amazon search box all that comes up is your cookbook which I already have and love. How do I get to your store on Amazon? Thanks.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Brenda,
      There is a link in the bottom right of the sidebar, right here on the website! Just scroll a little bit, in a blue box 🙂

  • Michelle says

    I am intolerant to coconut and vinegars. (Salicylates). Your book relies heavily on coconut. What can I do?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Michelle,
      You can make over 80 recipes in the book coconut-free. I would use lard, tallow, or duck fat any time a recipe calls for coconut oil. You can also substitute avocado for coconut in creamy dressings. I have lots of recipes for coconut-free desserts here on the site—the pumpkin spice cake and molasses cookies are both coconut-free. Wishing you luck!

  • Amy says

    Hi there, I’m turning 30 this year and was diagnosed with Hashimotos 4 years ago. I’m currently taking 175mg of synthroid (no doctors where I am in Canada will prescribe dessicated thyroid). In addition to the ongoing increases in thyroid meds, I have become allergic to nuts, legumes, and shellfish since being diagnosed and have had asthma my whole life.

    Trying the AIP seemed like a no brainer to me given my allergies and autoimmune issues. I’m desperate to find something to help stop or reverse symptoms (my mom had her thyroid removed last year).

    That being said, I tried the protocol for 2 weeks and found I had very bad diarehea every day. Sorry if this is TMI, but just wondering if this is normal or to be expected. I stopped the protocol because I had to travel and am willing to give it a go again but I’m wondering if there may be too much fat in the diet for me to digest. I have IBS and find high fat foods don’t sit well. The stools were “floating” and may indicate malabsorption.

    I spoke to my GP about this but she doesn’t believe in leaky gut or the link to food sensitivities and said to just stop the diet.

    Has anyone else experienced this? Any advice?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Amy,
      So sorry to hear of that reaction, it sounds like you have some digestive issues getting in the way. Unfortunately since I am not a doctor I can’t give suggestions beyond trying to find a practitioner to help you get to the root of these issues and perhaps fix them so you can tolerate more fats in your diet. Another approach would be to try different fats or less fat in your AIP approach. Hope it helps!

    • Sara says

      Hey Amy, wondering how you are doing since this post? I am also in Canada and found back then (when your initial comment was written) my doc was very against NDT and even went so far as to say she’d lose her license if she prescribed it to me. Well, a whole lot has changed since then and she is very willing now to give me the Rx. Many people in Canada are now on it and can get it quite readily.
      Anyway, wanted to see if things improved for you. I’m in Manitoba.

      • Barb Hamilton says

        I’m in Manitoba, too! I’m wondering where you do most of your AIP purchasing from. I’m unhappily relying too much on Amazon Prime…

  • Marybeth says

    I see that truffle salt is allowed. What about truffle oil?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Yes, truffle oil is fine as long as it is flavored with real truffles (some brands are chemically flavored) and the carrier oil is AIP-friendly!

  • […] roots in my cooking to stay feeling great. Second, this recipe uses ingredients that are simple to stock in my pantry, making it a great on-the-fly addition if I haven’t made a plan for dinner. Third, it is one […]

  • Chris Ann says

    I love this. I wish I could do it. I have 2 kids and a husband who have no interest in joining my AIP diet, and would like to keep all their junky food. Plus I have to cook for them.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      This definitely makes things more difficult–can you have an area of your pantry dedicated to them and separate out your ingredients? Would they be able to join you in a more “clean eating” challenge (like a whole 30) in order to get them off processed food?

    • Christy says

      I have a husband and 4 kids who are not aip, but, unknown to them, they eat a lot of aip dinners with me. I will often serve up a non-aip carb on the side if I think it is necessary, but usually just serve 2 veggies. I like to batch cook aip tomato sauces and freeze them, that way when I make pasta or chili for them, I have something quick to grab for me, without having to cook two separate meals.

