10 Tips to Reach a Healthy Weight on the Autoimmune Protocol

weightstrugglesHow Autoimmune Disease Can Affect Your Weight

In our culture, we’re pretty obsessed with weight. Whether we’re carrying extra pounds or feeling too skinny, very few of us are happy with our body size. Even when we’re in the process of reversing autoimmune disease (the most important goal of all), we can prioritize our weight over our healing. Sometimes our weight seems so unhealthy that it makes us feel scared. Other times, we just don’t like how we look in the mirror. Here’s what we need to understand: weight struggles are often a result of our autoimmune disease. So, only by prioritizing healing, will we reach the healthy weight we desire, and that takes time and patience. I know that’s hard to hear. I don’t think human beings are naturally patient. At the end of this article, I offer some troubleshooting tips to speed up the process. But first, let’s understand what’s going on inside our bodies:

  • Nutrient Malabsorption: Many autoimmune diseases involve direct damage to the digestive tract, such as celiac, Crohn’s and ulcerative colitis. Even if your diagnosis involves a completely different part of your body, it co-exists with leaky gut. This is true for the other 100+ autoimmune diseases, from rheumatoid arthritis to Hashimoto’s. So, we’re all dealing with a compromised ability to digest our food and absorb the nutrition it contains. This explains why so many people struggle with being underweight when they first start the AIP; they aren’t absorbing everything they’re eating. But it also can affect your ability to lose weight. If your body feels starved for nutrition, it will hold onto everything it has until those resources are replenished. The good news is that you can heal the inflammation and the damage, and as you do so, your digestion will improve. The AIP is a healing protocol.
  • Hormone Imbalance: There are over 50 hormones in the human body, and many of them have either a direct or indirect impact on our metabolism and equilibrium. Some of you have Hashimoto’s, which hinders your ability to produce thyroid hormones. Others of you have gone into remission during pregnancy, or developed autoimmune disease after menopause, showing how autoimmunity and hormone changes are intertwined. Since hormones are incredibly complex, doctors haven’t been able to figure out a “hormone cure”. The AIP naturally balances hormones, which not only helps our autoimmune symptoms, but our weight issues as well. Special note for those of you with Hashimoto’s. Since the thyroid has often sustained permanent damage, finding the right thyroid medication may be necessary as well.
  • Inflammation: We’ve all felt the impact of extreme inflammation when we’ve experienced an autoimmune flare. But what about the low-grade inflammation that co-exists with autoimmune disease when we aren’t flaring? It hurts our mitochondria — the powerhouses of every cell in our bodies. Therefore, it’s no surprise it would also impact our weight. Thankfully, the AIP is an anti-inflammatory protocol as well.

