The Blog

an archive containing hundreds of articles, recipes and other resources for implementing AIP and living well with autoimmune disease

The Blog

an archive containing hundreds of articles, recipes and other resources for implementing AIP and living well with autoimmune disease

Salty Mint Lemon Soda

  This year summer has been unusually hot everywhere in the US. Summer also means that you want to spend more time outdoors. Thus remaining hydrated is very important. Earlier this summer I had visited India and while visiting with some friends at a restaurant there everyone ordered the highly popular ‘sweet lemon soda’. I asked the waiter if he could make it salted instead. ...

Strawberry Harvest Salad

I’m not kidding when I say I wait anxiously all year for the teeny tiny sweet and juicy local strawberries to hit the local produce stands and farmers markets. I love these little berries so much I usually end up buying a flat a week. I incorporate them in to everything I can think of and stuff a ton of them straight into my mouth, ...

AIP Stories of Recovery: Laurane’s Recovery from Ankylosing Spondylitis

AIP Stories of Recovery is a success story series about regular people from the Autoimmune Protocol community who are changing their lives using the protocol. Each month a new person is featured and readers have the opportunity to discover all the different health challenges that are being overcome by folks just like themselves on the same path. At Autoimmune Paleo we hope you’ll be inspired by, ...

Crispy Cilantro Roasted Brussels

This is a delightful, easy way to cook one of my favorite Brassica family vegetables – Brussels sprouts! This recipe is a perfect reminder that cooking allergen-free does not need to be complicated or difficult. Batch-cook these roasted Brussels as your veggie side for the week or add it to a protein and salad for a weeknight dinner. Crispy Cilantro Roasted Brussels   Print Prep time ...

Autoimmune Flare Self-Care

You did it! After months of failures with autoimmune protocol (AIP) eliminations and the frustrations that come with it, you finally made it through to the reintroduction phase and have discovered your food triggers. You have gained a new appreciation for nourishing foods and your body because it can function better than it has in years. You feel like a new person and ready to ...

Pineapple Mango Smoothie Popsicles

Need a sweet treat to cool down from the heat? Made with only a few simple ingredients, these luscious pineapple mango smoothie pops make for the perfect summer treat for the whole family (I’ve personally tested, and they’re kid-approved). As an optional time saver, you can use thawed out frozen fruit. Pineapple Mango Smoothie Popsicles   Print Prep time 5 mins Cook time 5 hours ...

AIP Certified Coach is Back and Enrollment is Now Open!

As you all know, we work hard to produce resources to help you help yourselves. It’s no secret that our website, free guides, books, podcast, and social media presence are all focused on Do-It-Yourself empowered healing. But totally going it alone isn’t the answer either! What is lacking are healthcare providers who know about and can effectively integrate AIP into their practices to best serve ...

Instant Pot Ground Beef Curry

I like to always have some kind of ground meat in the freezer as it saves me some cooking time and is easy to rustle up something with it! In India, curries are typically made using big chunks of meat including bone-in meat pieces that impart great flavor to the curry. However, Kheema curry is also a popular dish in certain parts of the country ...