  • Tina says

    Isn’t tapioca flour and cassava flour the same thing? I ask because I am finding I have a reaction to tapioca flour, an alternative would be great. For some reason I thought they were identical.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Tina,
      They are from the same plant but not the same thing. Tapioca is just the starch, while cassava flour is the whole root dried and ground. Hope it helps!

      • Christina Lopez says

        Are tapioca pearls also AIP compliant? Before the sugar added lol

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hi Christina – if your tapioca pearls contain nothing but tapioca, they are AIP compliant. 🙂

  • Barbara says

    When following the Fodmap AIP Paleo, vegetables and fruits are more limited. When a few of the allowed veggies have a portion limitation, does that mean per meal or for the entire day. Thanks for you terrific web site and information.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Barbara! Some people on a low-FODMAP approach can tolerate small amounts of “gray area” foods per meal, and others per day. I would say to start out with, maybe be a little stricter and as you start feeling better test your limits a little bit. Hope it helps!

  • Dara Ryle says

    An important urgent question,
    Is it possible to have a bowl of tapioca(made with coconut milk) for my breakfast as this feels more normal?
    Many thanks

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Dara,
      Sure it is possible, but I’d recommend adding some protein on the side to make it more of a balanced meal.

  • Ruth says

    Hi, I read somewhere that the Great Lakes gelatin is not grass-fed. Is it OK to use while on AIP?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      As far as I know Great Lakes makes their gelatin from grass-fed cows.

  • Jessica says

    I am wondering if tapioca IMO (the syrup) and apple pectin are AIP? Thanks!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Jessica, yes both are as long as they don’t carry any other ingredients with them, but I would be very cautious with added sweeteners like syrup.

  • Cynthia says

    I have Hashimotos, epilepsy, am hypotension which is a cause of fatigue also and have been on armoire thyroid for years. Lately, it’s been having an adverse affect so I am off all meds. (The synthetics like levothyroxin, make me sick so they’re out.) Do you know if the formulation for a.t. changed when Allergen bought it from Forest Labs? As an aside, has anyone tried daily fasting, eating eight hours and fasting 16? It’s been helpful. Thank you.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Cynthia!
      I don’t specifically know about the change in armour – I personally didn’t do well on that medication and now take compounded levothyroxine to avoid fillers. Intermittent fasting was a big trend in the paleo community a couple years ago, but many women find it doesn’t work for them – myself included! I like to keep a moderate 12 hour fast between dinner and breakfast, but if I do any longer I don’t feel great.

  • […] Stocking The AIP Pantry (Autoimmune Paleo […]

  • janice Croft says

    Hi there Mickey, just stumbled across your website. I have a diagnosis of Lichen Schlerosis and have started the AIP diet 3 weeks ago. I would be interested if you have any other people with this diagnosis who have had success on the diet in helping their condition. thanks Janice

  • Ana says

    Hi Mickey,
    I’m waiting for a brain and spine MRI for the numbness and tingling inmy feet, legs and arms as well as muscular pain. I also have problems with my digestion and want to start the AIP, the only thing that worries me is the massive weight loss. I was on a two-month anti candida diet a few years ago and lost 10 kilos and I’m already quite slim. Any ideas on how to prevent huge weight loss while on the protocol. Thanks.

  • Violet says

    Hello! Very appreciative for all the work that goes into the recipes and tips that are AIP friendly. Can you comment on any food sensitivity tests you’ve taken (which ones work, don’t etc)? Seems like anything I eat, I immediately get dizzy/head feels in a fog/numb. Right side below the belly button hurts(which might be another side affect, naturopath, OBGYN, both say I don’t have any cyst problems). I know I have Hashimotos and even with the AIP diet, I’m still dizzy from foods. Just my thyroid antibodies are elevated, everything else checks out. Could it be candida (does anyone else have anything to share either?) Thank you in advance 🙂 Violet

  • Marianne ESPASA says


    Thank you for your website ! I am a bit confused because I thought that cassava and tapioca were forbidden during the elimination phase ?

    Thank you in advance


    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Marianne! No, they are fine as long as you tolerate them.