Troubleshooting Tips To Reach a Healthy Weight on the AIP

  • Are you sleeping? Sometimes we focus so much on the food part of the AIP that we forget about the lifestyle factors, but they’re just as important. Skipping sleep actually affects the expression of our genes, turning on genes that increase inflammation and sending the immune system into a defensive mode. It also throws our hormones out of balance. This means that skipping sleep is a major obstacle to healing and therefore a major obstacle to reaching a healthy weight.
  • What are your stress levels? Dr. Sarah Ballantyne (aka The Paleo Mom) has written about the science of stress and the importance of stress relief to autoimmune healing. Recently, she also shared her personal experience with stress leading to weight gain and a Hashi’s flare. Stories like this make the science real. We can’t overemphasize the importance of taking lifestyle choices seriously. None of us are immune.
  • Are you obsessing over your weight? It’s natural to worry when you weigh more or less than you think you should, but worry is an added burden that does nothing to solve the problem. In fact, it adds to the stress (see above). So, here’s my advice: put away your scale. That is a tool that encourages obsessive thinking. Focus on healing instead and trust the process.
  • Are you focusing on nutrient-density? Mickey wrote a great article recently listing the most important nutrients for autoimmune healing, and the foods that contain those nutrients. When you first start the AIP, it’s natural to focus on the foods you avoid that are inflammation triggers. It’s equally important to focus on the foods that help you heal. For many people, that’s the difference between healing and not healing. It’s also the key to addressing nutrient malabsorption. If we aren’t absorbing everything we’re eating, we want to give ourselves a chance to absorb as much as possible, by choosing nutrient-dense calories over empty ones.
  • Are you over-exercising? A lot of people with autoimmune disease are Type-A personalities. They push themselves in every area of their lives, including exercise. A walk seems boring, so they train for a marathon. Yoga is for wimps, so they do WODs at their local Cross Fit 7 days a week instead. Unless their autoimmune disease makes them quit, they push themselves to their limits. Does this sound like you? Over-exercising wreaks havoc with a healthy person’s body, and more so with an autoimmune body. It can cause depression, chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism, hormone dysregulation, weight loss resistance, and leaky gut. Yes, you can have too much of a good thing.
  • Are you not moving at all? This is the flip-side of overexercising. A sedentary lifestyle increases inflammation, so moving gently is helpful to healing. When you’re inflamed with autoimmune disease, pain, fatigue, or loss of muscle control might interfere with your ability to exercise. Just do what you can. When my rheumatoid arthritis was at its worst, my “exercise” was deep breathing during meditation and something I called “chair dancing” where I would sit and move gently to music I loved. For you, gentle exercise might be a short stroll, or some light yoga, or gentle strength training. As you heal, you’ll be able to do more. Now I can go for hikes in the mountains, but there was a time when I couldn’t even walk. The right amount of exercise for healing is just enough to make you feel better, and never so much that it makes you feel worse.
  • Calories — they aren’t the only factor, but they can play a role. Sometimes autoimmune disease distorts our hunger signals. Some of us eat more than we should, and some of us are never hungry. Many of us have come to fear food and therefore don’t eat enough. Others turn to food for comfort and eat too much. Lastly, some of us have disordered eating behaviors we haven’t yet addressed. For the next week, enter the food you eat in Cronometer and see how you stack up in terms of nutrition. While each person’s needs will be different, 2000 calories is a good average to start with. Don’t get obsessed with calories, but you may be surprised to learn how much you are over/undereating.
  • If you’re eating too much: Cut back on the empty calories, and increase your nutrition. That means less AIP-friendly treats, and more vegetables, healthy fats, seafood and organ meats.
  • If you’re not eating enough: You might start adding some shakes to every meal. They’re a great way to add calories when you don’t have much appetite. SCD Lifestyle has a recipe for an AIP-friendly “weight gain” shake.
  • Are you at a healthy weight, and just don’t realize it? Most of us have an idea in our heads of the weight we want to achieve. It might be what we’ve weighed in the past, or the weight we always hoped for the future. The truth is, a healthy weight range is much wider than we usually think in our minds, and our body is often wiser than we are. Summer Innanen wrote a great post called, The Number One Reason You’re Not Losing Weight On Paleo. You could also substitute “gaining weight” if you are one of the underweight ones. Answer? You don’t need to — this is where your body wants to be, at least for now.

Have you reached a healthy weight? What made the biggest difference for you?

About Eileen Laird

Eileen Laird of Phoenix Helix has been living the paleo lifestyle since June 2012, reducing her rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by 95% without any steroid or immunosuppressant medication. Merging straight talk with inspiration and information, Eileen strives to help us all live the autoimmune life well! She believes in the power of symbolism: the phoenix represents our ability to transform; the helix represents the power we have over the expression of our genes. In addition to her blog, she hosts the only paleo podcast dedicated to autoimmune healing. She also hosts a weekly AIP Recipe Roundtable, is the author of the e-book Reintroducing Foods on the AIP, and you can find her on Facebook and Pinterest.


  • Cati says

    Great article – especially with all the links! When I bottomed out -disease wise- then started my healing journey, I was told that I was “scrawny” … and I was, for all reasons mentioned above – particularly I wasn’t absorbing the nutrients in the food I ate. It took about 4 years for my health ( understanding my particular tricky food triggers) and weight to stabilize. All worth it , as I’m feeling soooo much better than I used to. I’m looking good and am happy with my weight and shape. At 56 my shape is not that long ago figure I idealize of my youth and I’ve had to get pragmatic and know that’s a silly head game. Some of my friends have weight yo-yo issues and they ask me how I do it. Though they don’t need to be on the AIP, I do promote the paleo lifestyle as a healthy, weight stabilizing option for them to try. Stable weight is a sign of optimal health for anyone.