  • Lucy says

    Great and very helpful list! However I decided to buy rafined sugar again as I started brewing kombucha. Hope this kind of sugar is ok in this use.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Lucy! We don’t advocate for using refined sugar on AIP, but it is OK for kombucha. I’d suggest using coconut sugar instead, for baking and stuff.

  • Christina says

    I have just started the aip diet. The food I can (or cannot eat) Is perfectly fine with me. What I am having problems with is what to drink to keep myself hydrated. I can’t stand the blandness of water. I can’t drink much at all, and it doesn’t quench my thirst at all. What all all my options to add some flavor to it. Many thanks!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Christina! Have you tried making a simple infusion with fruit, herbs, and/or lemon juice? Just a little spritz goes a long way!

  • Anna says

    Hey mickey!
    I am suffering from alopecia areata from 1.5 years and it is growing worse. I am from Pakistan and keeping up with the AIP seems quiet difficult. Does AIP really work with alopecia? And how long does a person need to keep up with the diet. Is it for the rest of our lives?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Anna! We have heard reports from many with alopecia who have found getting at the root of their food allergies and sensitivities to be helpful at managing. You never really know until you try though – the elimination and reintroduction protocol produces different results for everyone. Your two questions are big ones, and I’d urge you to read some of the articles on our site, as well as our books linked in the sidebar for the in depth info there. In short, the AIP diet is a template and not meant to be followed forever. Hope it helps!

  • JB says

    I’m confused. Most other sites promoting the AIP diet say no sweeteners but you have a quite a few on here. Can you clarify?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi JB! Not sure what sites you are referring to, but there is only one AIP that is outlined in Sarah Ballantyne’s book The Paleo Approach – that is the one we follow. She sets a 20g limit per day on fructose, but natural sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, and fruit are OK in moderation. Hope it helps clarify for you!

  • […] a great AIP pantry list from Autoimmune […]

  • Holly says

    Hi Mickey, Just discovered your website, and finding it really helpful! thank you. Just a no-nonsense easy read, with lots of helpful suggestions. I wanted to ask (as I have tried googling, and looking at vegan AIP facebook pages but haven’t found an answer yet!) if you might be able to suggest a milk I could use whilst following the AIP lifestyle? I am intolerant to Coconut! (arrrrggggh) and coconut seems to feature a lot on Vegan AIP sites. I’m really not sure I can survive for long without a form of milk. Obviously my favourite Oat milk is not compliant, nor is my second fave, rice. So, what can I do? Is there a vegan milk out there I have yet to discover/can make myself? If there isn’t, would rice milk be the least inflammatory whilst I wean off other foods? thank you :O)

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Holly! I believe the only other option for you is tigernut milk, which is not actually made from a nut but a legume, and you can make it yourself! Hope it helps 🙂

  • Angie says

    My 12 year old daughter has just been diagnosed with alopecia areta. I’m picking up Sarah’sbook today to plan our AIP. My question is how will I know when to reintroduce and recognize if the food doesn’t agree with her. She has two small bald patches currently and that’s it and hair doesn’t grow quickly haha! 🙂 thank you for any insight!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Angie! You may have to use other metrics to see how the elimination phase is working – I highly recommend food journaling. Or you could try a longer-term, modified approach. If you need help putting that together, we have many AIP Certified Coaches that would be happy to assist – Good luck!

  • Cathie says

    Hi Mickey, I just started on my AIP journey 7 days ago and your website and cookbook have been so helpful. I gave a few questions for you
    1. Have you ever found a Canadian bacon that is AIP friendly?
    2. I was surprised to see I can eat prosciutto. Is there anything I should be aware of when choosing a certain brand of prosciutto? Is there any limitation on how much one should eat?
    3. I know I cannot eat nuts. But I use almond oil as a moisturizer on my face. Is this ok?
    Thank you so so much.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Cathie! I am not familiar with Canadian bacon brands so I can’t comment – I would do some searching online to see if any of the retailers sell it without preservatives or other non-AIP ingredients. The prosciutto is fine as long as it does not have any preservatives and is gluten-free. Usually all it is made from is pork, water, and salt. Applegate is a good brand. Nut oils are usually fine topically. Hope it helps!

      • Cathie says

        Great, thank you SO much Mickey! 2 more questions for you
        1. Speaking of Applegate products- I found bacon by Applegate the ingredients were ok, but then said less than 2% sugar and nitrates (and something else I believe), should I still avoid the trace amount?
        2. I’m a little confused about black pepper. I know I can’t have it, but then I read its ok to have black peppercorns. So if I crack the black pepper myself, is it ok?
        Thank you, so much to learn:)

        • Mickey Trescott says

          Hey Cathie,
          I’m not sure which particular product you are looking at (and the ingredients may be different in Canada), but trace amount of sugar is OK, chemicals (like preservatives) or off-limit spices are not. A lot of the natural bacons use celery powder which are a natural nitrate as a preservative which is OK. Black peppercorns, even ground are avoided during the elimination phase. Hope it helps!

  • Lucy says

    Hi Mickey,
    Since starting the AIP diet 1st Jan I have found out that I react to tapioca/cassava. I get a burning mouth, stomach ache, nausea, diarrhoea and breathing problems. I’ve read that there is an allergy association with latex called latex food syndrome. I have found that I react to eyelash glue which has latex in it but don’t react to latex gloves or anything. Do you think it’s advisable to give up latex associated foods as part of AIP and then slowly reintroduce some of them (not cassava)? Thank you.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Lucy, absolutely you could be on to something! Many folks find they have additional sensitivities to foods or categories of foods that are not eliminated on AIP. I’m sorry to hear, but I hope you are able to figure it out!

      • Lucy says

        Thanks so much for your reply. I will continue with removing these items and see how I get on. I guess in effect I’ve not actually been truly AIP as I’d been having tapioca starch in my coconut yogurt everyday! 🤦🏻‍♀️ I was wondering why I felt nauseous after breakfast! 😂 At least now I know and I guess that is the purpose of the diet to find out what you can and cannot tolerate.

  • Cathie says

    Hi again Mickey,
    I’ve tried to research whether I can eventually reintroduce regular table salt, but haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere. Do you think it’s ok to try to reintroduce it and if so, at what stage? I plan to continue to cook using Himalayan and sea salt at home, but I’m just thinking about the ease of having it back in my diet when eating at friends and family houses. Thank you:)

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Cathie! Good thought, and I might treat it as a stage 1 reintroduction for when you get there.

      • Cathie says

        Thank you so much the response Mickey! I’m glad you think it’s ok to try to reintroduce it eventually:))

  • Jennifer says

    Hi Mickey,

    I have a question on rice vinegar. Are they one of the items that can be reintroduced? Thank you.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Jennifer! Yes, you can try and reintroduce a rice product in stage 4 according to Sarah Ballantyne’s protocol.

  • Sherri says

    Hi Mickey, How much coconut butter or coconut bombs are allowed daily? Also, is it okay to have
    a sweet potato every day if you are trying to lose weight? TIA

    • Mickey Trescott says

      I’m not able to answer these questions for you – we don’t place limits on certain foods besides fructose consumption in general. I would say use your best judgement – don’t eat them to the point you are crowding out other important foods like meat and veggies. Hope it helps!

  • Laura says

    Hi Mickey, I have had Hashi’s and Endo for many years. I have been following the AIP diet for 9 weeks and have noticed an increase in hair loss. Is it common to experience hair loss with dramatic diet change? Maybe I have been eating too much fat, cauliflower, and collard greens (all cooked) or not enough carbs?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Laura! I’m not a medical practitioner so I can’t advise on conditions, but I would not say hair loss is common when going to an elimination diet. I might look into if anything stressful has happened, or you might be onto something with the hormonal changes from going too low-carb. Your best bet is to find someone like an AIP Certified Coach ( to help you troubleshoot and figure out the source!