  • Andrea says

    Hi! Embarking on the AIP journey mainly as a support for my fiance who is struggling with autoimmune symptoms and food sensitivities. He is also having difficulty maintaining weight as he is already a naturally slim person. I was excited to see the link to the SCD weight-gain shakes; however, the ones listed on Jordan and Steve’s are definitely NOT AIP-friendly. They all contain raw eggs. Any other ideas or resources for such things?? Thanks!

    • Sheila h. says

      There are a lot of shakes listed on the link but I believe she was referring to the one shake for Autoimmune. It contains only bananas, coconut milk, avocado, sweet potato and is for someone needing high calories to gain weight. Of course, you can always leave eggs out of any of the other shakes to make them AIP friendly. They add protein but that can be achieved by using collagen protein powder (the green Great Lakes can).

    • Hi Andrea. You must have skimmed the SCD article too quickly. Click that link again. There is one labeled Paleo Autoimmune Mass Gain Shake that is AIP-friendly. That’s the one you want.

      • Andrea says

        Thank you, Eileen and Sheila! I did skim way too quickly. The tip about collagen is great. I appreciate your responses.

  • Monica says

    I appreciate this information. I’m struggling with extreme weight loss and I related to a lot in this article. I’m seeing a functional medicine doctor in a few days. Very hopeful in starting a healing journey from hashimoto’s and my multiple miserable symptoms.
    Thank you for the great insight!

  • maureen p lawrence says

    Hi. I am insulin resistant (pre-diabetes) and trying to comply with Paleo AutoImmune. I have been into Paleo since mid-January 2015. I have also lost significant weight in the past year (not intentionally) and am trying just to maintain the weight I am at now. Any advice or tips you may be able to give me would be appreciated!

    • Hi Maureen. I recommend implementing all the tips listed in the troubleshooting section of the article. It should help. Best wishes for full healing!

  • Charlotte says

    Thank you for this article! I have been in such guilt and misery with being overweight for years (BMI now 36), so it was such a relief to hear that auto-immunity can cause problems both with not being able to gain, as well as not being able to lose weight. I’ve tried 500cal/day diets and not lost a thing over 2 weeks (while also making myself too exhausted to move and putting myself under serious stress and therefore getting a flare up, before I knew what flares were and thought they were my poor character, or innate laziness – as was always gently insisted on by friends, family and doctors). I’d tried Paleo and was getting nowhere, except ever increasing weight.

    In the end I paid for a private series of screening tests and discovered I had Hashimotos and gluten-sensitivity (both affecting the gut and the brain). I realise the only person who can take care of my health is me. I can’t rely on doctors and I can’t let other people’s lack of understanding get in the way of my making progress. When you can’t lose weight on 500cals/day, there’s more than a character flaw going on. Trust your instincts, would be my advice. This blog is really important for me to feel a sense of community with other sufferers. Thank you and keep up the good work!

    • Charlotte, there is so much heart and wisdom in your comment. Thank you for sharing your story, and all that you’ve learned!

    • Susie Brown says

      Thank goodness for this article. Charlotte, I am also a large girl and I hear exactly what you are saying. Before trying AIP I completely cut out sugar, gluten and all processed foods. No difference with weight.I would watch other people eating sweets, sandwiches and large meals and they would be fit and thin. I tried AIP and I even started gaining on AIP with additional joint and muscle pain! I then realized I was salicylate sensitive since I was having a reaction to coconut and needed to increase carbs somewhat. That is thanks to articles on these sites that I was able to figure it out. I’ve still had no weight loss but am starting to feel great and am able to exercise. I want to point out to everyone that we are all unique and to not give up as we may have additional issues that need attending to. If we were not for the strictness of the AIP program I never would have figured out additional sensitivities. Thank you so much for this web site as the articles and links are truly life changing and give us hope!!

    • Julie says

      So good to know i am not the only one – I too was ‘surviving’ on less than 500 calories a day and exercising loads and still weight was piling on – my doctor told me just to eat even less!! I knew something wasn’t right so after loads of research myself I cut out gluten and started to feel better – eventually had tests which showed gluten intolerance- excited to try AIP diet to see if this helps my health even more! Great to read everyone’s stories and look forward to trying some of the yummy recipes!

  • Loretta says

    I really need to gain weight. But drinking these shakes is
    going to send my blood sugar into orbit!!