  • Jimbo Garrison says

    Hi Mickey! I am wondering about fermented vegetables. Many AIP diets say to include kimchi but the hallmark of kimchi is red chili. Is this an oversight or is the offending agent from the nightshade neutralized during fermentation? This is very confusing. Thanks for your help!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Jimbo! Kimchi is not AIP-legal due to the peppers (nightshade vegetable). This is why we call for fermented vegetables but specifically do not mention kimchi. I would try plain fermented cabbage, carrots, beets, etc. Hope it helps!

  • Terry I. says

    Hello Mickey!
    I just received your cookbook from the library and it looks great, but everything is in grams. I do not know how to convert and I have searched the internet for answers. I probably need to purchase a scale for starters, right?

    Also, my Functional Medicine MD does not want me on maple syrup, chocolate, and other sweeteners at this time and i do not not what I can do to replace some of these things….any advice. I keep searching for recipes but I am new to this and it is frustrating. TIA for any help you can give me.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Terry! It sounds like you may have picked up the metric version from your library (grey cover). I have a version in US weights and measures (brown/green cover). There are a few recipes where I use weights for things like alternative flours, but not many. The good news for you with the sweeteners is that I don’t use many in the book. Just a few in the dessert recipes. If you skip those, you are good to go!

  • I am concerned about the saturated fat levels in all of the coconut products on the AIP – I already have high LDL cholesterol – what would you recommend instead?

  • Elaine says

    Hi Mickey, I have to eat low FodMaps and AIP, am I am missing the spicy element that peppers provide, can you suggest a alternative that I can add to a Chili dish? Turmeric powder does not give the kick I am looking for to replace hot peppers. I bought some wasabi powder was going to try that. Thought I’d ask you. Thank you so much for all you do!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Elaine! In addition to wasabi, I would try fresh horseradish root, raw ginger, and raw garlic. All of those add quite a kick! Hope it helps!

  • Xenia says

    I found a brand of smoked salmon that only contains “salmon, sodium lactate, beechwood smoke”. Is this AIP-compliant? I found conflicting information on sodium lactate. Also, I wasn’t sure if “beechwood smoke” means it’s really just the natural smoke from the wood, or whether it’s something artificial. Help! 🙂

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Xenia, I would say this is a no-go – sodium lactate can be from a variety of sources that may not be AIP. When in doubt, you can call the company to see how the fish is processed – is it naturally smoked, or are they using flavorings to make it taste smoked? Hope it helps!

  • Debby says

    You talk about getting rid of all the non-AIP foods in the house. Is it customary for the entire family to stop eating these things when one person has an autoimmune disorder? I don’t cook much for dinner that I can’t eat, but there’s no way my husband and son are going to stop eating bread and cereal (including bread at the same meals that I’m eating with them). Does everyone else get the whole family to restrict their diets so much?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Debby! There is no one way for people to transition to AIP – sometimes the whole household joins in, other times it is just one person. If you are going to be doing AIP in a mixed diet household, I would clear out a space in the pantry and kitchen just for your “safe” foods and tools. You want to make sure that their ingredients are not causing cross-contamination with yours. Hope it helps!

  • Ray says

    I am just beginning the AIP diet and I’m using your page to guide me. I just read a 3 yr old post about coconut being high in insulin (which I haven’t read before). Not only do I have some autoimmune problems I am also type 2 diabetic. Have you had any reports of problems with hypoglycemia from using coconut products? I’m already battling low blood sugar after less than a week on the regimen and I haven’t even added coconut to my diet yet. I’m very interested in making treats with the coconut flour. Thanks for your help.


    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Ray! Coconut is high in “inulin” not “insulin”! This is a type of fiber. The coconut product you will want to be cautious of is coconut sugar or syrup. Hope it helps!

  • Kristen says

    I’m a little confused about the use of molasses? It’s not a listed sweetener or pantry item yet I am seeing it in a bunch of the recipes that are AIP online?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Kristen! Molasses is elimination phase legal.

  • Alexandria says

    Hi. I read in the AIP book that yucca and tapioca was bad and shoukd be eliminated. I see you have it in your lists. What should I do?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Alexandria! I’m not sure which book you are talking about, but yucca and tapioca are both AIP-legal.

  • Gwen says

    Hi Mickey,
    Thanks you for everything you do!! It’s all the best, and helps my family greatly.
    I am wondering if you’ve found any AIP approved bacon anywhere? I live in Canada, and am yet to find any. It would be the best gift to my husband. Lol.
    Thank you!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Gwen! Yes, just check the label for ingredients – I live in the US so aren’t familiar with Canadian brands, but here we have some products that are uncured with only some salt and sugar (which is compliant in this context). You want to look out for gluten, preservatives, or spices.

  • Zaida says

    Hi Mickey,

    Is Aspall Organic Balsamic Vinegar still one you recommend? I see this post is 3 yrs old. The ingredients for that are Wine vinegar and concentrated grape must. I thought the ingredients would have been apples. Let me know if there are others you recommend, thanks!

    • Angie Alt says

      Balsamic vinegar is always from grapes, not apples. This is still a good brand.

  • colleen grabb says

    I see there is a support group in Albany NY. I live about 30 min from there. I’m not on social media and that seems to be the way to contact them. Hoping you have an address or phone number that I can use to contact them?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Colleen! Unfortunately we don’t keep contact info for the FB groups. Maybe you could have a friend/family member join on your behalf and relay the info?

  • Calina Seulean says

    I am new to all this AIP diet and it seems that my body does not like Cassava flour, which in your book is used in few nice receipes.
    Could you please advise which flour can I use instead?

    Looking forward to hearing from you.


    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Calina! Yes, I use cassava flour in 7 of 125 recipes, which isn’t often. Unfortunately it has a very unique texture and I haven’t found a great substitute. I would suggest seeking out recipes without cassava if you are sensitive to it. Good luck!

  • Dawna Masley says

    Hi Mickey,
    I am on day 4 of AIP and I was wondering about dill pickles that have sugar in the brine. The recipe I am referring to has 1/3 cup in the brine which makes 5 quarts. What do you think? Thank you!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Dawna! Cane sugar isn’t eliminated on AIP, but we recommend only using it in small accounts, such as curing bacon, and not in recipes. Your pickles sound like they should be fine, although it would be best if they were made without sugar. Hope it helps!

  • Stephanie says

    My dad needs to go on this diet. I am slowly introducing him to it. I’d love to fly home and set up his pantry for him. My question is – the snack section is a little low. He is on steroids for his chronic pain, (hence why I’m trying to get him on this diet to get OFF the steroids) but the steroids right now give him intense food cravings. He needs a lot of yummy snack options to be able to go on this diet. Is there a link to a list of a bunch of them? Thank you!

  • Sheila says

    I thought I read somewhere about infusing oils with peppers like jalapeño to get the flavor but not irritate your gut. Do you think this would be AIP compliant?

    • Angie Alt says

      Sheila, infusing oils with hot peppers is not AIP compliant to my knowledge, but clarification might be available from The Paleo Mom.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Sheila, all nightshade derived ingredients are out in the elimination phase, so even infused oil will be out. Sorry!

  • Amanda Tibbetts says

    I am 16 days into AIP due to Hashimoto’s. I’m wanting to make some banana bread that has 1/2 cup coconut sugar in it. I thought coconut sugar was out but am super excited to see this post that includes coconut sugar and honey! Before I use it, I want to be sure I’m reading it correctly. Can I use these sweeteners in the elimination phase?

    • Angie Alt says

      Yes, you can use coconut sugar during the elimination phase. AIP is not a no-sugar protocol, but a greatly reduced sugar protocol & we try to encourage more nutritive sweeteners.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Amanda! Yes, those sweeteners are allowed in moderation in the elimination phase.

  • Kim says

    Hi. Not sure if you are aware but as far as I know Mission Heirloom is no longer in business. I tried contacting them sometime ago and found that information. Can you provide another supplier for the yuca crackers?