    • Hi Loretta. The shakes are high-fat, which balances blood sugar. Most people will be able to drink them without a problem. However, if you’re diabetic, you can make some simple changes. Replace the bananas with blueberries. And drink 1/3 of the shake beside each of your meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner).

      • Loretta says

        Hi Eileen,

        Thank you so much. I will try that. I appreciate your thoughtful kind response. 🙂


    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Loretta,
      Have you considered using coconut butter, coconut oil, or avocado in order to up the fat content of your shakes?

  • Ivonne says

    Eileen, I always love your articles. Thank you for caring and help us realize we are not alone in this process.
    I send you a big hug.

  • Thanks, Ivonne! Hugs to you as well.

  • Aaliyah says

    Great tips. Thank you for sharing.

  • Kristin says

    I am/ was having hard time with the no weight loss. My ideal is 140. I weigh 159. On paleo AIP for 3 weeks plus, yes counting calories, 1200 about daily. Always worked before. I used to be mostly a non meat eater. Seems hard to digest. Had hair analysis done for intolerances and of course no milk, bovine anything, eggs, zucchini, lactose, corn, sugar, ( actually sensitive to the lysozyme in whites of eggs sadly) salmon, whitefish, and coconut allergies. Wow i forgot cocoa and green coffee beans. Obviously hard diet. Been doing however 3 weeks+. Weight now 161. Barely eating 1200 cal really. Practicing gentle yoga. Decreased stress. Meditate newly found and i enjoy. Leisure walks. Feel worse. Sleepier. Fatter. Oh. My nutritionist and paleo aip holistic pharm d helping me with my hashi and adrenal fatigue cant figure it out. Probiotics 3 fiff ones and all supplements as ordered by my deficiency testing. Just getting worse. Better bowel movements, etc but gaining weight and feel so much more tired every day. Help me.

  • Tasha says

    Thank you for the article. It was very informative and helpful. I started Paleo AIP three weeks ago. I have Hashimoto’s, interstitial cystitis (painful), oral lichen planus (painful) and I am insulin resistant. I am also about 100 lbs overweight, and have pretty much all the symptoms of my autoimmune diseases. Being chronically tired, having no energy or desire to do anything, being depressed, having achy joints and being in constant pain is the tip of the iceberg.
    Since starting Paleo AIP, the biggest and most noticeable improvement is in my mood and energy levels. I have way more energy, I am not sluggish, and I want to get up and do things. The pain has not gone away, but I am hoping that in time it will get better. I am slowly starting to exercise – walking, riding bicycle, small weights training. The weight is not budging, but I think I am moving in the right direction. I am also aware that I have been loading on treats way too much in order to “ease” myself into this protocol, and I am aware that I need to change that 🙂
    When I started this, my goal was to be pain free, be healthier and feel better. Any possible weight loss would be a bonus. I did not gain all this weight overnight, so I do not expect it to disappear overnight either. I will have to ease up on plantain crackers for a while 🙂

  • Paula says

    Hello! I had a resection from Crohn’s about 3yrs ago. went gluten free almost 2yrs. I started AIP 3wks ago. I am eating but seem to be getting dizzy more frequently. Any advice?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Paula,
      If you’ve got a medical condition, especially with your anatomy changed by surgery you should be consulting your doctor for advice here as we aren’t medical practitioners. Dizziness is not a common effect of trying the elimination diet. I hope you are able to sort it out soon!

  • Paula says

    I also am trying to gain a bit more weight. I am 93lbs and my goal is to get to 100lbs.
    Thank you!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Paula,
      There are many great tips in this article–in addition I would add making sure to include lots of starchy carbs (sweet potatoes, taro, plantain, winter squash) and using them as a vehicle for fat can be a great way to get some calories in.