    Also it might be wise to remove Mission Heirloom from your pantry list.

  • Marianne says

    Hi there:) I have read that cassava flour is bad for those with hashis but I see lots of receipts listing this as an ingredient. I would like to know what your thoughts are on this?
    Also, I do not eat any seafood or fish so I am going to try kelp noodles twice a week. Any other ways to get proper iodine through diet?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Marianne! The starch in cassava flour can irritate some folks, but it is not an avoided food on AIP as many get along with it just fine. It is one of the best substitutes for grain flour, which is why you see it in so many baking recipes. If it doesn’t work for you though, don’t worry, as we have a ton of cassava-free recipes in our archives. For those that don’t eat fish, sea vegetables can be a good way to get iodine. Good luck!

  • Girley says

    Hi Mickey. Me and my husband has been following your meal recipes since the doctor highly recommended you. And true to that you are awesome. We are an avid fan. My husband has been in an AIP diet since he has Hashimoto. So he is in his elimination phase right now. We also discover alot of stuff that are AIP approved. Like the Cassava Pastas that Jovial made, the Korean Sweet Potatoes noodles and Boba since it is made from tapioca.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Girley! Yes, those options are AIP-friendly! Good luck!

  • Cheryl says

    Your books and website have been a great help me. Thank you! In the process of learning and implementing the AIP diet I have discovered that I am sensitive/allergic to coconut. Coconut products are used in much of the AIP diet. Any recommendations for alternatives within your recipes and products would be very much appreciated.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Cheryl! Sorry to hear you can’t tolerate coconut. We have tons (over 90%!) of coconut-free recipes on the site. Instead of substituting, I recommend just looking for the recipes that don’t include coconut in them. 🙂

  • Maggie Robinson says

    Hi Again, Please disregard my previous comment. The Jackson’s Honest chips are available! The link in the article needs to be updated – here’s what worked <> Sorry for the confusion!

  • Yvonne says

    Thank you, thank you, thank you–this is SO helpful! This is the exact thing I’ve been looking for while trying to transition more to an AIP diet. Concise with a nice, brief explanation with ingredients–just perfect!

  • Diana says

    I love all the wonderful recipe ideas you have on your website! What a difference compared to the beginnings of my AIP journey back when nobody knew about AIP and recipes were non-existent! I would like to post a warning about some AIP-compliant flours: Cassava/tapioca and arrowroot start can be a welcome addition to the AIP diet, but please be aware that these flours are among the foods that often test high for lead, according to the Lead-Free Mama. When I discovered cassava a few years ago, I was so excited and put it in everything. But after some time, I started feeling bad. A heavy metals test came back extremely high in lead, with no obvious cause. I tested our home…nothing. Thanks to the Lead-Free Mama, who does her own testing, I made the connection. I’ve given up cassava altogether, and my arrowroot flour I get from companies that test for heavy metals (such as Terrasoul).

  • Ana says

    Hi! I’m an athlete and need energy gels to fuel my runs. I’m on day 37 of AIP and have been using dates and cranberries for long runs instead of gels but for race day, gels are always better. I have a race in less than a month, Which should I opt for the dextrose/maltodextrin gels or the ones made out of corn starch? There aren’t any better options unfortunately.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Ana! I would try and reintroduce a couple options before your race, to see which one you tolerate.

  • Esther says

    Hello! I so appreciate your resources! I’ve heard some AIP diets not allowing any fruits or honey/maple syrup. As someone who’s had severe symptoms for years. I was thinking of doing the stricter version with no fruit, as I don’t want to have to do it longer than necessary if I don’t cut out everything I should initially. Thoughts on this? Secondly, I did s blood test and a natural path said I am sensitive to coconut oil and avocado, so avoiding those two things on this is tricky as well, as so many alternatives include these ingredients. Do you think that blood tests can show that instead of simply feeling if I have a sensitivity through elimination/reintroduction? Thank you so much!

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