  • Jessica says

    I’m 140 & 5’2″. I gained about 15lbs last January right about the time we added Fibromyalgia to my RA diagnosis. My exercise has not been consistent, but I also had to stop counting calories after figuring out I had some disordered eating issues. I’m only 2 weeks into my AIP journey now, and I’m scared to gain even more weight. My clothes don’t fit, too tired to get up early (before my toddlers wake up) to exercise, but I also admit that to help myself feel better about cutting so many things out of my diet… Ive been eating a lot of fruit (yesterday I had 3 bananas + other fruits) and making at least one bowl of sliced banana strawberry coconut shreds + splash of coconut milk a day. I guess I thought adding ‘special’ treats like this would help me mentally feel better… but I guess I could be sabotaging myself. I really want to lose those 15lbs. I’m still hurting, low energy, but able to function. Just not seeing positive changes from the AIP yet.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Jessica! Doing a restricted diet like the autoimmune protocol can be super difficult when you’ve got a history with disordered eating. I’d suggest in your case working with a therapist and/or nutritionist who can help guide you into getting into that healing mindset instead of obsessing about the weight. I always coach my clients to focus on health before image. Often people start feeling better and need to do some deeper healing before the weight will come off.

  • Kiera William says

    Hi Eileen,
    Great sharing tips to reach a healthy weight on AIP. & how autoimmune disease can affect weight on the body.
    Thanks for sharing.

  • Margo says

    Hi my rheumotoligist says I have an autoimmune desease. She doesn’t know what because my blood work is inconclusive. I have had stomach problems for years then developed sore finger joints at the end of my fingers and toes and hip and have bone spurs in my neck. I have mild arthritis in fingers and beginning of osteoarthritis. Can this come from my stomach like leaky gut? Or gluten ?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Margo! Its complicated to explain, but yes, autoimmune diseases are all linked to intestinal permeability, otherwise known as leaky gut, which is also made much worse by eating gluten-containing foods. I’d recommend checking out our book, The Autoimmune Wellness Handbook linked in the sidebar for a great overview of why eating a certain way can help. Good luck!

  • Greg says

    How much coconut milk is ok with autoimmunity gut? Is 1 cup a day with protein shake ok? Also doninhave to avoid bananas and plantain since they contain about 16g sugar? Is sugar from fruit different than consuming just sugar? I’m on AIP and loosing weight. I have ulcerous colitis and taking 8 Pentasa pills every day. Would like to stop this medication one day just don’t know when and how. My doctor wants me to take it chronically.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Greg! We aren’t doctors here and can’t advise on medication, that is something you will have to consult your doctor about. Most doctors familiar with AIP (like Dr. Terry Wahls) have their patients continue medication until their symptoms abate for at least 6 months before beginning the weaning process, if at all.

      On to your food questions… 1 cup a day of coconut milk sounds reasonable, but everyone is different. You don’t need to specifically avoid bananas and plantains unless you are sensitive to them. If you are trying to gain weight, I would not avoid carbs – smoothies will be great, especially with some fat and collagen, as well as eating starchy carbs with lots of fat (like sweet potatoes or plantains with coconut oil or duck fat). Good luck on that weight gain Greg!

  • My son discovered he has Celiac about 4 months ago. He had already suspected, so was avoiding gluten… but has been doing so religiously since then. In the year before this he had lost about 20 pounds… and he was already a skinny guy. After several doctors and no real solutions, we have been doing the AIP diet with him now for about 8 days. He has lost several more pounds now and I am getting very scared. He just cannot lose any more weight or he will be in the emergency room. Also, he feels worse than ever- extreme fatigue, depression, abdominal pain, and now nausea, and pretty much every other symptom on the lists.

    We have about 10 days left to wait to see 2 more doctors (integrative and functional). What can we feed him? In the past day or 2 even coconut milk and avocado are making him feel ill. Can you help?

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Christy! I’m so sorry to hear about your son, and I do think you are in a tricky situation with the weight loss. I would try to include lots of starchy carbs like sweet potato, yam, plantain, hard winter squash, and use them as a vehicle for healthy fats to get some calories in. It is really hard to troubleshoot without knowing a full history, so I would suggest reaching out to a nutritionist who can help tailor the diet to him so he doesn’t loose more weight (for instance I would consider including white rice to get those carbs up). I’m hoping you guys get things sorted out soon – I know from personal experience that those early days of diagnosis and dietary transition can be extremely difficult. I think you are on the right path by getting some good practitioners in the mix, now you just need to figure out how to keep his carbs and calories up, as well as get him tested for other underlying or co-existing conditions that could be exacerbating the weight loss.

  • Marlene Vargas says

    I was losing weight with the AIP diet ( Went down from 150 to 135 pounds) , the next year I added Wobenzym enzymes on empty stomach daily to lower thyroid antibodies and all the weight came back. I don’t want to give up the enzymes because they are like magic for my fibromyalgia pains, almost pain free. I don’t know what to do!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Marlene,
      My thought is that your weight gain is probably related to some other change. Its very hard to make guesses without knowing your history and what you are eating. Have you considered working with an AIP Certified Coach for troubleshooting? -> https://aipcertified.com/coach-directory

  • Terry I says

    Hi! I have been on an AIP food plan for the last 6 weeks through my Functional Medicine MD. I am losing weight and I don’t need to at all…..in fact I need to gain weight. I also can’t afford to purchase a new size in clothing. I know I am releasing alot of toxins but I am glad to read your article too. Any suggestions for gaining weight are appreciated, but I suppose I am just a little inpatient right now.

    Love your articles so much!

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hey Terry! Some weight gain tips I use with my clients are getting some smoothies in between meals (for instance, banana, collagen, green veggies, and berries) as well as upping intake of starchy carbs (sweet potato, taro, yuca, plantain) eaten with lots of compliant fats for calories. Hope it helps!

      • Brenda says

        Hi Mickey,
        I am underweight and following AIP, low FODMAP, and low sugar for candida. I am desperately looking for more starch options. Which of the starchy foods you listed are low FODMAP?

        Great article!

        • Mickey Trescott says

          In your case, you might consider an early reintroduction of white rice. This is a low-FODMAP starch option that can really help people get their weight up. Hope it helps!

  • Amber says

    This popped up on my Facebook at such a weird time. I had been sitting on my couch literally crying for 10 minutes because I have been struggling with my weight because of a recent illness. I have Sjogrens Syndrome along with Cystic Fibrosis. The CF itself makes gaining weight hell. Add the Sjogrens and its a downhill slide. I have been on an AIP diet for a year and half and only have been able to add a few small things, mainly spices, back into my diet. My body burns calories twice as fast as a regular person thanks to the CF. Nutrition has always been a struggle for me. There are days where I feel so empowered and on track and days like today where I’m curled up in a ball with zero hope. I will definitely be trying the AIP shake and seeing how it goes. *crossing fingers*

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Amber, so sorry to hear of your struggles, and we hope you can find a way to keep that weight up. Something a lot of AIPers who trend towards unintended weight loss do is reintroduce white rice early for a good source of starch. Wishing you luck!

  • Thanks so much for this article, I’ve just started the AIP and have purchased your cookbook to help me get excited/inspired about all the nourishing options still available. My struggle is that I’m coming off of a mostly vegan diet that I’ve been on all of my life and realizing that even with meat (salmon, chicken, and beef so far…eventually aiming for organ meats as well), my protein intake is only about half of what the cronometer & other sources suggest. This is really a shocking realization considering that this is the most meat I’ve consumed in years and I’m still below my targets.
    Any suggestions for upping the protein intake without overwhelming this former vegan? My dr. basically suggested (like the AIP food plan) to have 3oz per meal, but that its just so much meat in my life and I’m just not feeling ready to start my day with beef patties rather than the green smoothies I’m accustomed to….although I’m trying to build up to it.
    I’ve also noticed I’m much less hungry throughout the day (i’m sure because of the added animal protein), and max out at about 1400 calories – I’m not trying to gain weight, and ideally would lose some- but is that an OK calories point to be at? i.e. healthy/sustainable so long as I’m not hungry? I’m just used to running lighter (still 1500-1700+ daily calories) with more fresh salads and fruits and more constant snacking on nuts/grains so its quiet the adjustment to feel “meaty” if that makes sense to anyone…

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Emily,
      Coming from a Vegan diet it is totally understandable eating more meat slowly over time. You don’t need to make the transition all at once – I slowly ate more and more until I was eating more typical 4 and 5 oz portions. About the calories – that sounds VERY low. I don’t actually recommend counting as it can be stressful, and I also don’t recommend under-eating even if you are trying to lose weight. I would make sure to include lots of healthy fats in order to get those calories up and feel satiated. Hope it helps!

  • […] anything you might want to know about autoimmune diseases and AIP. In their post about weight loss, 10 Tips To Reach A Healthy Weight On The Autoimmune Protocol, the Autoimmune Wellness ladies take a deep dive on the science and many of the possible reasons […]

  • Chris says

    Hi Eileen great article and real useful advice thanks. A quick question. I have been losing weight approx 10 kg to date over the past 6-8 months. I train 3x week, eat pretty well Ibalance diet which contains fruit, good source of protein and carbs on days I train. At night I tend to stay on the salads and compliment this with either fish or a lean protein and veggies. My weight has vanished muscle has slowly wilted.which for some may be greatful yet for me being a male in my 40s who.wants to maintain it’s simply is depressing me seeing it drop away and the muscle. I couldn’t work out why till recently I walked in off the street nto a naturopath who diasnosed me with leaky gut after hearing my symptons and the recurring GERD I explained I had
    This too was accompanied with all the other associated problems such as bad constipation, belching, fatigue, weight loss and recently a white coated tongue and esophagus from the acid. My doctor who I visited complaining of my symptons on many occasions simply prescribed me a PPI and sent me on my way.
    Talk about aniexty…I must have googled my symptons a million times. As you could imagine I’ve become stressed from all this thinking I have the dreaded C..
    I visited my doctor again today (after 6 months) just to touch base on the throat given the white coating and weight loss. To be honest this is because I still on the back of my mind am.worried if I miss something I now I’m dealing with it through natural remedies.
    After seeing the doc and looking at my inflamed throat he ruled out candida. H-pylori
    I asked just in case given my naturopath indicated it may be a definitive problem that is usually linked to leaky gut.
    The result..the doc simply diagnosed me with GERD once more with acid reflux
    Guess what… PPI treatment is once again the answer with the bonus of Anti-depressants to reduce the symptoms and aniexty..Get that! more pills, what a great solution. I can probably see what his reasoning is by reducing the cortsol, yet Im only anxious because no one can give me a reason answer why I’m losing weight and still eating well.
    I contacted my naturopath after feeling bemused by the consult, she has given me the uptake to continue with my natural medication and drop the PPI’s . Fix the gut, this is the issue she remarked. Reading your article it bewilders me to see so many people living with such issues, it’s sad.and my heart goes out to you all. I’m reaching out because I’m hoping someone may be able to share some insight or may have experienced some of the same issues that I have mentioned. It seems your article pertaining to foods that produce inflammation may.be exactly something that I need to now look at to reduce the effect in order to heal my stomach. My weight loss I want to believe is from the leaky gut..I’m hoping this is the case otherwise it’s recommeded by the naturopath and the doc to get a colonoscopy and gastroscopy.
    It would be great if you can possibly assist me with good advice. Thanks Chris

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Chris! I’m so sorry to hear about what you are experiencing, I know it can be stressful seeking medical advice and not getting many answers or solutions. Unfortunately we aren’t doctors here, and can’t advise on medical issues. My suggestion is to take a look at our directory of trained practitioners at https://aipcertified.com, to see if there is someone who can help you both advocate for yourself with your medical team and brainstorm if there are any root causes to your case not being addressed. Good luck!

  • Carol says

    It has been a long journey to get here! Diagnosed with Hashimoto’s 13 years ago after being mis-diagnosed for several years. Many doctors along the way, but I finally found a functional medicine doctor to help – he actually gives out your cookbook Nutrient Dense Kitchen to new patients. I’ve been on AIP elimination for 90 days and feel better than I can remember in years and my energy level is amazing. Just started adding eggs this week, so far, so good. Weight is an issue for me having had an eating disorder after college and living in So. Cal where weight and size was everything. I’m happily in NH, living a low stress life now, but weight is a constant struggle. I have to remind myself every day that my first goal is to get healthy and weight loss will come in time and most likely slowly, though I am down close to 10 lbs. Thank you for all of the resources and the link to Cronometer it’s interesting to see the nutrient breakdown in what I eat and how balanced my selections are.

    • Mickey Trescott says

      Hi Carol! I am so happy to hear you are seeing a doctor who understands elimination diets and nutrient density! One of the things I work on with my clients who struggle with autoimmune-related weight loss resistance is the idea of “health before image.” It definitely sounds like you are on this track after your move and reframe, but I would definitely hone in on that motivation coming from how energetic and “good” you feel. Wishing you luck!

  • Heidi says

    Re the shake you mention: Went on the SCD Lifestyle website and it was just an advertisement, no recipe per se. Any Idea where I could find this?

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